Mrs. Dumas’ Lesson Plans AP English Language and Composition Week of: February 17, 2014 o M O N D A Y T U E S D A Y W E D N E S D A Y T H U R S D A Y F R I D A Y Discuss Faulkner’s style (hand back imitation exercises) o Assign Thoreau exercises for homework o Skim over last week’s reading assignment; discuss o Homework: Go to Wiki and read chapter 1 in Language of Composition o **Shortened class due to 2-hour delay and homeroom time Discuss chapter 1 in Language of Composition Discuss “Salvation” (last week’s reading) Do writing suggestion # 1 connected with “Salvation” I can evaluate William Faulkner’s writing style I can understand adding details to my own writing I can evaluate Langston Hughes’ purpose in “Salvation” and how his rhetoric helps him achieve his purpose I can devise my own narrative of a childhood memory I can analyze the rhetoric in Frederick Douglass’ “Learning to Read and Write” and how it is used to achieve his purpose I can revise my own rhetorical analysis for a higher score Hand back Douglass rhetorical analyses Discuss common mistakes and what to do to increase scores Take 20 minutes to get with ONE partner and look over each others’ essays. Discuss what can be done to make improvements and how a new draft should be approached Take the remainder of class to revise your essay. You will turn this in by Friday for a re-score. Homework: Read chapter 2 in The Language of Composition (on the Wiki) o Discuss chapter 2 in The Language of Composition o Kennedy’s inaugural address – read and annotate. Then decide his purpose and identify the rhetorical devices he uses to achieve his purpose. Devise an outline and a thesis statement. o Individually, answer the questions attached to Kennedy’s address. I can analyze Kennedy’s purpose in his inaugural address and the rhetorical devices he uses to achieve this purpose o I can analyze Kennedy’s purpose in his inaugural address and the rhetorical devices he uses to achieve his purpose Collect rewrites for Douglass Write your rhetorical analysis for Kennedy’s inaugural address. You have the whole class period, so take your time on this one. This time, your score is your grade!!! Homework: Read “The Rattler” and answer questions