Snapshot of My Life: Autobiographical Photo Essay

Snapshot of My Life: Autobiographical Photo Essay Project
What is a photo essay? A photo essay is a collection of images that seek to tell a story
about a particular subject matter. Each image often contains a line or two that provides
insight into the meaning of each photo as it relates to the overall topic of the essay.
Ultimately you will be creating a slideshow that contains at least 15 images with 1 to 2
lines of text per image (Text can be original or quotations). If you choose to include
original text it should not simply be a description of what is happening or who is in the
picture. Instead, it the text should serve as a reflection or analysis of the actions or
emotions on which you want the audience to focus. This same thought process should be
used when trying to identify quotes. As always when using quotes please include the
Music is allowed, but not required. (Note: if you include music it has to enhance the
message and tone of the piece, not be included just because you like the song)
Your photo essay should have a compelling title that captures the essence of the message
and theme.
The photo essay will be worth 150 points total and will be evaluated based on how well it
meets the established criteria.
Due Dates:
Photo Essay Outline- Wednesday April 14, 2010 (A separate worksheet will be
Completed Photo Essay- Monday, April 19, 2010
What’s Your Angle? Choose one of the topics listed below to focus on
for your photo essay.
My Life As…
The purpose of this photo essay is to provide a glimpse into your life as it relates to a
particular aspect of your identity. It should unveil who you are as a (fill in the blank).
Below is simply a list of suggestions, you may choose any role.
A student
An Athlete
A daughter or son
A Musician
A Woman or Man
My Life So Far
The purpose of this photo essay is to highlight pivotal moments in your life so far.
Unlike the other options, most, if not all of the pictures in this essay will be photos that
have been taken in the past. The major task in composing the essay will be choosing
images and arranging them in a way that pieces together a picture of who you are today
based on the events that transpired in the past.
The World I See
The purpose of this photo essay is to show the audience how you see the world around
you. You may choose to tackle this from various angles: Nature, People & Society,
Political and Social Issues, Religion/Spirituality.
What’s your message?
What is the overall message that you are trying to convey about yourself and/or your life
through this collection of images? Keep in mind that each image should point to this
message so it is important that you are deliberate in your choices. Consider setting,
lighting, people, and color to be tools for creating mood or tone.
Work Schedule
You will have class time to upload and edit images and compose the photo essay, but you
are not limited to using the photo editing software at the school. If you need additional
time to work on your photo essay at home and have the software to do so you may,
however you must utilize the class time you have been allotted to work as well.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Analyzing Photo Essays
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Analyzing Photo Essays
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Photo Essay Outline
Spring Break!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Photo Essay Outline
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Photo Essay Outline
Wednesday April 14, 2010Friday, April 16, 2010
Photo Editing & Composition
Visit the links below to view the following photo stories and complete the analysis
Habitat for Humanity
Perspective Earth
Powerful Days in Black and White
Ali vs. Bingham
Time Magazine
Battlefield Priest:,29307,1970495,00.html
Valentine’s Day Comes to First Grade:,29307,1963859,00.html
What the World Eats Part 1:,29307,1626519,00.html
Choose one of images that stood out the most from each photo essay and analyze it by
answering the following questions:
Photo Story:___________________
Image # 1: ____________________
Behind the Lens-(Author)
Time Period/Event:
Overall Meaning/Message
How does the title of the Photo Story relate to the overall message?
Image Analysis- Use the form below to evaluate each image and organize your
presentation in a way that tells the story that you want.
Image # 1
Time Period/Event:
Rationale for choosing this image:
Caption: _______________________________________________________