by Edwin Arlington Robinson.
E. A. Arlington (1869 - 1935) was born in Miane in the U.S.A and wrote about small
town life in America. Robinson's poetry was realistic. He analyzed people and the
forces that moved them to success and failure.
How does the poet express the following?
from head to toe __________________________________
modestly dressed __________________________________
he stood out from the crowd __________________________________
we did not have enough to eat
1. Write down the words and phrases that describe what Richard Cory looked like.
2. What are the facts of the story told in the poem? Write a brief newspaper article
about the facts as it might appear in a newspaper.
3. How did Richard Cory dress and behave?
How did the people of the town react to him? Give quotes to show your point
What does the poet mean when he says " fluttered pulses"?
6. Write down the lines that sum up why the people of the town envied Richard Cory.
4. How were the townspeople mistaken about Richard Cory?
5. What may have been the reasons that made Richard Cory commit suicide?
6. Why does the last line come as such a surprise?
Sometimes when we talk to each other, we pay attention to how something is said and
not what is said. In poetry, we call this tone. Tone is one way for the poet to show his
attitude toward his subject.
7. How would you describe the tone of this poem? What is the attitude of the poet to
Richard Cory during his lifetime and does it change after Richard's death?