Corporate & Clinical Governance Committee

Wirral GPCC Patient Council Minutes
Tuesday 22nd January 2013, 6.30pm
Ground Floor Meeting Room, Old Market House
Eddy Shallcross
Dr Abhi Mantgani
Dr John Oates
Kerry Hogan
Arthur Waller (MBE, JP)
Peter Huston
Eryl Hoskins
Kevin Donovan
Harry Parsonage
Peter Hunt
Keith Heller
Mike Thomason
Helen Rae
Kevin Sharkey
Michael Dainty
Barbara Halsall
Esther McGaw
David McGaw
Patient representative, Miriam Medical Centre
Executive Clinical Lead, WGPCC
Commissioning and Engagement Support Manager,
Patient representative, Parkfield Medical Centre (R)
Patient representative, Moreton Group Practice
Patient representative, Devaney Medical Centre
Patient representative, Virtual Patient Council
Patient representative, Miriam Medical Centre
Patient representative, Upton Group Practice
Patient representative, Holmlands Medical Centre
Patient representative, Townfield Health Centre
Patient representative, Kings Lane Medical Centre
Patient representative, Church Road Medical Centre
Patient representative, Earlston Road Surgery
Patient representative, Parkfield Medical Centre
Patient representative, Blackheath Medical Centre
Patient representative, Blackheath Medical Centre
In attendance
Gary Doherty
Chief Operating Officer, Wirral University Teaching
Agenda Note
Welcome and Introductions
ES welcomed all members to the meeting.
Apologies were received from Christine Campbell (Chief Officer (Acting), WGPCC), Sam
Saminaden (Patient representative, Whetstone Lane Surgery), Erica Allen (Patient
representative, Blackheath Medical Centre), Peter McQueen (Patient representative, Upton
Group Practice) and Julie Hawthorne ( Patient representative, Moreton Medical Centre)
Minutes of Previous Meeting and Action Points
The minutes of the previous meeting, held on 13th November 2012, were agreed as a true
and accurate record.
Matters Arising from Previous Meeting
AW enquired about the progress of the Over-65s Health Check Scheme. AM explained
that the Over-65s assessment template has been installed on all WGPCC member practice
clinical systems. However, Synergy practices are experiencing technical issues with the
template. It was noted that within one practice, the uptake of the Over-65s assessment was
reported to be 85%.
Patient Council members were also informed that the Over-65s scheme has supported
early diagnosis of dementia and signposting to services. If successful, it is possible that
the scheme may be rolled out to other practices on the Wirral.
PH asked for clarification regarding the rationale for the planned WGPCC Missed
Appointments/Did Not Attend (DNA) pilot campaign to be launched in February 2013.
KH informed members that the campaign had been developed in response to Patient
Council feedback in May 2012, where a lengthy discussion had taken place around the
number of appointments that were wasted due to patients failing to attend.
KH explained that an Extraordinary Patient Council meeting had been held on the 17th
December 2012 to test the key messages included in the communication materials
developed to support the campaign (poster, leaflet and appointment card) and that
materials had since been revised to reflect feedback from Patient Council members.
AM also confirmed that the biggest complaint NHS Wirral has received in the past, has
been in relation to access to GP appointments. This is largely affected by missed
appointments/DNAs. Therefore, the campaign will benefit patients, by ensuring that those
in need of an appointment are seen.
KH provided an update on the Clatterbridge Cancer Centre consultation, informing
members that the consultation is due to take place in the autumn of 2013.
During the previous Patient Council meeting, AM explained that there had been a number
of incidences at A&E (Arrowe Park Hospital) where patients were being asked to pursue a
legal claim for negligence. GD agreed to investigate this and will discuss this issue with
A&E staff.
Action: GD to discuss the issue of legal firms pursuing claims for negligence within
A&E with A&E staff.
Action: Patient Council members to raise any incidences with GD.
Wirral University Teaching Hospital – Question and Answer Session
During a recent Patient Council Executive Board meeting, members suggested that they
would really value the opportunity to invite senior representatives from Wirral University
Teaching Hospital (WUTH) to attend a future Patient Council meeting, to find out more
about the services WUTH offers, and to provide any feedback or ideas regarding the
services in place. A letter had been sent to Patient Council members to confirm that Gary
Doherty, Chief Operating Officer of WUTH will be attending the meeting on the 22nd January
2013. Members were asked to provide questions in advance of the meeting where
possible. The following responses were provided by Gary Doherty (GD) to questions
1. How will WUTH maximise public and professional involvement?
As a Foundation Trust, WUTH has a membership scheme (includes both public and
staff members) to enable local people to have a say in how WUTH is run and to vote for
governors to represent them. Elections are held to select governors to support with for
example, planning (e.g. verification of Chief Executive positions) and Trust performance.
Condition specific groups are held with members of the public to explore patient
experiences of WUTH services and to support service improvement where required.
These groups have also assisted with the appointment of new doctors (e.g. to the
Women and Children’s Service).
Patient feedback is obtained through structured questionnaires.
Staff feedback is obtained through elected staff governors, Trade Unions, frontline staff
(e.g. ask the Chief Executive questions), ward rounds and through a system of clinical
leadership (i.e. WUTH doctors in management roles).
Through Freedom of Information Requests (FOI).
2. How will WUTH support the overwhelming desire of the public and health
professionals for a public and national health service which is funded from
taxation and free at the point of need?
AM informed members that all services provided to Wirral patients are NHS services,
i.e. free at the point of access.
3. Clinical Commissioning Groups around the country are being asked to sign a
‘pledge’ to protect the NHS. Can we ask WUTH to support the aims of the pledge?
GD explained that the upcoming challenge for WUTH will be to provide a good service
to support the Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group.
4. Is Mr Doherty confident that the recent changes in senior management at Arrowe
Park Hospital, will support improvement in WUTH services?
GD explained that there have been recent changes in the WUTH Trust Board and is
confident of all appointments. GD requested further clarity regarding this question.
5. Could Mr Doherty confirm whether Alyssa's Cause is a charity at Maternity/APH to
provide the correct food for babies over 4 months?
MD provided further clarity regarding the question raised, confirming that the charity is
related to food for babies and that a well-known supermarket is providing customers
with tokens to donate to a choice of charities, including ‘Alyssa’s Cause’.
GD to check whether donations are going to the maternity unity at Arrowe Park Hospital.
GD informed members that WUTH works with a number of charities (e.g. to help to buy
6. The standard of food provided by WUTH to patients varies. Therefore, can Mr
Doherty confirm whether the caterers have changed in the past few years and is
the food cooked on- site?"
GD confirmed that there has been no change in the caterers. However, changes have
been made to suppliers, to ensure that the standard of produce and value for money is
as high as it can be.
GD informed members that feedback regarding the standard of food has generally been
good, with WUTH receiving commendations by the Council and League of Friends.
Positive feedback has also been provided by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
7. Is it possible to change the name of the Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) for the
Dying Patient to localise the pathway?
GD explained that the pathway is recognised throughout the NHS as the LCP and that
the purpose is to enable both patients and family members to make decisions about
future care.
Members were informed that a Care of the Elderly Service has been set up on the
Wirral, which supports patients and families with advanced care planning (i.e. to
support patients to remain in their preferred place of care).
8. Could Mr Doherty confirm what happens with the car park revenue of the
GD agreed to provide a breakdown of car parking costs and income analysis. If Patient
Council members have any queries, members should contact David Hounslea, Director
of Estates & Facilities on 0151 482 7791.
GD confirmed that due to limited parking spaces at Arrowe Park Hospital, WUTH
subsidise the Park and Ride for patients to travel to the hospital site.
GD also informed members, that it is the intention of WUTH to move services where
appropriate to the St Catherine’s site, such as Gynaecology; Ophthalmology; Diabetes
during 2013 to reduce the pressure on the Arrowe Park site.
AW asked GD whether WUTH review weather bulletins to help predict the levels of
emergency admissions. GD explained that emergency activity is reviewed on a daily basis
and the use of predictive modeling enables WUTH to forecast patient numbers.
A question was raised regarding delays with dispensing ‘to take home’ medication. GD
explained the process for dispensing ‘to take home’ medication involves inputting
prescribed medication onto the hospital system; checking for errors on patient discharge
letters and signing-off of prescriptions. Delays at any stage may result in patients waiting
longer than expected. GD also confirmed that patients are only asked to wait in the
discharge lounge once their prescription has been entered onto the hospital system.
DM fed back that he finds the WUTH Cardiology Department to be excellent. However, DM
raised concern about the size of the waiting room area in the Ophthalmology Department at
Arrowe Park Hospital. GD confirmed that £100,000 has been invested into the department
recently and that part of the Ophthalmology Department is likely to be relocated to St
Catherine’s, which will address this issue.
GD informed members that in order to address the issue of missed clinic appointments,
WUTH have introduced a system of telephoning patients for appointment reminders.
WUTH have found telephone reminders more effective, due to the immediate feedback
provided from patients.
Action: GD to explore the issue regarding anonymity in relation to patient feedback
through structured questionnaires.
Action: KH to provide further clarity regarding question 4.
Action: GD to explore question 5 further.
Action: GD to share results of the WUTH missed appointments campaign.
Wirral GPCC Draft Communications and Engagement Strategy, 2013-14
KH explained to members that a draft Communications and Engagement Strategy has been
produced for Wirral GPCC. Patient Council members were asked to provide feedback to KH
regarding the strategy, circulated to members prior to the meeting.
AW asked whether training could be made available to Patient Council members to enable
members to construct feedback to Wirral GPCC effectively as and when required.
Action: Patient Council members to feedback comments to KH regarding the Wirral
GPCC Communications and Engagement Strategy.
Action: KH to explore the question regarding training.
Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Update, Dr Mantgani/Dr Oates
AM informed members that the authorisation visit held in December 2012 went well. The
CCG has been assessed against 119 authorisation criteria, with the majority of areas
assessed as green either prior to the visit or on the day. To address the remaining red
areas, Wirral CCG will be producing a Strategic Plan, which will go out to consultation.
AM explained that Wirral CCG budget allocation has been secured for the next couple of
years, which puts the CCG in a good position to continue to commission services to support
the Wirral population.
JO confirmed that the Wirral GPCC are in the process of reviewing its Constitution and
wish to invite an additional member of the public to be on the Wirral GPCC Executive
JO informed the Patient Council that the Wirral CCG is inviting members of the public to be
a patient representative on the Wirral CCG Audit Committee. If members of the Patient
Council are interested in the role, members should contact James Kay (Interim Lay Advisor
for Wirral CCG).
An update was provided on patient and public engagement:
 A newsletter will be sent to households, registered with a Wirral GPCC member
practice, highlighting achievements to date, including patient engagement.
 A Wirral CCG advertorial will also be produced, detailing the achievements of the
three Consortia on the Wirral.
 The development of a “Your Health Guide to Wirral” is underway, providing a fifteen
page guide on services available.
Local Authority Budget Options
Patient Council members were informed that the Local Authority has produced a range of
options to address savings to be made over the next three years. Members can view the
options on the Local Authority website. Public consultation is open until 5.00pm on January
31st 2013. Wirral CCG will also be assessing the impact of the options on health services.
Any Other Business
No further business was discussed.
Date and Time of Next Meeting
The next meeting is due to take place on the 12th March 2013, 6:30pm, Ground Floor
meeting rooms, Old Market House.