Literary Essay Student Packet

Writer’s Workshop:
Literary Analysis Paper
Name: _______________________________________
What is a Literary paper??
Name: ________________________________________________________ Block: _______
Flowers for Algernon – by Daniel Keyes
Literary Paper
Literary Essay Assignment
After reading Flowers for Algernon, prove that Daniel Keyes
presents his main character and the themes of his story
through the use of specific literary techniques and style. .
Develop a clear thesis statement.
Use the Writing Process to develop a prewrite, rough draft with
revision, and final copy.
Determine Keyes’s unique use of literary technique.
Use specific examples from the text to prove your thesis and use of
literary techniques.
Use multiple body paragraphs.
Include 2 passages from the text for reference with several sentences
of analysis of the passage.
Internally/parenthetically cite your passages.
Include a Works Cited for the novel.
Due Dates:
Passage for Body Paragraph 2
A lead in to the passage
The passage in quotations marks
Citation (see parenthetical
2 sentences to describe the quote
and the reasons for the use of the
In other words _______________.
Keyes uses ____ in this passage to
Final product:
Passage for Body Paragraph 3
A lead in to the passage
The passage in quotations marks
Citation (see parenthetical
2 sentences to describe the quote
and the reasons for the use of the
In other words _______________.
Keyes uses ____ in this passage to
Final product:
Essay Outline
Hook/Opening Sentence:
Background information:
Thesis (titles/author + argumentative point/how to prove the historical information is connected
to the story):
Body Paragraph 1:
Topic Sentence:
Detail (passage with citation?):
Detail (passage with citation?):
Connection to thesis/Transition:
Body Paragraph 2:
Topic Sentence:
Detail (passage with citation?):
Detail (passage with citation?):
Connection to thesis/Transition:
Body Paragraph 3:
Topic Sentence:
Detail (passage with citation?):
Detail (passage with citation?):
Connection to thesis/Transition:
“Bring us back around” sentence:
Re-developed thesis:
New thought (How does this affect us Americans today?)
Thesis Writing:
Prepositional Phrase
One can clearly see
Limited Topic
Flannery O’Connor’s
theme of
Specific Stand
* what you will use
to prove your point
in your body paragraphs
present in the
characterization of the
grandmother and the
How you will prove it
in “A Good Man is
Hard to Find”
Thesis: One can clearly see that
Flannery O’Connor’s theme
of redemption present in the
characterization of the
grandmother and the misfit
in “A Good Man is Hard to
Thesis Statements
You need to include a prepositional phrase.
You need to include a limited topic.
You need to have a specific stand (assertion).
You need to explain what text you will use to prove it.
It’s all a puzzle. Write the pieces above on the puzzle pieces below. When you are
done, cut them out.
Correct Passage Analysis in a Paragraph:
The point of adding a passage and passage analysis in an essay is to continue to connect your
focus (thesis) to the literature. It is important that you prove that thesis through your literature by giving direct
examples. In adding a passage and passage analysis, you are giving direct examples and your reader can
understand how you drew the connection.
What part of the body paragraph am I talking about???
Simple Body Paragraph Outline:
1. Topic Sentence
2. Background information and furthered explanation
3. Passage – Where you will add the quote. There needs to be 3 parts to this sentence. See below.
4. Passage analysis
5. Connection drawn to thesis statement
Today, this is all I am
talking about!
Requirements of adding a passage and analysis:
Now that we know how to find a passage and where to put it, we need to practice writing it correctly. Each
passage of analysis should include:
 A lead in to the passage
One Sentence
 The passage in quotations marks
 Citation (see parenthetical citation).
 Another sentence of analysis of passage.
Second Sentence
Example of parts:
A lead in to the passage
The passage in quotations marks
Charlie states in his very last progress
“P.S. please if you get a chanse put some
flowers on Algernons grave in the bak yard”
(Keyes 311).
Citation (see parenthetical
In other words, Charlie is demonstrating a
2 sentences to describe the
quote and the reasons for the use sincere bond with Algernon by asking that he
be remembered for his contribution to
of the quote.
science. Keyes uses this dialogue from
Charlie’s report to suggest that Charlie is
the only one who can truly understand life
the way he does.
Charlie states in his very last progress
Final product:
report, “P.S. please if you get a chanse put
some flowers on Algernons grave in the bak
yard” (Keyes 311). In other words, Charlie
is demonstrating a sincere bond with
Algernon by asking that he be remembered for
his contribution to science. Keyes uses
this dialogue from Charlie’s report to imply
that Charlie is the only one who can truly
understand life the way he does.
Note: This is not a complete paragraph. This is merely 2 sentences
within the body paragraph. Your topic sentences will need to be
developed before a passage is added. There will also need to be several
sentences afterward.
Example Body Paragraph based on Passage Collection Prewrite:
Keyes presents Charlie’s Human condition through the use of the
symbol of Algernon.
While Algernon is merely a mouse, Charlie
connects with Algernon from the start.
Sharing in the same surgery,
Algernon’s experiences reflect the future of Charlie as well.
reader is able to see the foreshadow present in this symbol, but can
comprehend a deeper technique present in Algernon.
For example, as
the story progresses Charlie comes face to face with his Human
Condition, questioning whether life is about feeling sorry for himself
or about making the most of his situation for the sake of others
before he returns to his original IQ.
The present connection is
strong between Charlie and Algernon, and it is Keyes’s intention to
make that clear.
To further explain, Charlie states in his very last
progress report, “P.S. please if you get a chanse put some flowers on
Algernons grave in the bak yard” (Keyes 311).
In other words, Charlie
is demonstrating a sincere bond with Algernon by asking that he be
remembered for his contribution to science.
Keyes uses this dialogue
from Charlie’s report to imply that Charlie is the only one who can
truly understand life the way he does.
The reference to the recurring
symbol of Algernon is strong to the very last moment of the story,
suggesting to the reader that Charlie’s Human Condition and view on
life is a direct result of his experiences with Algernon.
Your Turn:
*Directions: Read the following poem. Create a Passage Collection Prewrite on the given topic,
and write a body paragraph.
A Work of Artiface
By Marge Piercy; 1982
The bonsai tree
in the attractive pot
could have gown eighty feet tall
on the side of a mountain
till split by lightening.
But a gardener
Carefully pruned it.
It is nine inches high.
Every day as he
Whittles back the branches
the gardener croons,
It is your nature
to be small and cosy,
domestic and weak;
how lucky, the little tree,
to have a pot to grow in.
With living creatures
one must begin very early
to dwarf their growth:
the bound feet,
the crippled brain,
the hair in curlers,
the hands you
love to touch.
Your turn:
A lead in to the passage
The passage in quotations marks
Citation (see parenthetical
2 sentences to describe the quote
and the reasons for the use of the
In other words _______________.
Keyes uses ____ in this passage to
Final product:
Write your paragraph here:
Parenthetical Citation:
It is important to include information directly copied from the text in
order to prove a point. The comment (quote of note) you choose from
the text must fully support your thesis statement. Picking that comment
can be difficult, but it must continue to make a point. Choosing a
comment that is too broad, taken out of context (it doesn’t really support
your thesis, but you try to make it fit by making the words mean
something else), or are random do not support your thesis make the
whole essay seem weak. Here are some tips to get you started:
1. Work on your thesis first. You need to know what you want to prove, and
how you will do it before you pick those comments (quotes of note).
2. Know what each body paragraph is going to be about. Coming up with a
preliminary “sketch” (outline) of your paragraphs will help direct you to pick
supportive comments.
3. Before you write the paragraph, choose the comment. Be sure to narrow a
paragraph down to a specific sentence (maybe two) that gets at the heart of
the point).
4. Copy down the page number, and be sure to copy the comment down
5. Write a sentence or two explaining that comment that you can later insert
into the paragraph. This will save you a headache later.
6. Always check back to your thesis to be sure that your comment will support
the thesis.
What is parenthetical citation?
Parenthetical citation is a method for citing (making reference) to the fact that you
have copied that comment from a text, and where exactly one could find it.
Charlie states in his very last
progress report, “P.S. please if
you get a chanse put some flowers
on Algernons grave in the bak yard”
(Keyes 311).
MLA Style Parenthetical Citation
There are several ways to do this…
1. You have not mentioned the author’s name or page number in the sentence.
 What to do?
Include both in parenthetical citation.
 Example:
This theme can be seen in the quote, “Everyone has a little touch of space the first time
out” (Bradbury 109).
2. You have mentioned the author’s name (even if it is somewhere in the
paragraph), but not the page number.
 What to do?
Include the page number only in the parenthetical citation.
 Example:
This theme can be seen in Bradbury’s character’s comment, “Everyone has a little touch
of space the first time out” (109).
3. You have mentioned both the author’s name and the page number.
 What to do?
Well, you’re off the hook. Be sure, though, that you are mixing the methods
up for each comment you add to your writing. I am expecting you to try at
least one parenthetical citation from above.
 Example:
This theme can be seen on page 109 as Bradbury has his character say, “Everyone has
a little touch of space the first time out.”
Note: You will need a Works Cited to go along with your paper. In class I will show
you a nifty website that will write the bibliography for you. This website it
also available on my school website.
What’s the importance of having a Works Cited?