
Lamar 1
Young Goodman Brown
Everyone looks at the news of a fallen leader with both amusement and distaste.
A broken marriage becomes a conversation piece instead of a tragedy when leaders are
involved. Trials become dramas in which radio audiences call in to proclaim their guilty
verdicts. What happens when the scandal on the screen matches the scandal in the
mirror? Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown” examines the conflict between
good and evil that dwells in humanity by using setting, symbolism, and character.
“Young Goodman Brown” examines the conflict between good and evil that
dwells in humanity by using setting. The narrator says that Goodman Brown “had taken a
dreary road, darkened by the all the gloomiest trees of the forest, which barely stood
aside to let the narrow path creep through, and closed behind” (Hawthorne 309). A road
is a place of progression. However, the narrator describes the road in a negative manner.
This says that something is progressing in a negative manner. This is confusing to the
main character because although something is progressing it may be progressing in the
wrong direction. This is evident because eventually Goodman Brown finds himself “by
the blaze of the hell-kindled torches” (317). Trees are strong. The trees are blocking the
road. The trees are a stronghold that blocks progression. This is the conflict between good
and evil. Sometimes there is a block in the way of morality. Sometimes there is a block in
the way of evil. The problem is they both look the same, like trees.
“Young Goodman Brown” examines the conflict between good and evil that
dwells in humanity by using symbolism. Goodman Brown’s wife is Faith. This is
important because it symbolizes his lifelong commitment to his faith. It also symbolizes
the intimacy Goodman Brown has with his Faith. Faith wears “pink ribbons” (309). This
is important because it is a mixture between two colors. The two colors represent good
and evil. Goodman Brown struggles to commit and love his faith while dealing with all
the mixes of evil that attaches itself to his faith.
Goodman Brown’s name is also a form of symbolism. His first name implies that
he is a decent man. Brown is a color in the middle of black and white. Black symbolizes
evil. White symbolizes good. Brown is in the middle. This means that Goodman Brown
himself had as much evil in himself as good. Goodman Brown is not great nor horrible,
simply good.
“Young Goodman Brown” examines the conflict between good and evil that
dwells in humanity by using character. Goodman Brown is a round character because he
is loving and thoughtful at the beginning of the story and becomes bitter and reserved at
the end. This exemplifies the conflict of good versus evil because of the character traits.
At the beginning of the story, Goodman Brown and his wife Faith share a happy loving
marriage. This is because he kisses her and she begs him not to leave the house. He also
shows his affection by calling her his “love”(309). At the end of the story, Goodman
Brown is not the same affectionate man. He is “stern, sad, a darkly meditative” man
(318). Instead of giving her affectionate kisses, he “gazed sternly at his wife, and turned
away.” This is one of the clearest pictures of good versus evil in the entire story.
“Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne is an excellent examination
of conflict between good and evil. He does it through extensive methods. However, using
setting, symbolism, and character are among the most effective and captivating methods.
The most captivating part of the short story is its universality. Everyone can relate to
feeling at least somewhat moral. Just as soon as that happens, like Goodman Brown,
frustration, shame, and guilt are new companions because life shows humans that are not
perfect. Goodman Brown teaches that good will always conflict with evil. Goodman
Brown also teaches that good living silently with evil only creates bitterness.