Marcus Granfors 28049 Special engelska K2 gr1 Film essay: Dead

Marcus Granfors 28049
Special engelska
K2 gr1
Film essay:
Dead poets society
The first thing I liked about the film was that Mr. Keating the teacher in the film was just
the kind of a teacher that I would enjoy to have teaching my.
Mr. Keating is I kind of teacher that takes notice of every student, and trough humor and
fun he got the kids to like him and the way he taught very much. The kids were not use to
have a teacher making a fool of him self in class and ripping pages out of books as they
did whit Mr. Keating in the beginning of the film. Mr. Keating became these pupils
friend. They could come and talk to him after class and he inspired the pupils to stand up
fore them selves and learn new things by thinking for them selves.
The other teachers was very old fashioned in there way of teaching. They lived and
taught by the old school’s spirit. They were very keen to keep the old traditions of the
school alive. The school vas a very popular school fore boys how was very talented and
good I school. Mr. Keating him self did attend the school before as a young boy. That
may have been a reason way Mr. Keating wanted to change the way of teaching in that
The reason why Mr. Keating tried to change the way of teaching in the school was
perhaps because he him self attended the school and was now trying to get the kids to do
things and think things that he did not do when he attended the same school. He knew
perhaps what kind of education the young pupils would need and like.
And I could clearly see that the pupils needed this kind of teaching. The other teacher
wanted the pupils to read and learn everything by heart. They were under constant press
and the only thing they had time to do in their spear time was reading. A thing I noticed
pretty quickly was that the kids needed somebody to talk to, an adult that could help the
whit their problems. The school was a private school and the kids did not get a chance to
see their parents that much. Mr. Keating was just that adult they needed, and they trusted
It was interesting to watch this film and compare the way they taught in the film that was
filmed to take place in 1950s and they way we teach today. There were many things in
Mr. Keating way of teaching that I could relate to. He taught in a very modern way.
Many things have changed in the way of teaching since the 1950s and it is good to know
that teaching has developed since the 1950s.
Mr. Keating did not fit in at this school because his way if thinking. The other teachers
soon found out about his strange ways of teaching and just waited for the right time to
fire him.
The chance came when one of Mr. Keating students named Neil got in trouble whit his
father and killed himself. Neil was a talented boy how did great in school and should
have had a brilliant future in head of him. Neil had one problem his father was almost
like an dictator how told Neil exactly what to do. And his father had already decided that
Neil is going to finish medical school and until then Neil was going to do as his father old
him. Neil did not have a chance to follow his dreams as Mr. Keating taught him to do.
Nobody understanded how serious it was before Neil killed himself in the end of the
The other teachers blamed Mr. Keating for teaching the boys to stand up for them selves
and follow their dreams. This was just what they had waited for so they could fire Mr.
All that happened affected the students very hard. They knew about the problems Neil
had had, but they never thought it would come to this. The students did know one thing
that it was not Mr. Keating fault in the end.
I have seen the film many times and I think it is good every time I watch it. It is as a
teacher interesting to se and observe the way that Mr. Keating teaches and I learned a lot
from the film. The film Is pointing out how important it is to have a good relationship
between the home and the school. Young students need to have the support from home
and from school. I think it is very important to talk with the students about their feelings
so you can as a teacher help them if something is wrong.
And o couple of things that I learned by watching this film is to teach the students to sees
the day! To get the students to live out their dreams and follow their hearts.
The film was o great lesson for me.