Viaene 1 Kayla Viaene Mr. Becker Honors 10 English 5 September 2011 Character Map / Sociogram Tim O’Brien – He is the narrator and protagonist in the novel. Twenty years after he was in the Vietnam War, Tim O’Brien expresses his emotions and his journeys he experienced throughout the time of the war through this marvel of storytelling, The Things They Carried. He tries to justify all of the things he did in the war while working through his guilt of several friends dieing and killing a man. Jimmy Cross – He is the lieutenant of the Alpha Company, held responsible for all of the men in the group, including Tim O’Brien. Throughout his time in Vietnam, Jimmy Cross is so preoccupied by his love for Martha that he is blind folded towards his fallen comrades. He is then left with the long-lasting guilt towards his lack of better judgment over the unnecessary deaths of Ted Lavender and Kiowa. Mitchell Sanders – He is a friend and powerful influence on the narrator, Tim O’Brien. Mitchell Sanders is the Radio Telephone Operator (RTO) for the Alpha Company. He is a friendly, likeable guy that is obsessed with the truth and morals about everything that surpasses him in the war. He plays a large part in Tim O’Brien’s ability to comprehend and write stories. Kiowa – He was Tim O’Brien’s closest friend in the Vietnam War. Kiowa is a Christian that embraces his religion, always carrying around a New Testament, but does Viaene 2 not force it onto other people. Later, Kiowa, due to an unfortunate mistake, drowns in a sewage field. Kiowa’s death puts more of an impression on the men than when he was alive, making them realize that war is cruel and unfair. Norman Bowker – He is a gentle character throughout the war that is first introduced as somewhat of a thumb collector. Norman Bowker is pressured by his dad to receive medals from being in the war and tries to prove to his dad, when he returns from the war, that he almost got the Silver medal. After the war, he is so deeply traumatized that he tries to relieve himself through writing a letter to Tim O’Brien about the war expressing his views and opinions on what they experienced. Later, he commits suicide using a jump rope. Henry Dobbins – Being a gentle giant, he is the machine gunner for Tim O’Brien’s group. He is known for wearing his girlfriend’s pantyhose around his neck for good luck. Henry Dobbins is a simple, decent man that is incapable of being an enemy towards the civilians in Vietnam. Bob “Rat” Kiley – He is the medic in the group known for carrying around comic books and M&M’s. Rat Kiley helps out Tim O’Brien tremendously the first time he gets shot. Surrendering to the elements and events in the war, Rat Kiley eventually shoots his toe in order to be relieved of his military duties. Curt Lemon – He is an immature, young man that seems to be incapable of understanding the true danger of war. Curt Lemon is Rat Kiley’s best friend that carelessly is killed while playing with smoke grenades. Tim O’Brien, though not friends with Curt Lemon, contemplates the sadness and unintentional death of him throughout his writing. Viaene 3 Ted Lavender – He is a scared soldier that takes tranquillizers and smokes marijuana to ease his tension. Ted Lavender is the first character to die in the book, which leaves a lasting impression on all of the men, including Tim O’Brien. Lee Strunk – He is a cocky soldier that makes enemies with Dave Jensen. When Lee Strunk steals Dave Jensen’s jackknife they get into a fight resulting in Lee getting his nose broken. After that fight the two of them become friends and promise to kill each other if either of them became crippled from the war (the promise is later broken). This interesting promise shows Tim O’Brien the difference between fantasy and reality in the heat of war. Dave Jensen – He is another cocky character who injures himself to apologize for breaking Lee Strunk’s nose. After breaking his promise to Lee Strunk, he is relieved by Lee Stunk’s death. Dave Jenson’s reaction to Lee Strunk’s death shows Tim O’Brien the illustration of the perspective soldiers are forced to assume. Azar – He is an unsympathetic soldier who is cruel and unusual throughout his time in the war. He later makes a miraculous turn around in character when he is forced to find Kiowa’s dead body in the sewage field. This shows Tim O’Brien that some cruel people are capable of good things. Bobby Jorgenson – He is the replacement medic when Rat Kiley is injured. The second time Tim O’Brien is shot Bobby Jorgenson does not help him, out of shock, which causes Tim O’Brien’s plot for revenge against the medic. Bobby Jorgenson later apologizes to him and helps to heal Tim O’Brien’s wound. Viaene 4 Elroy Berdahl - He is the owner of the Tip Top Lodge on the Rainy River. Elroy Berdahl is a quiet, father-like figure that helps Tim O’Brien to decide whether to escape to Canada or get drafted to the war. Kathleen – She is Tim O’Brien’s uneducated daughter. She asks her father whether he has ever killed anyone, forcing him to lie to her to protect her innocence towards him. This question leads Tim O’Brien to try to educate her about his time in the war. Mary Anne Bell – She is Mark Foosie’s high school sweetheart. When she arrives to the Vietnam War her personality is altered as she dwindles away from Mark Fossie and begins to hang with the Green Berets. Mary Anne Bell is eventually known to have disappeared in the darkness of the forest. Tim O’Brien compares the difference between Mary Anne Bell and the other lover of the rest of the men. Mark Fossie – He is a medic in a different group of soldiers than the Alpha Company. Mark Fossie’s heart is crushed when he comes to realize that the girl he wishes to marry, Mary Anne Bell, would rather be invested in the war. This shows Tim O’Brien the complexity of love. Linda – She is Tim O’Brien’s first love who tragically dies of a brain tumor when they are both in fifth grade. She is Tim O’Brien’s first experience with death and he learns to keep peoples’ memory alive through storytelling.