Week of 2/4/13 - Mr. Hickey`s Website

Daily Lesson Plans
Subject: English 3CP
Name: Sean Hickey
Period(s): 2B, 3B
Date – Week ending: 2/8/13
Objective: Students will be able to:
 Interpret ambiguous passages and provide citations from the text to
back up their assertions.
 Identify Gothic elements in “The Outsider.”
 Closely read and answer multiple-choice and open-ended questions on
a sample HSPA reading passage.
 Evaluate the rationale and the effects of labeling individuals as
 1) Reading check quiz on H.P. Lovecraft’s “The Outsider.”
 Students who did not read and will be taking a zero should begin
skimming now.
2) While students are taking the quiz, check extra credit work on
“Dagon” from those who read it.
3) Discuss “The Outsider.”
What is the meaning of the title? What makes someone “an outsider”?
What is strange about the story?
Identify Gothic elements.
What do you imagine the narrator looks like? How did he become who
he is?
4) Students who read “Dagon” will describe it to the class and compare
it to “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.”
5) Quack! Unit 5 Review.
6) HSPA Prep – Frankenstein reading passage + multiple choice and
open-ended questions.
7) Review answers. Students will score each other’s multiple choice
8) Connect the experience of “Frankenstein’s monster” to that of “The
Homework: Study for cumulative vocab quiz next class.
Materials/Technology: Projector.
 H.P. Lovecraft packet.
 More Quack! DVD.
 Frankenstein HSPA packet.
Assignment: Study for vocab quiz.
 Reading check quiz.
 Class discussion.
 HSPA reading passage.
Objective: Students will be able to:
 Define SAT vocabulary words.
 Critically analyze and appraise an article and video on a scientific study.
 Interpret passages and summarize the main points of an article.
 Make connections between a non-fiction article and stories read for
 Interpret ambiguous passages and provide citations from the text to
back up their assertions.
 1) Quack! Unit 6 quiz.
2) When finished, students will begin reading “Babies help unlock the
origins of morality.”
3) Students will answer HSPA-style multiple-choice questions about the
4) Review answers to the questions and discuss article.
What are its main claims?
What application does this have to what we have been reading?
(Morality – “Rime.” Hatred towards what is different – “The Outsider,”
Critical analysis of the study. Should we accept its claims? View a clip
from the show featuring video of the studies.
5) Introduce Flannery O’Connor, her beliefs, and her writing.
6) Begin reading “A Good Man is Hard to Find,” a story featuring “The
Misfit” and providing food for thought in considering morality and
Alert students to the fact that the story contains racial slurs, but just
like in Huck Finn, the author’s intent must be determined, and the
sections in question provide analytical opportunity.
Homework: Finish reading “A Good Man is Hard to Find” and
write a one-paragraph personal response to the story. It may
include questions, theories, likes or dislikes.
Materials/Technology: Projector.
 Textbooks.
 Unit 5 cumulative Vocab quiz.
 Article copies.
 Copies of “A Good Man is Hard to Find.”
Assignment: Finish reading “A Good Man is Hard to Find” and write a oneparagraph personal response to the story.
 Vocab quiz.
 Article multiple-choice questions.
 Class discussion.