James Baldwin Essay Analysis Form “Essay Title”: Name: On time and thoughtfully complete (95-100) Late, but with valid excused absence on due date (95100) 1-2 Days late and thoughtfully complete (75-85) More than 2 days late and thoughtfully complete (60-75) Incomplete or way late (under 60) Essay Due Date: For each Baldwin essay we study, you will fill out this general form. You will use it to track your thoughts and as a study guide for the IB Formal Commentary. Do not lose them; keep them together and you will turn them in for a major grade at end of unit. 1. Explanation of Title 2. A brief description of what happens in essay 3. Where does essay fit into Baldwin’s career? Contextualize the essay using stage of career (early, mid-, and late), original essay collection, historical events that are relevant (if applicable), and one of the five Baldwin motifs discussed at beginning of unit. Write this formally, as if you were contextualizing during a Formal Oral Commentary. the examination of America and its being an outsider (both home and history; abroad); examination of race and racism; sexuality; father/son dynamics; 4. Topics (or Theme Subjects) covered in essay (Can be a bulleted list.) 5. Purpose of essay 6. 3 most significant techniques Baldwin uses, with evidence (quote with MLA citation) and purpose of technique. Try to vary the techniques you cite in subsequent essays you study. 7. Favorite line 8. Vocabulary: Write definition of 4 unfamiliar words or allusions you found in this essay. 9. Possible Socratic Seminar questions to discuss. Provide 2-3 that would prompt interesting conversation regarding the essay. 10. Something else not covered on this sheet. This category is wide open – perhaps a connection to another essay of Baldwin’s, perhaps something the essay made you wonder about or reminded you of, something the essay made you look up, questions it raised, or something else that was striking. And, while #10 is wide-open, it is not optional.