* Required GT curriculum Materials Reading William and Mary Language Arts Series- The 1940’s: A Decade of Change (wm l.) Poems *“Statistics” wm l.5 *“Grass” wm l.5 Michael Clay ThompsonThe Word Within The Word Holt Elements of Literature Resources for teaching Advanced Students (hel p.) Novels recommended by he College of William and Mary and books that support Standards for Grade 7 Short Stories, Essays, and Plays *“The Lottery” wm l.1 7th Grade Advanced ELA Guide for GT 1st nine weeks Word Study & Writing Analysis *Grammar Study *Preparing an Interview Packet wm l.1-24 *Persuasive essay *Vocabulary related to reading topics *Response Journals *Vocabulary Webs Novels Anne Frank and Me wm l.7 The Word Within The Word Lessons 1-8 Holt Collection 1 &2 “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi” hel p.14 “People, Places, and Change” Summer Reading Project Communications Research *Interviewing a friend or family member from the 1940’s *Internet research on topics covered during the 9 weeks period Share selection from Multigenre Autobiography Multigenre Autobiography hel p.32 “Three Skeleton Key” hel p.38 “Eeking Out a Life” hel p.53 “The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street” hel p.57 “Cellular Telephone” hel p.82 “Mother and Daughter” hel p.136 “The Smallest “Dragonboy” hel p.146 “Here Be Dragons” hel p.165 “Antaevus” hel p.174 “In a Mix of Cultures” hel p.188 “A Day’s Wait” hel p.191 “Stolen Day” hel p.197 Extensions “The Ruum” hel p.189 “The Dinner Party” hel p.118 The Diary of Anne Frank Standards 7-R1.1 through 7R1.15 7-R2.1 through 7R2.4 7R2.6 through 7-2.10 7R3.4 through 7R3.5 2007 Standards 7-1.1 through 7-1.8 7-2.1 through 7-2.8 Standards 7R2.5 7R3.1 through 7R3.5 2007 Standards 7-3.1 through 7-3.4 Standards 7-W1.1 through 7W1.5 7W1.6 through 7W1.6.4 7W2.1 through 7W2.3 7W3.1 through 7W3.3 7W4.1 through 7W4.2 2007 Standards 7-4.1 through7-4.6 Standards 7C1.1 through 7C1.17 7C2.1 through 7C2.6 7C3.1 through 7C3.10 Standards 7RS1.1 through 7RS1.2 7RS2.1 through 7RS2.7 7RS3.1through 7RS3.5 2007 Standards 7-5.1 through 7-5.4 2007 Standards 7-6.1 through 7-6.8 *Required GT curriculum Materials Reading William and Mary Language Arts Series- The 1940’s: A Decade of Change (wm l.) Poems *“Entire City Put on War Footing” Michael Clay ThompsonThe Word Within The Word Holt Elements of Literature Resources for teaching Advanced Students (hel p.) Novels recommended by the College of William and Mary and books that support Standards for Grade 7 wm l.9 *“One Friday Morning” wm l.11 7th Grade Advanced ELA Guide for GT 2nd nine weeks Word Study & Writing Analysis *Grammar Study *Persuasive essay Packet wm l.1-24 *Response Journals Vocabulary related to reading topics Narrative Writing Short Stories, Essays, and Plays *Four Tanka wm l.9 Vocabulary Webs Novels *Maus II wm l.13 The Word Within The Word Lessons 9-16 Communications Research *presentations of American Cultures in 1940’s *Introduction to Research Issues of the 1940’s *Group debates on capital punishment *Research on states’ stance on capital punishment Standards 7C1.1 through 7C1.17 7C2.1 through 7C2.6 7C3.1 through 7C3.10 Standards 7RS1.1 through 7RS1.2 7RS2.1 through 7RS2.7 7RS3.1through 7RS3.5 2007 Standards 7-5.1 through 7-5.4 2007 Standards 7-6.1 through 7-6.8 Picture Books *The Journey wm l.9 Holt Collection 3 &4 “The Highwayman” hel p.246 “Gentleman of the Road” hel p.257 “Annabel Lee” hel p.260 “The Fall of the House of Poe” hel p.267 “User Friendly” hel p.271 “It Just Keeps Going and Going” hel p.285 “After Twenty Years” hel p.356 “What’s Really in a Name” hel p.365 “Bargain” hel p.368 “Yeh-Shen” hel p.382 “Mirror, Mirror on the Wall” hel p.390 “Aschenputtel” hel p.747 “Dinorella” hel p.758 Extensions “Charles” hel p.297 “The Naming of Names” hel p.445 Readers’ Theatre- A Christmas Carol http://www.timelessteacherstuff.com/readerstheater/Chri stmasCarol.html Standards 7-R1.1 through 7R1.15 7-R2.1 through 7R2.4 7R2.6 through 7-2.10 7R3.4 through 7R3.5 2007 Standards 7-1.1 through 7-1.8 7-2.1 through 7-2.8 Standards 7R2.5 7R3.1 through 7R3.5 2007 Standards 7-3.1 through 7-3.4 Standards 7-W1.1 through 7W1.5 7W1.6 through 7W1.6.4 7W2.1 through 7W2.3 7W3.1 through 7W3.3 7W4.1 through 7W4.2 2007 Standards 7-4.1 through7-4.6 *Required GT curriculum Materials Reading William and Mary Language Arts Series- The 1940’s: A Decade of Change (wm l.) Short Stories, Essays, and Plays Michael Clay ThompsonThe Word Within The Word *Fireside Chats wm l.3 Holt Elements of Literature Resources for teaching Advanced Students (hel p.) Novels recommended by the College of William and Mary and books that support Standards for Grade 7 *“Losses” wm l.16 *“I Have A Rendezvous with Death” wm l.16 *“Moratorium” wm l.16 *“World War II” wm l.16 Speeches, Articles, Essays *“Let the Dead Bury Their Dead” wm l.14 7th Grade Advanced ELA Guide for GT 3rd nine weeks Word Study & Writing Analysis *Grammar Study *Persuasive essay Packet wm l.1-24 *Response Journals Vocabulary related to reading topics Descriptive Writing Communications Research *presentations of research on topics covered during the 9 weeks period *Continue and extend internet research on topics covered during the 9 weeks period Standards 7C1.1 through 7C1.17 7C2.1 through 7C2.6 7C3.1 through 7C3.10 Standards 7RS1.1 through 7RS1.2 7RS2.1 through 7RS2.7 7RS3.1through 7RS3.5 2007 Standards 7-5.1 through 7-5.4 2007 Standards 7-6.1 through 7-6.8 Vocabulary Webs The Word Within The Word Lessons 17-22 Novels *Hiroshima wm l.19 Holt Collection 5&6 “Amigo Brothers” hel p.484 “Right Hook-Left Hook” hel p.497 From Barrio Boy hel p.499 “I’m Nobody” hel p.548 “I Like to See It Lap The Miles” hel p.559 “Names of Horses” hel p. 593 “Maggie and Milly and Molly and May” hel p.598 “All in Green Went My Love Riding” hel p.601 “Arithmetic” hel p.606 “The Burning of Books” hel p.628 “Echo and Narcissus” hel p.289 “The Origin of the Seasons” hel p.654 “King Midas” hel p.682 “The Funeral Banquet” hel p.689 “Master Frog” hel p.707 “The Crane Wife” hel p.718 “The Hummingbird King” hel p.732 “The Search Goes On” hel p.740 Standards 7-R1.1 through 7R1.15 7-R2.1 through 7R2.4 7R2.6 through 7-2.10 7R3.4 through 7R3.5 2007 Standards 7-1.1 through 7-1.8 7-2.1 through 7-2.8 Standards 7R2.5 7R3.1 through 7R3.5 2007 Standards 7-3.1 through 7-3.4 Standards 7-W1.1 through 7W1.5 7W1.6 through 7W1.6.4 7W2.1 through 7W2.3 7W3.1 through 7W3.3 7W4.1 through 7W4.2 2007 Standards 7-4.1 through7-4.6 *Required GT curriculum Materials Reading William and Mary Language Arts Series- The 1940’s: A Decade of Change (wm l.) Poems Michael Clay ThompsonThe Word Within The Word Short Stories, Essays, and Plays *“A Rose for Emily” wm l.24 Speeches, Articles, Essays Novels The Devil’s Arithmetic The Boy in the Striped Pajamas Milkweed The Book Thief Briar Rose 7th Grade Advanced ELA Guide for GT 4th nine weeks Word Study & Writing Analysis *Grammar Study *Persuasive essay Packet wm l.1-24 *Response Journals Vocabulary related to reading topics Expository Writing Communications Research *Panel of experts *Research to be experts Standards 7C1.1 through 7C1.17 7C2.1 through 7C2.6 7C3.1 through 7C3.10 Standards 7RS1.1 through 7RS1.2 7RS2.1 through 7RS2.7 7RS3.1through 7RS3.5 2007 Standards 7-5.1 through 7-5.4 2007 Standards 7-6.1 through 7-6.8 Vocabulary Webs The Word Within The Word Lessons 24-30 wm l.17 Holt Elements of Literature Resources for teaching Advanced Students (hel p.) Novels recommended by the College of William and Mary and books that support Standards for Grade 7 Holt Collection 7&8 “King Arthur” hel p.792 ”Three Responses to Literature” hel p.810 “He’s No King” hel p.817 “Merlin and the Dragons” hel p.820 “Sir Gawain and the Loathly Lady” hel p.833 Standards 7-R1.1 through 7R1.15 7-R2.1 through 7R2.4 7R2.6 through 7-2.10 7R3.4 through 7R3.5 2007 Standards 7-1.1 through 7-1.8 7-2.1 through 7-2.8 Standards 7R2.5 7R3.1 through 7R3.5 2007 Standards 7-3.1 through 7-3.4 Standards 7-W1.1 through 7W1.5 7W1.6 through 7W1.6.4 7W2.1 through 7W2.3 7W3.1 through 7W3.3 7W4.1 through 7W4.2 2007 Standards 7-4.1 through7-4.6