Imagery Assignment

Jonathan Edwards’s “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” Imagery Assignment
Pre-IB English 10 – Hamley
PART I. This assignment is intended to track Edwards’s many uses of imagery and analyze what effect you
think he is seeking with the imagery. (10 points – Due Tuesday 10/14)
• Identify 5 examples of imagery that Edwards uses in this sermon (such as comparing us to a spider or
the image of the sword over our heads).
• You will quote the example, writing it in the left column below (on the next page).
For each example, you will determine what you believe Edwards’s intent is in using the imagery. In
other words, what is Edwards trying to convince his audience of? What emotion is he trying to illicit?
You will write this response in the corresponding right columns below (on the next page).
PART II. After finding five examples of imagery in Edwards's sermon, choose one to express in an artistic
form. (20 points – Due Thursday 10/16)
a. Create an artistic representation of what you consider to be the best/most important example.
Obviously, your artistic representation should relate in some way to the example, but you may
represent more than just the example in your artistic depiction. For instance, if you find a symbol in
the text that helps you understand the work as a whole, include a representation of that symbol as
well. Include the passage in your artistic representation.
i. You may draw, color, paste, dye, etc. Be creative, and use your own tastes.
ii. The visual should be on 8.5 x 11 paper (regular-sized paper). You are also welcome to
use construction paper even though common size for construction paper seems to be slightly
larger than 8.5 x 11. You may also draw on a regular paper (i.e. printer paper) and then paste
it to construction paper.
iii. I am a bad artist, and some of you share my inability to be creative. Please understand
that I am not assessing your artistic ability; I’m assessing your effort, the style/visual appeal
of your piece, and how effectively your creation represents the larger meaning of the text.
Make sure your work is visually appealing, even if you’re not an artist. If you can’t draw,
come up with another way to show your meaning.
b. On the back of your visual, explain how your representation relates to the passage (and
anything else it relates to) and why you chose this particular visual representation.
c. The response should be typed in Times New Roman, 12 point, and it should be pasted on the back of
your paper. Be sure to develop your ideas well. This response IS NOT an essay; thus, there is no
need for an introduction or conclusion – just explain yourself. You MAY (and probably should)
single-space your response.
Imagery Example—Quote the examples
Edwards’s Intention