Year 9 Poetry Reading Assessment

Dear Year 9 pupil,
Your home learning topic is reading and understanding poetry. Please read the poem
on the following page: you may find it useful to underline key words and phrases that
seem important to you as you go along. When you have finished, think about what is
happening in the poem and then read it again to see if your views change. Don’t worry
if you don’t understand what is happening in every single line, just think about who the
characters are as well as what they seem to be doing and/or feeling.
After this, you will need to answer the questions that follow the poem. If you get stuck
on one, have a go at answering it anyway!
Here are some tips to help you achieve the best level that you can:
Explain your opinions clearly and in detail
Try to say how and why particular words affect the reader
Look at how many marks a question is worth to guide you
Remember to use the PEE format to help you gain as many marks as possible
in the final 5 mark question
You can complete your answers by hand or on the computer.
Do the work gradually throughout the week; you should be spending time on it from
Monday to Friday as well as at the weekend. You are expected to complete this work.
Finally: in reading poetry there is not always just a ‘right’ or a ‘wrong’ answer. If you
can explain what you think and use evidence from the poem then you will probably win
some marks for effort, so don’t be scared to have a go!
Flight Of The Fairies
by Veronica Ann Cech
Old woman rises from her slumber
Earlier than the sun
Sleep; an infrequent visitor in her world
She feels the burden of her world, heavy in her bones
Gently brushing a strand of silvery gray out of her eyes
She labours to unsteady feet
Slowly she makes her way to her window
To watch the moon shimmer upon the lake
She sees Them gently fluttering, awaiting the sunrise
Calling to her, beckoning her to join them
She pulls her robe tight about her, making her way outside along the shore
They are waiting for her there: The Otherkin
No cold wind does she feel,
Aches and pains forgotten
She sits upon the damp grass as they dance for her
They land softly upon gnarled hands
Beauty and age in stark contrast
They whisper to her , beckoning her to join them
She closes her eyes and flies with them
Over miles, years, time, space
Their music fills her heart and soul; she smiles
Once more she is with him; love of her life
From oh so long ago
Their music fills her heart and soul
Tonight she joins Them
The pain and fetters of age fall from her
She is young again; she is with him
The sun rises casting its yellow glow
Upon the lifeless figure of an old woman
Morning breeze gently lifting her silver strands
Peeking from a rosebud nearby
They sing; hand in hand
Together again
Year 9 Poetry Reading Assignment
Answer each question in full sentences
1. “She feels the burden of her world, heavy in her bones” How do you think the
old woman is feeling at this point? Which particular words give you this idea
and why? [3 marks]
2. Who does she mean by “The otherkin?” (Clue: look in the title!) [1 mark]
3. What adjective is used to describe the old lady’s hands? Can you guess what it
means? [2 marks]
4. In verse 5, despite being out in the early morning air, we are told “No cold wind
does she feel/ Aches and pains forgotten”. Why is the woman not affected by
the chilly weather at this point? [2 marks]
5. Look at verses 7 and 8:
a) Who is the old woman thinking about when she watches the dancing? [1 mark]
b) How does she feel when she remembers this person? [1 mark]
c) Give examples of lines which are repeated in verses 7 and 8. Why do you think
the author chose to repeat these words in particular? [3 marks]
6. What colours are used in the poem and why do you think this is? [3 marks]
7. What changes does the old lady experience during the poem? Try to think of at
least two points, provide some evidence to back up each change that you
notice and explain any important word choices that you notice. [5 marks]
Extension Task
Fill in the grid below and use this to help you to write a short poem of your own
about a person who starts a day feeling one way and then ends it feeling very
Associated with positive
Associated with negative