9418,"why were the articles of confederation ineffective",6,,,90,http://www.123helpme.com/view.asp?id=22944,4.9,185000,"2016-01-05 16:17:04"

Ch. 5 Test Review
1. What was the significance of the changes that the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 made to slavery?
2. In 1784 Spain closed which important trade route to the U.S. that was used to send goods to eastern markets?
3. What is one reason the U.S. Constitution has survived for more than 200 years?
4. List 3 powers reserved only to the states?
5. What powers do the federal and state governments share?
6. Following Shays’s Rebellion, most Americans called for establishing what?
7. What was the purpose of the Land Ordinance of 1785?
8. How did the Declaration of Independence influence the Articles of Confederation?
9. What document required British royalty to obey the same laws as other English people?
10. What was the significance of the Articles of Confederation?
11. What change to the structure of government did the Virginia Plan suggest?
12. How did the Articles of Confederation contribute to the economic problems of the United States in the late 1700s?
13. How did the delegates resolve the debate over how slaves should factor into representation in government?
14. Summarize the trade relationship between Britain and America in the late 1700s?
15. What was the main cause of Shays’ Rebellion?
16. Why were the Articles of Confederation ineffective in solving internal problems that existed in the United States?
17. Why did Congress decide to pass the Land Ordinance of 1785 and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?
18. Why did the framers of the Constitution create a system of checks and balances?
19. What was the significance of Shays’s Rebellion?
20. How did the Magna Carta influence American leaders when they were considering the structure of their government?
21. How did the Bill of Rights, added to the Constitution in 1791, use the ideas introduced in the Declaration of
22. Define: federalism
23. How did the Federalist Papers try to assure Americans about the new federal government created under the Constitution?
24. How did the Articles of Confederation fail to implement the ideas set forth in the Declaration of Independence?
25. How were western lands divided by the Land Ordinance of 1785?
26. What problem did Anti-Federalists have with the Constitution?
27. What was the Bill of Rights?
28. What did the banning of slavery in some state constitutions was significant because it marked the beginnings of?
29. Under the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, when could a territory apply to become a state?
30. Under the Constitution, list 7 powers of the national government.
31. In what way did northerners and southerners disagree about the issue of slavery at the Constitutional Convention?
32. In what way did the Constitution attempt to implement the ideals set forth in the Declaration of Independence?
33. How did the Great Compromise resolve the debate over state representation in the federal government?