9325,"describe a memorable day in your life",6,,,90,http://www.123helpme.com/search.asp?text=memorable+moment,4.9,3150000,"2015-12-19 09:28:45"

Jumpstarts For Journal Writers
Ms. Hughes
(From Journal Jumpstarts by Patricia Woodward, Cottonwood Press, Inc.)
1. Who are you –really?
2. What is the greatest lesson you have ever learned?
3. Describe yourself as a stranger might see you.
4. Describe yourself as your best friend knows you.
5. What are the qualities a best friend must possess?
6. Describe the qualities you most admire in someone you might call a hero.
7. What makes you special?
8. Describe your room from your mom’s perspective.
9. Describe your favorite relative.
10. Describe the perfect girl or describe the perfect boy.
11. Describe your favorite place to be alone.
12. Describe your perfect day.
13. Write about an unusual dream.
14. How do people know when you are upset?
15. List & discuss your pet peeves.
16. What was the most memorable part of your first day at Ada Junior High?
17. Will Rogers said, “Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects.” What
can you learn from others? What can others learn from you?
18. Write about a memorable trip you have taken.
19. Describe your favorite teacher.
20. Write about a time you got hurt.
Jumpstarts For Journal Writers
Ms. Hughes
(From Journal Jumpstarts by Patricia Woodward, Cottonwood Press, Inc.)
21. Compare your life with the growing-up years of one of your parents.
22. Who has it easier—girls or guys? Explain.
23. When have you been wrongly accused? Explain.
24. Why should people recycle?
25. Describe a time when you were afraid.
26. Describe a time when you were lonely.
27. Describe a time when you were embarrassed.
28. Write a letter to a future teenager—one who will be your age now in 100
29. Write a letter to a long-lost relative or friend, describing your life today.
30. Write about a time a parent (or another adult) embarrassed you.
31. Oscar Wilde said, “Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.”
What have you learned from “experience?”
32. Tell about a lie you wish you had not told (or one you are glad you told).
33. What do you think about people who spread gossip?
34. What must a person do to be trusted?
35. When you look in the mirror, what do you see: Go into detail.
36. Describe the first time you tried to ski.
37. Describe the first time you rode a bike.
38. Describe the first time you ice skated.
39. Describe the first time you tried to swim.
40. Describe the first time you were left alone.
41. Describe the first time you had a job.
42. Describe the first time you drove a car
Jumpstarts For Journal Writers
Ms. Hughes
(From Journal Jumpstarts by Patricia Woodward, Cottonwood Press, Inc.)
43. Describe the first time you ate in a fancy restaurant.
44. Describe the first time you got in trouble with a teacher.
45. Describe the first time you had a fight with a friend.
46. Describe the first time you went on a date.
47. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Why?
48. What question really bothers you?
49. If you could go to another planet, would you? Explain.
50. What makes people popular?
51. What famous person would you most like to meet? Why?
52. Compare yourself to your favorite animal.
53. Do you think you have the characteristics associated with your astrological
sign? Be specific.
54. If you had to flee from your burning house, what would you want to save?
Explain your choices.
55. Describe an odd character in your life.
56. What compliment have you received lately? How did it make you feel?
57. What causes loneliness?
58. How important is religion in your life?
59. Under what circumstances would it be okay to lie?
60. What do you think causes prejudice?
61. If you could design the perfect school, what would it be like?
62. What makes TV worth watching? Not worth watching?
63. Describe the “coolest” elderly person you know.
64. Could you be President of the United States? Why or why not?
Jumpstarts For Journal Writers
Ms. Hughes
(From Journal Jumpstarts by Patricia Woodward, Cottonwood Press, Inc.)
65. How are you not the way you seem?
66. What do you like to do when you are alone?
67. What kind of parent will you be?
68. What rules do you think teenagers should have at home?
69. If you were a teacher for a day, what changes would you make? What would
you leave the same?
70. If today were the last day of your life, how would you want to spend it?
71. If you could change the world, what would you start with?
72. Describe your worst enemy. (It may not be a person!)
73. In your family, are you the leader, clown, servant, trouble-maker, peacemaker or what?
74. Write a letter you would never send.
75. Who or what makes you laugh?
76. Write about your strengths. Don’t be modest.
77. Tell about the “coolest” adult you have ever known.
78. Do you ever pretend to be something you are not? Why
79. Describe your earliest memory. What does that memory say about you ar
about your life?
80. Why do people wear masks?
81. If you could be anywhere else, where would you be?
82. Are you worried about becoming an adult? Why or why not?
83. Do you believe in miracles? Why or why not?
84. Should everyone have responsibilities? Why?
Jumpstarts For Journal Writers
Ms. Hughes
(From Journal Jumpstarts by Patricia Woodward, Cottonwood Press, Inc.)
85. The thing that drives you crazy about teachers is . . .
86. The thing that drives you crazy about boys/girls is . . .
87. The thing that drives you crazy about joggers is . . .
88. The thing that drives you crazy about TV commercials is . . .
89. The thing that drives you crazy about _____________________ is . . .
90. Henry David Thoreau said, “Things do not change; we change.” What do you
think he meant?
91. What TV show ought to be taken off the air? Why?
92. Do you believe that there is any significance to dreams? Explain.
93. What is the greatest invention of all time?
94. Describe an ideas for a great invention of your own.
95. Someone once said, “Whatever does not destroy me makes me strong.”
What in your life is making you strong?
96. What do you think is the most serious issue facing people today?
97. What is the most meaningful conversation you have had lately?
98. Should old people be forced to go to nursing homes?
99. According to Thomas Dewar, “Minds are like parachutes: they only function
when open.” Why is it so hard to keep an open mind on some subjects?
100. What advice would you give someone just beginning seventh grade?