Name:__________________ ORIGAMI Display 折り紙 Origami Display The meaning of Origami is “from ori meaning "folding", and kami meaning "paper" and it is the ancient Japanese art of paper folding. The goal of this art is to create a given result using geometric folds and crease patterns preferably without the use of gluing or cutting the paper medium.” First you will practice writing in Japanese and folding origami before doing the actual assignment. Secondly, you will review the worldview of Edo Japan and choose an origami to represent one of these worldviews. Make a good copy of this representation. Next you will present your good copies in the “Origami Worldview” display class. In this class students will be rating their “Origami Worldview” displays. Complete the following steps: Step: 1=Writing Warmup Practice writing in Japanese by copying the Japanese words(Japan, star, maple leaf, fire works, show, shooting star) off of the overhead. Follow the numbers step by step. Practice below: Step 2=Origami Warmup Cut a square piece of white paper. Note: -a dotted line = a fold, a solid line = a crease -use your finger nail to make a clean, crisp crease for folds Now follow the Jumping Frog video and make an Origami. The directions are also on the next page. EDO JAPAN WORLDVIEW Step 3=Brainstorm Brainstorm ideas to represent the worldview of the Edo period into the following headings. You may use your text or notes. Jot ideas down below: 1. View of human nature 2. View of the good life 3. Equality with others 4. Responsibilities to others 5. Relationship between the individual and the state 6. Relationship of humans with nature 7. Sources of ethical wisdom Step 4=Exemplar View the teacher’s exemplar. Step 5= Origami Choose one of the worldviews of the Edo period listed on the previous page and then choose an origami to represent this worldview. Choose a Worldview title to match the Edo worldview: -view of human nature (Except-view of the good life- since it was the examplar) -equality with others -responsibilities to others -relationship between the individual and the state -relationship of humans with nature -sources of ethical wisdom Use the “Clues for Identifying Worldviews” and “Concept of Worldview” sheets to help you. Walk by the front board in order to choose which origami best fits the worldview you chose. After you make your choice, pick up a copy of the directions for the origami. Cut a square piece of white paper as a practice and use colored construction paper to make the good copy of the origami. Everyone will get one full class and about 15 minutes in another class to complete this assignment. Fold your origami. Step 6= Final Explanation You will answer the two worldview final questions on a rough draft below. What does the Origami reveal about Edo Japan’s worldview? Why is this Origami example the best choice? Good Copy “Origami Display” Step 7= Good Copy Next copy the above two answers to the “student template” (Left side: Right side: chart)_ You will make a good copy of your “Origami Worldview” assignment copying the teacher’s exemplar. Students will use the Japanese writing(see the “Japanese words” sheet) that matches their Worldview for the good copy. Tie a piece of string to the top and bottom of the origami and attach the good copy explanation to the bottom. Directions: 1. Cut out the below table with scissors. 2. Record the Worldview title at the top of the chart. 3. The table below is where you answer the following questions: Left side: What does the Origami reveal about Edo Japan’s worldview? Right side: Why is this Origami example the best choice? 4. On the back side of the table is where you use the Japanese writing to title the Worldview heading. Selecting Origami Step 8= Display & Ratings The students will present their good copies in the “Origami Worldview” display class. In this class students will be rating their “Origami Worldview” displays. Choice of origami View of human nature Origami: View of the good life Origami: Equality with others Origami: Responsibilities to others Origami: Relationship between the individual and the state Origami: Relationship of humans with nature Origami: Sources of ethical wisdom Origami: What the origami reveals about worldview Justification (Why is this the best choice?) Origami Display Rubric Complete 3 marks Satisfactory 2 marks Incomplete 1 mark ______ ____ ____ ______ ____ ____ Origami: a) Edo Japan worldview it reflects b) Why it’s the best choice