Chiang-Schultheiss Classification Division Essay Peer Critique Reader: Writer: Directions: 1. Read your peer’s essay in its entirety before commenting on it. 2. Next, please address all the criteria below for your writing group member’s draft by answering yes/no. 3. Then make global comments as you answer questions 15-18. Be sure to add your own comments as you evaluate your peer’s essay draft, commenting mainly on the essay’s content, development, structure, coherence, and flow. 4. Budget your time so that you are able to cover all these areas in writing. PLEASE do not spend your time correcting grammar and punctuation. Just tell the writer that s/he has serious grammar or punctuation problems and needs to edit very carefully on the final draft before submitting it. YES NO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Has a well-developed introductory ¶ of at least 5 sentences Introductory ¶ uses some method to hook the reader and draw in the audience. The middle section of the intro. ¶ successfully establishes the essay’s subject matter. The thesis is clear, direct; it tells the way the subject will be classified. Uses 4-6 main body ¶s. Each main body paragraph starts with a topic sentence that clearly identifies a new category. (If not, which ¶s need a topic sentence?____________ 7. The main body ¶s have some clear order to them. Identify method used:____________ 8. The conclusion creatively closes the essay without using a summary of the thesis or the main points. 9. The essay correctly introduces the paraphrase with a lead-in. 10. The essay has errors in the parenthetical note. 11. The cited material looks like it might be plagiarized. 12. The Work Cited page has some formatting errors in the bibliographic reference. 13. The writer needs to edit for grammar, punctuation, or spelling. 14. The essay includes rich, descriptive language, lots of details. 15. Explain why you think this particular classification of the writer’s subject is original and not clichéd. 16. Cite an example of a passage (a ¶ number is fine) that interests you as a reader. Explain in a few sentences why you chose it. 17. As a reader what classification sections still need more work in this writer’s essay? Explain why. a) b) 18. On a scale of 1 - 6, rate the content of this draft. (Be honest, and don’t give the writer false expectations!) (very difficult to follow; lacks clear reasoning; needs more examples) 1 2 3 4 5 6 (clear organization; strong development of ideas; uses forceful, direct prose)