COG 250 INTRODUCTION TO COGNTIVE SCIENCE John Vervaeke University College F 307 Tuesday 2-5 TEXTS: Introduction to Cognitive Science Artificial Intelligence: the very idea TERM 1 Ist class: Introduction to cognitive science and the naturalistic imperative. 2nd class through 5th class. Introduction to psychology: categorization and concepts. NO CLASS OCT 12TH THANKSGIVING. Readings: Introduction to Cognitive Science Chapter 1. 6th class OCT. 19th TERM TEST. WORTH 10% TERM 1 TEST Short essay answer test on all material since beginning of term. You will be given a choice of 6 out of 10 questions. For each question you will be given a term or short phrase. You will have to describe and explain the phenomenon to which to term refers. You will then have to explain to which issues/ theories/debates it is relevant, and then also explain how and why it is relevant. 7th class Memory NO CLASS NOV. 9TH FALL BREAK 8th class through 10th classes Problem Solving Readings. Introduction to Cognitive Science, Chapter 8. ESSAY DUE NOV. 24TH 2000 words. This is an argumentative essay in which you will establish and defend a clear and challenging thesis from one of the assigned topic ( give out early Oct.). You will critically review the work of 6-10 scholarly sources, and then craft an argument that critically integrates the material together to give your position as to what can best be concluded about the topic under investigation. The essay must be in APA format with and abstract. Running heads and section heads are not required. The essay is worth 15%. 11th and 12th classes Insight Read The Dynamic of Insight: Mathematical Discovery as a Phase Transition by Stephen, Boncoddo, Magnuson and Dixon in Memory and Cognition 2009, 37 (8) 1132-1149 END OF TERM BREAK TERM 2 1st class 2nd class Insight and attention. Read Dynamics of Representational Change: Entropy, Action, and Cognition by Stephen, Dixon, and Isenhower in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 2009, vol. 35, no. 6, 1811-1832 3rd class TERM 2 TEST Jan 18th. On everything since Term 1 test. Short essay answers and one long essay answer. The short answers are as on the first term test but you will only have to do 4 out of 10. The long essay is 1 out of ¾ questions. This essay is an argumentative essay answer that traces and explains a theme and/or line of development that went across several lectures. Worth 15% 4th and 5th classes Artificial Intelligence (GOFAI) Readings: Artificial Intelligence: Chapters 1-5 inclusive. 6th Class Connectionism and the Symbolist Connectionist Debate FEB 15TH NO CLASS. 7th Class Connectionism, Symbolism and dynamical systems. 8th and 9th Classes Simulation as Explanation. 10th Class Computational Functionalism and Beyond 11th through 12th Classes Relevance, consciousness and content. 2nd TERM ESSAY DUE WEEK 12, March 22nd. Worth 25% 3000 words. As for previous essay, but this time you will choose the topic for which you will right the essay. Final exam will have the same format as the second term test but will be cumulative for the entire course. EVALUATION 1st Test 10 %, 1st Essay 15 %, 2nd Test 15%, Second Essay 25%, and Final exam 35%. LATENESS PENALTY IS 10% PER DAY (NOT JUST SCHOOL DAY.) EXTENSIONS FOR HUMANITARIAN REASONS WILL BE GRANTED.