Lesson Plan Template Subject: World History Date: March 26, 2013 *Independent Practice *Cooperative Learning *Visuals Grade level: 10TH Grade Coop. Teacher: Contreras *Whole group Instruction *Technology Integration *Group/Directed Practice Teacher: Katie Saint John Campus: Akins HS *Centers *Lecture *A Project *Informal Assessment *Formal Assessment *Peer Assessment TEKS/Standards: Homework: WH1F: Identify major causes and describe the major effects of the following important turning points in world history from 1914 to the present: the world wars and their impact on political, economic, and social systems; communist revolutions and independence movements. WH9D: Identify the influence of ideas such as… liberty, equality, democracy, popular sovereignty, human rights, constitutionalism, and nationalism on political revolutions. WH22E: Identify examples of individuals who led resistance to political oppression such as… Mohandas Gandhi. World War II flip assignment (attached in email) Activity & Time Teacher Procedures: What Teacher Does I. WARM-UP/ Anticipatory Set title: Warm Up pedagogical purpose: Cooperative learning, wholegroup instruction, informal assessment Materials: - Teacher- Copies of Nationalism in India and SW Asia Notes (attached in email), ELMO, projector - Students- Copy of handout, pen/pencil Student Objectives & Procedures: What Students Do Objective(s): SWBAT… develop their individual definitions of the word “disobedience.” Teacher Procedures Student Procedures - Students will discuss with a neighbor what they believe the word “disobedience” to mean and jot down ideas on the back of their handout. - Students will participate in the whole-group discussion of the warm up. - Teacher will briefly explain the warm up and give students a relatable example. - Teacher will rotate throughout room to monitor student progress. - Teacher will lead wholegroup discussion of warm up. Lesson Plan Template Subject: World History Date: March 26, 2013 5 minutes II. LESSON 1st Activity title: Nationalism Grade level: 10TH Grade Coop. Teacher: Contreras STRUCTURE/ACTIVITIES Objective(s): in India and SW Asia Notes SWBAT… construct a basis of understanding of the nationalism and independence movements of Turkey, Persia/Iran, Saudi Arabia, and India that followed World War I. pedagogical purpose: Student Procedures: Independent practice, cooperative learning, wholegroup discussion/lecture, visuals, informal assessment Teacher: Katie Saint John Campus: Akins HS - Students will follow along with the powerpoint and complete their notes handout. - Students will participate in the whole-group discussion/lecture. - When directed by teacher, students will discuss content with a neighbor. Materials: Teacher Procedures - Teacher will briefly explain the notes handout. - Teacher will lead the whole-group discussion/lecture through the powerpoint, rotate throughout room, monitor student progress, and periodically ask lower- and higher-level questions and have students discuss content with a neighbor. - Teacher- Copies of Nationalism in India and SW Asia handout, powerpoint, projector, computer - Students- Copy of handout, pen/pencil 30 min 2nd Activity title: Salt March Objective(s): SWBAT… research Gandhi’s 1930 Salt March and begin to evaluate the effectiveness of civil disobedience. Causes, Events, and Effects pedagogical purpose: Student Procedures: - Students will gent into groups of 2-3. - Students will decide within their group which Teacher Procedures - Teacher will briefly Lesson Plan Template Subject: World History Grade level: 10TH Grade Date: March 26, 2013 Coop. Teacher: Contreras Cooperative article to read and take notes on before pulling learning, the article up on their cell phones (if a group technology does not have a cell phone for research, group integration, member will be allowed to use one of the informal classroom computers). assessment - Students will complete the notes handout, using detail to describe the causes, events, and effects of the Salt March— in their own words. Materials: - Teacher- Copies of Salt March Reading Notes (attached in email), ELMO, projector - Students- Copy of handout, cell phone (if they have one), pen/pencil Teacher: Katie Saint John Campus: Akins HS explain the activity before instructing students to get into groups of 2-3. - Teacher will rotate throughout the room to monitor student progress and answer questions when needed. 15___ min 3rd Activity title: Protest Writing Assignment Objective(s): SWBAT… evaluate the pros and cons of violent v. non-violent protest and justify the effectiveness of each. pedagogical purpose: Cooperative learning, independent practice, informal assessment Materials: - Teacher- Copies of Protest Writing Assignment (attached in email), ELMO, projector - Students- Copy of handout, Russian Teacher Procedures Student Procedures: - Students will discuss with a neighbor the pros and cons of violent v. non-violent protest in relation to the Russian Revolution and Indian quest for self-rule, making sure to take notes on a piece of scratch paper. - Students will independently complete the front side of the writing assignment (arguing which method of protest would be most effective). - When directed, students will complete the back side of the writing assignment (same prompt, but arguing the other side). - Teacher will instruct the students to discuss with a neighbor the pros and cons of violent v. non-violent protest in relation to the Russian Revolution and Indian quest for self-rule for 5-10 minutes. Teacher will rotate throughout the room to monitor student progress and offer suggestions when needed. - Teacher will have a student pass out the writing assignments; Lesson Plan Template Subject: World History Date: March 26, 2013 Revolutions Notes (if needed), piece of scratch paper, pen/pencil Grade level: 10TH Grade Coop. Teacher: Contreras 40 Min Teacher: Katie Saint John Campus: Akins HS during this time, she will briefly explain what is expected for the assignment. - Teacher will give students 15 minutes to complete the first half of the assignment and 15 minutes to complete the other half. - Throughout the writing portion, teacher will rotate throughout the room to monitor student progress and give periodic time warnings. III. CLOSURE title: Exit Slip pedagogical purpose: Independent practice, informal assessment Materials: - TeacherNothing - Students- Copy of Protest Writing Assignment, pen/pencil Objective(s): SWBAT… conclude their appraisals of violent v. non-violent protest. Teacher Procedures Student Procedures - Students will use any additional class time to complete their two-part writing assignment. - Students will turn in their assignment to the teacher before leaving the room. - Teacher will give a time warning and pass out the homework. - Teacher will rotate throughout the room to monitor student progress. - Teacher will collect the writing assignments as the students leave the room. Any additional time Min Assessment(s): (attach copies of assessment documents, criteria and rubrics) Formative- Warm up, Nationalism in India and SW Asia notes, Salt March reading notes, Protest Writing Assignment Summative- None Lesson Plan Template Subject: World History Date: March 26, 2013 Grade level: 10TH Grade Coop. Teacher: Contreras Teacher: Katie Saint John Campus: Akins HS ILL/504/SpEd accommodations: Because 2ND period is an inclusion class, Mr. Rocha, the class’s teaching aide, will be present during the lesson. Most of these students need a little extra time as well as verbal assistance with handouts, so the teacher will be sure to rotate throughout the room during the lesson and provide this help when needed. Lesson Overview / teacher notes: There is tons of material to cover in this lesson, so the teacher must be constantly aware of time and keep the students moving so as to ensure that everything is completed with as much true learning/understanding as possible. The teacher will alternate between leading whole-group discussion/lecture and having students read the content out loud, asking lower- and higher-level questions, and having students discuss content with a neighbor.