Causes of WW1 Essay; Assessment Rubric TASK: To write an essay explaining and linking the reasons (causes) of WW1 to clearly answer the question set. Level yourself honestly against the following statements. 1 = 10% 3 = 50% 5 = 100% I have: Discussed 2 of the main long-term causes of WW1 and their impact on the build up to war. Discussed the short-term cause (trigger) which lead to the break out of WW1. To use a wide range of relevant vocabulary to support ideas. Have tried to link the causes of war together coherently. To include a clear introduction and conclusion which outline the answer to the question set. To include at least 5 P.E.E paragraphs within the essay. To edit and check my essay for sense. “ Does it answer the question set?” 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 Teacher Comment: What Went Well; Even better if; Level Achieved 6b-c 5a 5b-c 4a QUALITY OF INFORMATION PROVIDED QUALITY OF ESSAY WRITING Outstanding detail, the main points phrased well and explained clearly. PEE points used confidently to make points, evidence and explanations. Accurate facts and everything included is very relevant to essay title. Very good detail, the main points phrased well and explained relatively clearly. PEE points used well to make points, evidence and explanations. Accurate facts and most of what is included is relevant to essay title. Most paragraphs have good detail, the main points phrased well and sometimes explained clearly. PEE points used to make points, evidence and explanations, but not always well. Most facts used are accurate and most of what is included is relevant to essay title. Some paragraphs have detail, the main points included but not always explained clearly. PEE points sometimes used but not always clearly. Most facts used are accurate and most of what is included is relevant to essay title. Essay flows well, confident use of connectives, is well organised and structured to make clear sense of information. Paragraphing used, edited for simple errors. Great control over ideas. Essay reads well with some use of connectives to link ideas. Fairly well organized and a structure followed to help control ideas. Paragraphing used, edited for simple errors. Essay is organized into paragraphs but some sections out of place. Paragraphing is used, but maybe not correctly, editing for simple errors may not have occurred. Overall this shows a lack of control. Ineffective or no use of planning sheet and poor paragraphing. Little or no connectives make the writing disjointed and hard to follow. Ideas expressed poorly. Causes of WW1 Essay; Assessment Rubric