Pre and Post Test

Pre and Post Test
1.Which of the following puts the three empires of West Africa in the correct order from
earliest to latest?
a. Songhai, Mali, Ghana
b. Mali, Songhai, Ghana
c. Ghana, Mali, Songhai
d. Songhai, Ghana, Mali
2. Ghana's glorious period last from:
a. the 8th to 11th centuries
b. the 3rd to 7th centuries
c. the 10th to 13th centuries
d. the 12th to 15th centuries
3. Ghana's power came from:
a. its superior military weapons
b. its ability to control the trade of gold between West and North Africa
c. its salt mines
d. its rich agricultural production
4.The people of Ghana were the:
a. Mande
b. Wangara
c. Soninke
d. Fulani
5. The kingdom of Mali was powerful during
a. the 10th to 12th centuries
b. the 13th to 15th centuries
c. the 6th ro 11th centuries
d. the 14th to 16th centuries
6.Which of the following statements about Sundiata is not true:
a. Sundiata was king of Mali
b. Sundiata was defeated by Sumanguru at Kirina in 1235.
c. Sundiata's life was spared because he was an invalid.
d. Sundiata expanded Mali to nearly twice the size of the old kingdom of Ghana.
7. Mali's legacy to west African history included all of the following except the
a. incorporation of Islam into government and society as a unifying force.
b. development of complex bureaucratic structures.
c. imposition of a single language and culture throughout the empire.
d. foundation of centers of Islamic arts and scholarship.
8. Which of the following was not a result of Mansa Musa's trip to Mecca?
a. cartographers began to include Mali on maps of Africa
b. a system of writing and numbers
c. the building of Qur'anic schools
d. the practice of ancestor worship
9.Askia 's greatest achievements in Songhai included all but:
a. declaring Islam the official religion
b. abolishing slavery
c. the creation of centers of learning at Timbuktu and Jenne
d. a strong central government
10.What was the major factor that contributed to the West African kingdoms becoming
centers of trade:
a. agricultural resources
b. geographic location
c. slavery
d. military might