Name: _______________________________ US History 212 – Mrs. Keller Unit 1: Intervention vs. Non-Interference Assignments Assessing Theodore Roosevelt in 2 Key intersections Unit/Topic Question: To what extent did Theodore Roosevelt’s interventionist policies spread democracy at home and abroad? Topic 1: Bridging Freshman and Sophomore Years--themes and intersections In Class: Wednesday 9/2 and Thursday 9/3 Research your assigned historical intersection and complete worksheet. Topic 2: CSI: Buffalo HW: Read pg. 512-518 in The Americans textbook and respond to questions 1, 2, 3 for the next class. Due: Tuesday 9/8/15 Topic 3: How the Other Half Lives Essential Questions: What were the challenges of urbanization during the late 1800s-early 1900s? What role did muckrakers play in bringing about governmental reform? Jacob Riis Seventeenth Amendment Muckrakers Initiative/Referendum/Recall Jane Addams and Hull House: Ida Tarbell/History of the Standard Oil Company: HW: Read p. 523-531 in The Americans text book and complete # 1, 3 and 4 on pg. 531 for Tuesday’s class (9/15). Due: Tuesday 9/15/15. Topic 4: Workplace safety: Triangle Shirtwaist and The Jungle Essential Question: To what extent are workplace safety and food safety still issues today? Identify: Muller v. Oregon: Carrie Nation Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire: Eighteenth Amendment: Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU): HW: Study for Unit 1 Quiz which will be on Wednesday 9/16! Topics 3, 4, and 5 terms. Topic 5: Square Deal Essential Questions: What were the various components of the Square Deal? Many historians regard Teddy Roosevelt as one of the US’s greatest presidents. Do you agree with this assessment? Why or why not? Identify: Theodore Roosevelt: Upton Sinclair and The Jungle: Square Deal: (3 Cs) Meat Inspection Act: Anthracite Coal Strike: Pure Food and Drug Act: Department of Commerce and Labor (1903): TR’s conservation efforts: Elkins Act/Hepburn Act and connection to Interstate Commerce Act of 1887: HW: Create a political cartoon of one of the events/terms above. Be sure to support or refute Theodore Roosevelt’s role within the country based on the day’s lesson. Due: Wednesday 9/16/15. Topic 6: Intersection: The Anthracite Coal Strike Essential Question: To what extent did Roosevelt successfully handle the Anthracite Coal Strike of 1902? Do you think Roosevelt’s intervention was in favor of the strikers or the mine operators? Why? HW: Type a 1 paragraph response to the EQ above using examples from the class discussion to support your view. Due: Monday 9/21/15 Topic 7: New Freedom: A continuation or departure from the Square Deal? Essential Question: To what extent was Wilson’s New Freedom a continuation and a departure from TR’s Square Deal? Identify: Election of 1912: Federal Reserve Act: TR and New Nationalism: Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914: Wilson and New Freedom: Clayton Anti-trust Act: Underwood Tariff Bill: Sixteenth Amendment: Topic 8: Arguments for and against interventionism in foreign affairs Essential Question: Why does the U.S. decide to adopt an interventionist foreign policy in the late 19th century? Read: In class documents Topic 10: Consequences of the Spanish American War Essential Question: What long term benefits and drawbacks do you envision as a result of the territories acquired in the Spanish American War? Identify: Alfred Mahan Queen Liliuokalani William McKinley Maine explosion Emilio Aguinaldo Yellow Journalism Rough Riders US acquisitions as a result of the Spanish American War Philippine-American War HW: Read pg. 565-571 and complete #1, 3 on p. 571 due 9/24. Topic 11: Roosevelt Corollary and TR’s intervention in Asia Essential Question: Do you think TR’s policies in Latin America and Asia engendered positive or negative views of America? Identify: Teller Amendment Boxer Rebellion Insular Case “Gentleman’s Agreement” Platt Amendment Roosevelt Corollary Open Door Policy HW: Finish the Roosevelt Corallary questions if necessary. Work on Unit Test Review Sheet terms. Topic 12: Panama Canal Simulation Essential Question: Was the acquisition and construction of the Panama Canal justifiable? How do America’s actions reflect the goals of the Preamble of the Constitution? Identify: Panama Canal Portsmouth Treaty HW: Work on Unit Test Review Sheet terms and prep for the test. Unit Test: Wednesday September 30, 2015 Your test will consist of multiple choice questions and this essay question: Evaluate the following statement: President Theodore Roosevelt’s interventionism spread democracy at home and abroad. Topic 2: Historical Intersections 1860-1920 Circle your assigned intersection: 1. 19th amendment 2. Prohibition 3. 14th Amendment 1. Briefly describe your assigned intersection in your own words--explain what happened, who was involved and the outcome of your intersection. 2. Who was on go, caution and stop in your intersection? Why? 3. What is the enduring significance of your intersection?