Essay Options for the Scientific Revolution and the Protestant

Essay Options for the Scientific Revolution and the Protestant Reformation Test
Each World History class will complete 1 take home essay and 1 in class essay. The
take home essay must be at least 5 paragraphs, with an introduction, body paragraphs
and a conclusion. It must be typed, double-spaced and 12 font and MUST be handed
in to me when you come to class to complete the in class essay. The in class essay
must be between 3-5 paragraphs and DOES NOT have to have an introduction and a
conclusion. Both essays MUST contain factual details from the textbook, powerpoint
slides and/or collateral reading assignments to support your assertions. The take
home essay is worth 30 points while the in class essay is worth 20. Both will count in
your ESSAY assessment category (25%).
Essay / Test Schedule:
Black Class: Monday, December 4 - Take home essay #2. / TEST – Tuesday, Dec. 5
Pink Class: Monday, December 11 - Take home essay #1. / TEST – Friday, Dec. 8
Aqua Marine: Monday, December 4 - Take home essay #2. / TEST – Tuesday, Dec. 5
Lime: Tuesday, December 5 - Take home essay #1. / TEST – Thursday, Dec. 7
Crimson: Tuesday, December 5 - Take home essay #3. / TEST – Wednesday, Dec 6
1. During the late Middle Ages, the influence and power of the Catholic Church
underwent changes. Determine the change in influence and power of the
Catholic Church by looking at how the following factors contributed to the
the Renaissance
the Scientific Revolution
the Protestant Reformation and the Religious Wars that followed
the Catholic Church’s own internal difficulties
the rise of national monarchies
To comprehensively answer this question, you must address each aspect of this
question and supply detailed, factual information to support the points you
2. Account for the political, economic, and religious reasons why Martin Luther
garnered so much support for his Reformation. Account for any other
significant factors not mentioned above that aided his cause. Be specific and
provide factual support for your assertions.
3. Trace the effects of the Protestant Reformation, the Peace of Augsburg, the
Thirty Years War and the Treaty of Westphalia on the Holy Roman Empire.
4. Determine how the Renaissance and the Scientific Revolution shared similar
values and beliefs even though the focuses of the movements were
significantly different.
5. "Unless I am convicted by scripture and plain reason - I do not accept the
authority of the popes and councils, for they have contradicted each other - my
conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and I will not recant
anything for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. God help me.
Amen." - Luther at the Diet of Worms (1521)
Discuss how this quote accurately describes the central tenets of Luther’s
6. Compare the issues surrounding the Trial of Galileo and Luther’s performance
at the Diet of Worms. How did the outcome of both help you determine the
personalities and leadership abilities of Galileo and Luther?
7. Discuss the Catholic response at the Council of Trent to the criticisms
launched against the Church by the Protestants. What significant changes, if
any, did the Catholic Church make to religious doctrine? Give specific
From the Modern History Sourcebook:
Martin Luther: Against Catholicism, 1535
8. “The chief cause that I fell out with the pope was this: the pope boasted that he
was the head of the Church, and condemned all that would not be under his
power and authority; for he said, although Christ be the head of the Church,
yet, notwithstanding, there must be a corporal head of the Church upon earth.
With this I could have been content, had he but taught the gospel pure and
clear, and not introduced human inventions and lies in its stead. Further, he
took upon him power, rule, and authority over the Christian Church, and over
the Holy Scriptures, the Word of God; no man must presume to expound the
Scriptures, but only he, and according to his ridiculous conceits; so that he made
himself lord over the Church, proclaiming her at the same time a powerful
mother, and empress over the Scriptures, to which we must yield and be
obedient; this was not to be endured. They who, against God's Word, boast of
the Church's authority, are mere idiots. The pope attributes more power to the
Church, which is begotten and born, than to the Word, which has begotten,
conceived, and born the Church.
We, through God's grace, are not heretics, but schismatics, causing, indeed,
separation and division, wherein we are not to blame, but our adversaries, who
gave occasion thereto, because they remain not by God's Word alone, which we
have, hear, and follow. When our Lord God intends to plague and punish one,
He leaves him in blindness, so that he regards not God's Word, but condemns
the same, as the papists now do. They know that our doctrine is God's Word,
but they will not allow of this syllogism and conclusion: When God speaks, we
must hear him; now God speaks through the doctrine of the gospel; therefore
we must hear Him. But the papists, against their own consciences, say, No; we
must hear the Church. It is very strange: they admit propositions, but will not
allow of the consequences, or permit the conclusions to be right. They urge
some decree or other of the Council of Constance, and say, though Christ speak,
who is the truth itself, yet an ancient custom must be preferred, and observed
for law. Thus do they answer, when they seek to wrest and pervert the truth.”
Discuss Luther’s main criticism’s of the papacy and while doing so, emphasize
one of the central tenets of Luther’s teachings. You may use limited quotes
from the piece to illustrate your point(s).