Playmates Preschools & Child Development Centers, Inc. ® Kenova 304-453-4858 Lavalette 304-523-4858 Huntington Buffalo 304-522-4858 304-429-3988 Westmoreland 304-429-4851 Ceredo 304-908-3368 Ceredo Pre-K 304-453-5998 Westmoreland Pre-k 304-781-0053 PROPER WORK ATTIRE PERSONNEL MANUAL POLICY # ER-3 Effective Date: April 1, 2013 Approved: Board of Directors Review Date: SECTION: EMPLOYEE RELATIONS SUBJECT: Proper Attire/Dress Code Revised: Replaces # PLAYMATES PRE-SCHOOLS & CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTERS, INC. Total Pages: 3 Dated: SUBJECT: Proper Work Attire PURPOSE: Personal appearance and hygiene play an important role in projecting a professional image in the community and to the customers we serve. Our appearance should always reflect what is appropriate for our job, work setting, and personal safety. POLICY: Playmates Preschool & Child Development Centers, Inc. (Playmates) requires employees to always appear for work in attire that is “professional” and suitable for the work setting. This may vary slightly from one area to another depending on the nature of the work, exposure to the general public, customers, and the environment. The Playmates mission statement proposes that Playmates will be the leading provider of early care and education services in our region. Being the leader infers that Playmates’ employees represent the gold standard of professionalism in the workplace and as such, sets the standard for quality in our industry. Quality is reflected first and foremost by the appearance of each and every employee. Blue jeans are never authorized apparel for Playmates employees attending functions, either within or outside Playmates facilities for which non-Playmates personnel is or may be attending. This includes, but is not limited to, conferences, seminars, workshops, or training sessions. This policy is intended to describe guidelines on what is considered appropriate dress for the workplace. These guidelines are not intended to be all-inclusive, but rather should help set the general parameters for appropriate attire, and allow employees to use good judgment and common sense about items not specifically addressed. 1 Playmates Preschools & Child Development Centers, Inc. ® Kenova 304-453-4858 Lavalette 304-523-4858 Huntington Buffalo 304-522-4858 304-429-3988 Westmoreland 304-429-4851 Ceredo 304-908-3368 Ceredo Pre-K 304-453-5998 Westmoreland Pre-k 304-781-0053 Appropriate Attire At Playmates, appropriate work attire is defined by work classification AND the type of work generally performed by the employee. Each category is defined below. In general, for both men and women, clothing should have a good fit. Clothing should be pressed and in good condition, meaning that it has no fading, holes (including excessively worn areas even if skin does not show), or dangling threads, and is also wrinkle-free. Undergarments must be worn. Administrative Employees: Generally defined as business casual attire, Playmates administrative employees should always dress in a manner that reflects positively on the agency. Men should wear clothing such as khakis or Dockers style twill pants and a logo polo-type shirt or other types of collared shirt or sweater. Women should wear dressy slacks, capris, or skirts, blouses, dressy tees, or sweaters. Professionally-styled company logo shirts are acceptable for men or women (not t-shirts or sweatshirts). Hosiery/socks are not required for women. Footwear should be selected according to the type of work performed, keeping safety, comfort, and professional appearance in mind. Administrative employees must also adhere to the Inappropriate Attire/Appearance section of this policy, below. Classroom Employees: Attire should always be appropriate for the type of work being completed and the levels of interaction with the general public, customers, or vendors. For classroom teachers and other nonmanagement center employees, the following list of apparel are considered appropriate: Skirts (no shorter than 4 inches above the knee); Long shorts (no shorter than 4 inches above the knee); Warm-up outfits made of nylon or other materials, including non-athletic fleece wear which reflects a more “dressy” appearance; Casual or dress slacks, including khaki; Denim clothing in any color other than blue; Dresses (no shorter than 4 inches above the knee); Dress T-shirts (must NOT advertise drugs, sex, alcohol, music, religion, or race issues); Sweaters or blouses; Leggings and tights may be worn with a top that is at least the length of your longest fingertip when arms are hanging by your side; Capris; One-piece swimsuits for females; and Scrubs. Scrubs must be paired with a top and matching bottom. For example, a T-shirt with scrub bottoms would not be authorized attire. Scrubs with hospital logos should not be worn. 2 Playmates Preschools & Child Development Centers, Inc. ® Kenova 304-453-4858 Lavalette 304-523-4858 Huntington Buffalo 304-522-4858 304-429-3988 Westmoreland 304-429-4851 Ceredo 304-908-3368 Ceredo Pre-K 304-453-5998 Westmoreland Pre-k 304-781-0053 Friday Attire: Fridays are considered “dress-down days” at Playmates for all employees, including administrative employees. Blue jeans are authorized when paired with other appropriate attire, as listed above1. Non-athletic fleecewear and warm-up outfits made of nylon or other materials which reflect a more “dressy” appearance are authorized for administrative employees. 1 Neither blue jeans nor warm-up outfits of any kind are authorized on Fridays during which a Playmates employee is scheduled to interact with the public in any way. Inappropriate Attire/Appearance Certain items of apparel or levels of appearance are never authorized at Playmates. These items include, but are not limited to: Visible tattoos that cannot be completely covered by clothing or a bandage (jewelry is NOT an acceptable cover-up for tattoos); Body piercings (except ears); Black nail polish; Two-piece swimsuits for female employees; Spaghetti strap tops unless worn under another item of clothing where straps cannot be seen; Cut-off T-shirts or Belly Shirts (if you are performing your regular duties and you are showing your belly or back, your shirts are too short); Sweat shirts, including hoodies and crew necks; Clothing with holes; Clothing made of spandex; Sheer clothing or clothing that is excessively revealing; Tank tops for male employees; Sweat suits that are more athletic in nature than stylish; and Blue jeans worn by any Playmates employee during business functions that include or may include representatives of the general public. Employee Role & Responsibility Always strive to project a professional image while at work and in the public eye; Be conservative when selecting work attire. If there is doubt as to whether a piece of clothing or outfit is appropriate, do not wear it in the workplace; and Proper appearance includes personal hygiene. Daily grooming and bathing is required. Management Role & Responsibility Set the example for professional appearance in the workplace; Communicate the company standards of dress to all employees; and The overriding goal is to achieve a professional appearance regardless of the level of dress employees wear. Directors will enforce this policy to accomplish that effect. Employees who fail to follow the proper dress code should be counseled and subject to disciplinary actions, including leaving the premises (if necessary). Any time lost will not be compensated. 3