Summary Points of Shmuel Bet for Final Perek Alef Perek Dalet The report of Shaul’s death Rechev and Ba’anah assassinate Ishboshet David and his people mourn David’s eulogy They try to win David’s favor (because of it) Perek Bet David has them killed for it David rules in Chevron Perek Hay David blesses those who buried Shaul The entire Bnei Yisrael accept David as king Ishboshet assumes Shaul’s kingship David occupies Yerushalayim as his capital A bloody duel Chiram sends gifts to David (ally) Avner kills Asahel in selfdefense David’s family grows Avner convinces Yoav to avoid civil war David defeats the attacking Pelishtim The warriors withdraw and bury their dead Perek Vav Perek Gimmel David and his people retrieve Aron David’s sons Ishboshet alienates Avner Uzzah dies and the Aron is brought elsewhere Avner turns to David and brings back Michal David leads the celebration for the Aron Avner rallies Bnei Yisrael to David Michal’s criticism & David’s rebuke Yoav assassinates Avner Perek Zayin David condemns Yoav David longs to build the Beit HaMikdash David leads the mourning for Avner (yet doesn’t punish Yoav) Hashem responds in the negative to the request at this time (by this person) Hashem will establish David’s dynasty and his son will build the Beit HaMikdash David thanks Hashem David prays for Yisrael and his dynasty Perek Chet David subdues foreign enemies King Toi pays tribute to David (ally) David consolidates reign Perek Tet David learns of Yonatan’s surviving son David orders that Mefiboshet be cared for Perek Yud Ammon’s cruelty to David’s messengers Ammon hires Aram to ‘partner’ with them against David Allies surround Yoav’s force Yoav’s successful strategy The enemies are subdued and make peace Perek Yud Alef David and Batsheva Uriyah disobeys David Summary Points of Shmuel Bet for Final Uriyah explains why Uriyah is sent to the frontlines and is killed David hears the news and encourages Yoav (in battle) Avshalom has Amnon killed (revenge) and David mourns Avshalom goes into exile Perek Yud Dalet Tziva criticizes Mefiboshet Shimei curses David David ignores him Chushai wins Avshalom’s trust David marries Batsheva Yoav plans a reunion with Avshalom Hashem is upset with David The wise woman’s story Achitophel’s immoral counsel Perek Yud Bet David promises to help her Perek Yud Zayin Natan’s rebuke: A parable The woman reveals the truth Natan accuses david David figures out it was Yoav Achitophel proposes a surprise attack on David Natan prophesies Davids’ punishment David sends Yoav to bring Avshalom back David confesses and repents Avshalom’s physical beauty Batsheva’s baby is stricken; David prays & fasts Avshalom forces a reunion with David (field fire) David ends his fast Perek Tet Vav Batsheva gives birth to Shlomo Avshalom strategizes how to gain a following David conquers Ammon Avshalom declares a rebellion Perek Yud Gimmel Amnon’s plot to get Tamar Tamar serves the “sick” Amnon David goes into exile His servants prove their loyalty He rapes her Aron is returned to Yerushalayim He throws her out disgracefully Achitophel’s deceit Avshalom’s kindess to Tamar and hatred of Amnon Chushai argues against Achitophel’s proposal Avshalom listens to Chushai Chushai sends informers to David Informers almost get caught Informers tell David Achitophel’s suicide Avshalom & David ‘face off’ People bring David food etc. (support him) Perek Yud Chet David plans his strategy David’s army defeats Avshalom Avshalom is spared Chushai becomes David’s secret agent Yoav kills Avshalom Perek Tet Zayin Avshalom’s monument Summary Points of Shmuel Bet for Final Runners hurry to tell David David hears the good news first David hears the bad news about Avshalom Perek Yud Tet David mourns Avshalom People join David in mourning Yoav protests and David accepts it Yoav kills Amasa & assumes role A wise woman saves her city They kill Sheva The leaders of David’s court Perek Chuf Alef The Three Year Famine The terrible demand of the Givonim David designated 7 victims David Returns to Yerushalayim Ritzpah’s commitment People Return to David Perek Chuf Bet David regains Yehuda’s loyalty Song of Gratitude Shimei comes to beg king for mercy The Giant’s Children Perek Chuf Gimmel David’s last prophetic words David spares Shimei David’s mighty warriors Mefiboshet denies Tziva’s slander Perek Chuf Dalet David rewards Barzilai Yisrael claims Yehuda insulted them Perek Chuf Sheva ben Bichri’s rebellion David returns home David sends troop to fight against Sheva Census A long trip David chooses his punishment Early end to the punishment Aravnah’s threshing floor David buys it and builds altar