Elizabeth Grosz: "Refiguring Bodies", s. 3-24 i Volatile Bodies. Toward a
Corporeal Feminism, Indiana UP, 1994.
Michel Foucault: “Introduksjon,” s. 7-32 i Bind II, Bruken av nytelse av
Seksualitetens historie. Overs. av Espen Schaanning, Exil/Pax, 2001.
Thomas Laqueur: Kapittel II, “Destiny Is Anatomy,” s. 25-63 i Making Sex,
Harvard University Press, 1992.
Judith Butler: "Preface", s. ix-xii og "Introduction", s. 1-23 i Bodies that Matter.
On the Discursive Limits of "Sex", Routledge, 1993.
Camille Paglia: "Sex and Violence, or Nature and Art", s. 1-39 i Sexual
Personae. Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson, Vintage Books,
Leo Bersani, "Is the Rectum a Grave?", s. 197-222 i October 43 (Winter 1987).
Judith Halberstam, "Between Butches", s. 57-66 i Butch/Femme: Inside Lesbian
Gender, red. av Sally R. Munt. Cassell, 1998.
Evelynn Hammonds: "Black (W)holes and the Geometry of Black Female
Sexuality", s.136-156 i Feminism meets Queer Theory, red. Elixabeth Weed og
Naomi Schor, Indiana UP, 1997.
Rosi Braidotti: "Signs of wonder and traces of doubt. On terratology and
embodied differences", s. 135-152 i Between monsters, goddesses and cyborgs :
feminist confrontations with science, medicine and cyberspace, red. Nina Lykke og
Rosi Braidotti, Zed Books, 1996.
i)Teoretiske retninger
Anglo-amerikansk feminisme:
Susan Gubar: "'The Blank Page' and the Issues of Female Creativity", s. 292313 i The New Feminist Criticism. Essays on Women, Literature & Theory, red.
Elaine Showalter, Pantheon Books, 1985. (22 sider)
Fransk feminisme:
Hélène Cixous: "Castration or Decapitation?", s. 345-356 i Out There.
Marginalization and Contemporary Cultures, red. Russell Ferguson et al., The
MIT Press, 1990. (12 sider)
Shoshana Felman: "Women and Madness: The Critical Phallacy", s. 20-40 i
What Does a Woman Want? Reading and Sexual Difference, Johns Hopkins UP,
1993. (21 sider)
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak: "A Literary Representation of the Subaltern: A
Woman's Text from the Third World", s. 241-268 i In Other Worlds: Essays in
Cultural Politics. Methuen, 1987. (27 sider)
Queer teori:
Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, "Introduction" from Between Men, s. 463-486 i
Feminisms: an Anthology of Literary Theory and Criticism, red. R. Warhol & D.
Price Herndl, Rutgers U Press, 1991. (23 sider)
ii) Litterære praksiser:
Craig Owens: "The Discourse of Others: Feminists and Postmodernism", s.
166-190 i Beyond Recognition. Representation, Power, and Culture, U of California
Press, 1992. (25 sider)
Linda Hutcheon: "Postmodernism and Feminism", s. 141-168 i The Politics of
Postmodernism , Routledge, 1989). (28 sider)
Angela Carter "Notes from the Front Line", s. 36-43 i Shaking a Leg. Collected
Journalism and Writings , Chatto & Windus, 1997. (8 sider)
Mae G. Henderson: "Toni Morrison's Beloved: Re-memebering the Body as
Historical Text", s. 312-342 i Discourses of Sexuality. From Aristotle to AIDS, ed.
Domna C. Stanton , U of Michigan Press, 1992. (31 sider)
Angela Carter. The Passion of New Eve.
Toni Morrison. Beloved.
Nancy Bauer: ”Is Feminist Philosophy a Contradiction in Terms? First
Philosophy, The Second Sex, and the Third Wave,” s.19-46 i Simone de Beauvoir,
Philosophy, & Feminism. Columbia University Press, New York 2001. (27 sider)
Nancy Tuana: ”Revaluing Science: Starting From the Practices of Women,”
s. 17-39 i Lynn Hankinson Nelson and Jack Nelson (eds.): Feminism, Science,
and the Philosophy of Science. Kluwer Academic Publishers, GB 1996. (22 sider)
Sara Heinämaa: ”Woman - nature, product, style? Rethinking the
Foundations of Feminist Philosophy of Science,” p.289-309 i Lynn Hankinson
Nelson and Jack Nelson (eds.): Feminism, Science, and the Philosophy of Science.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, GB 1996. (20 sider)
Jane Flax: ”Political Philosophy and the Patriarchal Unconcious: A
Psychoanalytic Perspective on Epistemology and Metaphysics,” s. 217-247 i
Nancy Tuana and Rosemary Tong (eds.): Feminism and Philosophy. Essential
Readings in Theory, Reinterpretation and Application. Westview Press, Oxford
1995. (30 sider)
Elizabeth Grosz: ”Lived Bodies: Phenomenology and the Flesh,” s. 86-115 i
Volatile Bodies. Indiana University Press, Bloomington and Indianapolis 1994.
(29 sider)
Moira Gatens: ”The Feminist Critique of Philosophy,” s.85-100 i Feminism and
Philosophy. Perspectives on Difference and Equality. Polity Press, Cambridge
1991. (15 sider)
Linda Alcoff: ”Cultural Feminism Versus Post-Structuralism: The Identity
Crisis in Feminist Theory,” s. 434-457 i Nancy Tuana and Rosemary Tong
(eds.): Feminism and Philosophy. Essential Readings in Theory, Reinterpretation and
Application. Westview Press, Oxford 1995. (23 sider)
Genevieve Lloyd: ”Feminism in history of philosophy. Appropriating the
past,” s.245-264 i The Cambridge Companion to Feminism In Philosophy.
Cambridge University Press 2000. (19 sider)
Luce Irigaray: Kapittel II, “This Sex Which Is Not One,” s.23-34 i This Sex
Which Is Not One. Cornell University Press, 1985. (11 sider)
Luce Irigaray: Kapittel XI, “When Our Lips Speak Together,” s.205-219 i This
Sex Which Is Not One. Cornell University Press, 1985. (14 sider)
Luce Irigaray: Kapittel X, “I Love To You,” s.109-115 i I Love To You.
Routledge, 1996. (6 sider)
Luce Irigaray: Kapittel XI, “In Almost Absolute Silence,” s.115- 121 i I Love To
You. Routledge, 1996. (6 sider)
= 222 sider