8431,"gilgamesh movie",10,12,"2000-02-20 00:00:00",260,http://www.123helpme.com/view.asp?id=9285,5,511000,"2016-02-27 05:14:59"

Semester Plan
1. Greco-Roman
a. Principal Characters
b. Creation myth-The Creation of the Titans and the Gods
c. Creation myth- Demeter and Persephone
d. Hero myth- Labors and Death of Hercules
e. Hero myth- Perseus
f. Movie-Clash of the Titans
g. Unit Test- Identification and Two Short Answer Questions
2. Middle East/Babylonian
a. Principal Characters
b. Creation myth- Enuma Elish
c. Hero myth- Gilgamesh
d. Unit Test- Identification and Two Short Answer Questions
3. Norse/Vikings
a. Principal Characters
b. Creation Myth-The Creation, Death, and Rebirth of the Universe
c. The Trickster-Theft of Idun’s Apple
d. “Hero” myth- Theft of Thor’s Hammer
e. Hero myth- Sigurd the Volsung
f. Movie-Thor
g. Unit Test- Identification and Two Short Answer Questions
4. Celtic
a. Principal Characters
b. Creation Myth- The Ages of the World
c. Creation Myth-Dagda the Good
d. Hero Myth- Cu chulainn
e. Movie-The Secret of Kells
f. Unit Test- Identification and Two Short Answer Questions
*Nine weeks Essay*
5. England and France
g. Hero Myth- King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
h. Hero Myth- La Chanson de Roland
i. Movie- First Knight
j. Unit Test- Identification and Two Short Answer Questions
5. India/Hindu
a. Principal Characters
b. Creation Myth- The Creation, Death, and Rebirth of the Universe
c. Hero Myth- The Ramayana
d. Movie-The Ramayana
e. Unit Test- Identification and Two Short Answer Questions
6. Africa
a. Creation Myth- Creation of the Universe and Ife
b. Hero Myth- Gassire’s Lute
Semester Plan
7. Native and Meso-American Indian
a. Iroquois, Navajo, and Inuit Creation myths
b. Quetzalcoatl
8. Myth in Modern Culture
a. Star Wars/Joseph Campbell
b. Lord of the Rings/Tolkien and his definition of myth
c. Harry Potter
d. Percy Jackson and the Olympians
e. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
f. TBA?
Final Project
1. Modernized version of a myth videotaped
2. Movie Poster for a myth
3. Move Trailer for a myth
4. Write a screenplay
5. Modern Day Troubadour
6. Write an epic poem
7. Research Paper
a. Take a modern movie/tv show and tell the hero monomyth for a character
b. Compare/Contrast two creation myths or hero myths
c. Compare/Contrast a classic hero with a modern hero
Unit Tests
Character Identification
Theme Identification
2 short answer