English assignment day 5- Comparison of Heart of Darkness and

English assignment day 5- Comparison of Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse now
Owen Potts
- All the characters are similar in there
names and personalities.
- Marlow finds in both stories that home
isn’t the same after the experiences of
their journeys.
-They both have a narrator.
-They are both in 3rd person omniscient.
-The boats both take a long deep journey
past all the outposts deep into the jungle.
-The natives of the land they invade are
treated unjustly and poorly.
- They both loose members of the boat
crew from ambush of the locals.
- Really dark, dream sense in the way the
story is presented.
- Marlow becomes mesmerized by Kurtz
- Both Marlow’s were given the job of
extracting Kurtz from his renegade
- Kurtz is a very high achiever in both
-Kurt is godlike to the natives.
-The mission of Marlow to track down
Kurtz is kept very secretive.
- Similar tone in that narration
-They take place in different locations, and
different timelines, Vietnamese war to stop
communism, and the colonization of the
African Congo for resources.
- Marlow copes with the war by drinking.
-Marlow in the book feels sadness and
remorse towards the black slaves of the
- In the book its about colonization and
gaining resources, in the movie the US is
trying to spread capitalism and stop
-Marlow gets his information of Kurtz from
the manager of the company in the book,
rather then from a dossier in Apocalypse
-Both do show that when men are given
power, there hearts can turn to darkness,
in the “heart” of the darkness of the