Romeo and Juliet Act I Questions A foil is a character who has

Romeo and Juliet Act I Questions
1. A foil is a character who has qualities that are in sharp contrast to another character,
thus emphasizing the traits of each. How is Mercutio a foil to Romeo?
2. Foreshadowing refers to hints in the text about what will occur later. What examples of
foreshadowing do you find in the prologue and in Scene iv of Act 2?
3. Hyperbole means obvious exaggeration. Look at Romeo’s declaration of love for
Rosaline in Act I, Scene i. what examples can you find of hyperbole? Discuss why you
think he overstates his feelings.
4. A pun is a play on words that have similar sounds but more than one possible spelling or
meaning. Scene iv, in which Romeo and his friends banter on the way to the Capulet’s
masquerade party, is filled with puns. Find a pun in this scene and explain its different
meanings and effect.
5. Good drama has conflict: struggle between opposing forces. What conflicts are set in
motion by events in Scene v?
Romeo and Juliet Act I Questions
6. A foil is a character who has qualities that are in sharp contrast to another character,
thus emphasizing the traits of each. How is Mercutio a foil to Romeo?
7. Foreshadowing refers to hints in the text about what will occur later. What examples of
foreshadowing do you find in the prologue and in Scene iv of Act 2?
8. Hyperbole means obvious exaggeration. Look at Romeo’s declaration of love for
Rosaline in Act I, Scene i. what examples can you find of hyperbole? Discuss why you
think he overstates his feelings.
9. A pun is a play on words that have similar sounds but more than one possible spelling or
meaning. Scene iv, in which Romeo and his friends banter on the way to the Capulet’s
masquerade party, is filled with puns. Find a pun in this scene and explain its different
meanings and effect.
10. Good drama has conflict: struggle between opposing forces. What conflicts are set in
motion by events in Scene v?