Final exam questions

Sample essay questions for the final exam
(five of these questions will be on the exam)
1. Discuss interactions between biological, developmental, social and psychological factors
in development of a psychological disorder. Choose a specific example of a
psychological disorder and demonstrate how these factors interact in that disorder.
Finally, discuss how an integrated approach combines those factors in explanation and
treatment of the disorder. (6 points)
2. Compare panic disorder with agoraphobia and obsessive-compulsive disorder. List at
least two symptoms of each disorder and discuss the treatment of the two disorders (what
is similar, what is different?). (6 points)
3. Compare generalized anxiety disorder and social phobia. List at least two symptoms of
each disorder and discuss treatment of the two disorders (similarities and differences).
4. Compare bipolar I disorder, bipolar II disorder and cyclothymic disorder. List at least one
symptom for each that the other disorders do not have. Discuss possible treatment of each
of the disorders. (6 points)
5. Compare the schizoid personality disorder and avoidant personality disorder. Include a
description of at least two symptoms of each and classify the two personality disorders
with respect to the cluster of personality disorders they belong to. (6 points)
6. Compare the narcissistic personality disorder and dependent personality disorder. Include
a description of at least two symptoms of each and classify the two personality disorders
with respect to the cluster of personality disorders they belong to. (6 points)
7. Choose at least two of the positive, two of the negative and two disorganized symptoms
of schizophrenia and describe them. (6 points)
8. Compare schizoaffective disorder and brief psychotic disorder (describe the typical
features that distinguish them). Classify the two disorders with respect to the more
general group of disorders they belong to. Discuss the course of the two disorders and
their treatment.
9. Compare somatization disorder and conversion disorder. Describe at least two
symptoms of each and discuss a possible treatment of each.
10. Compare body dysmorphic disorder and hypochondriasis. Describe at least two
symptoms of each and discuss a possible treatment of each.
11. Discuss at least two psycho-social factors related to cancer and heart disease.
What may be involved in psychological treatment of those two disorders?
12. In class we discussed the influence of stress on immune function. Briefly discuss
the involvement of cortisol and the role of hippocampus in the stress reaction (2
points). Discuss the connection between stress and flue. How does stress in
relation to flue interact with social environment and subjective feeling of
13. Compare anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating. List at least one
symptom for each disorder that the other disorders do not have. Discuss possible
treatment for each of the disorders.
14. Narcolepsy, breathing-related sleep disorders and somnambulism. What category
of sleep disorders does each belong to? List at least one symptom for each
15. Compare alcohol, hallucinogens (pick one example) and stimulants (pick one
example) with respect to their psychological effects. Discuss how dependent
people are likely to get on each of the three substances.
16. Provide an example of biological, psychological and social causes of drug abuse.
In relation to that discuss possible biological, psychological and social treatment
approaches (focus on one specific type of treatment in each category).
17. Compare ADHD and autism with respect to their symptoms (discuss at least two
symptoms of each disorder) and possible treatments.
18. Compare dementia of Alzheimer’s type and delirium disorder. Describe two
symptoms of each disorder and discuss a possible treatment for each
19. First, in general terms compare sexual desire disorders and paraphilias. Then pick
one specific type in each of the two groups of disorders, describe 1 symptom of
each specific disorder and its treatment.
20. Compare transsexualism and transvestic fetishism. Categorize the two disorders
with respect to the specific group of sex and gender related disorders. Describe at
least one symptom of each and their possible treatment.