English III – Unit Planning - English

Vaughn’s English II Honors – Daily Class Diary
Note: Tues 9/6 opening day assemblies
Quarter 1
Period 6 (E2H)
Wed. 9/7/11
(3, 5, 6)
Thu. 9/8/11
(3, 4, 6)
-Letter to teacher
-Reading from Amy Tan’s memoir “Required reading and other dangerous subjects” to discuss
how/why we analyze literature
Fri. 9/9/11
(3, 4, 5)
Mon. 9/12/11
(4, 5, 6)
Tue. 9/13/11
(3, 4, 5, 6)
Wed. 9/14/11
(3, 5, 6)
-Do Now: vocab ex. A
--Pair work to complete Dorian Gray quote analsis
- Write all work in notebook (context and analysis for each)
Hwk: finish quote analysis as needed; study for vocab
Thu. 9/15/11
(3, 4, 6)
-Do now: vocab ex. B
-Class split into 3 groups to work on separate activities for Dorian Gray analysis (1-allusions, 2references to five senses (hedonism), and 3-poetic devices)
Hwk: study vocab; prepare for formal Dorian Gray discussion on Monday
Fri. 9/16/11
(3, 4, 5)
Mon. 9/19/11
(4, 5, 6)
Dorian Gray formal discussion
-Review basic etiquette/rules of formal group discussion (raising hand, drawing people in, use
text to back up opinions, not monopolizing, etc.)
Hwk: Vocab C
Tue. 9/20/11
(3, 4, 5, 6)
Do now: vocab D (review both C and D together)
-Review all Dorian Gray quotes to ensure analysis is strong / accurate
Hwk: study vocab
Wed. 9/21/11
(3, 5, 6)
Vocab E
-HF intro lecture/discussion
-Huck Finn characters review / discussion highlighting examples that demonstrate Twain’s
work exposing hypocrisy in institutions
-Finish character notes for HW; study for quiz tomorrow
Dorian Gray
-Collect summer assignment
-Split personality opening question and discussion on doppelgangers
-Students to work in pairs answering questions for discussion
Hwk: finish questions as needed
Vocab intro
-Using cards or card app
-Review List 1 together and do cards (by hand or electronically)
-Go over Summer Rdg Essay
Vocab Quiz
-HF – work in pairs to analyze quotes
HW: finish quote analysis, if more time needed
Thu. 9/22/11
(3, 4, 6)
Fri. 9/23/11
(3, 4, 5)
Mon. 9/26/11
(4, 5, 6)
-Announce new paper due date (Oct 13)
-Review beginning HF quotes (1-3) as class (model analysis for class)
-Evacuation drill took up ½ the period
Tue. 9/27/11
(3, 4, 5, 6)
-Review physical journey (draw map) and compare to other parallel (internal) journeys the
characters make – how do they grow/change along the way? How do themes develop along
the journey?
-Start discussion questions
Wed. 9/28/11
(3, 5, 6)
-Assign groups to work on all HF discussion questions. Small group discussions.
Fri. 9/30/11
(3, 4, 6)
-Formal circle discussion on HF
-Review classwork grade nuts and bolts
-Give back papers (will have one-on-one conferences regarding papers next class)
Mon. 10/3/11
(3, 4, 5)
Tue. 10/4/11
(4, 5, 6)
-Conference with each student on summer assignment
-Class working on All Quiet Discussion Questions in assigned groups
HW: finish questions as needed
Conference on papers (outline and examples / thesis)
Wed. 10/5/11
(3, 4, 5, 6)
Thu. 10/6/11
(3, 5, 6)
Fri. 10/7/11
(3, 4, 6)
-Return vocab quiz 1 and review
-Give out Vocab List 2 and review all words
-Students to work on discussion questions AQ
-Conference on papers
-HW Complete discussion questions
-Vocab exercise A and review together
-Class discussion on themes of All Quiet. Thinking ‘outside the box’ about themes other than
‘war is difficult.’
-Students to work on analyzing quotes in handout
-Conferencing one-on-one while class working on quotes
HW: finish quotes
-Vocab exercise B and review together
-Writer’s workshop to write thesis statement and outline papers for essay due on 10/13.
Those students who have already completed this will work on the next phases of the process,
including identifying examples and writing a rough draft.
-Students instructed to bring draft on Wednesday (next class meeting) for peer editing.
HW: essay due 10/13
Tue. 10/11/11
(3, 4, 5)
-Vocab exercise C and review together
-Review rules of proper peer editing
-Review thesis statements and avoiding a thesis that is too vague, too factual, or too broad
-Writer’s workshop / peer editing session
Final papers due tomorrow 10/13
Note: PSAT day
HW: Finalize essays
-Collect essays
-Vocab exercise D and review together
-Open/introduce Frankenstein – give out books, packets, and review
Wed. 10/12/11
(4, 5, 6)
Thur. 10/13/11
(3, 4, 5, 6)
Fri. 10/14/11
(3, 5, 6)
NWEA Testing
Mon. 10/17/11
-Vocab exercise E and review together
-PPT presentation on intro to romanticism – students to take notes in notebooks
-Class discussion on The Introduction and the Preface of the novel (how and why she wrote
the novel, influences, background, etc.)
HW: Read the letters and Chapters 1-2; consider the quote journal during reading and
complete as necessary
Tue. 10/18/11
Wed. 10/19/11
(4, 5, 6)
Thur. 10/20/11
(3, 4, 5, 6)
Fri. 10/21/11
(3, 5, 6)
Mon. 10/24/11
Tue. 10/25/11
-Review primary elements of romanticism
-Discuss the myth of Prometheus and how it relates to Frankenstein
-Discuss Shelley’s Framing device and begin reading Rime of the Ancient Mariner
HW: If needed finish reading Rime and answer discussion questions; Read ch 3-5 and quote
Vocab quiz List 2
(Class interrupted with giving out academy tshirts)
-Continue reading and discussing Rime of the Ancient Mariner (Parts 1, 2, 3) and connect the
allusion to Frankenstein
HW: Read ch 6-10 and quote journal
-Complete the inclass reading and discussion of Rime of the Ancient Mariner (Parts 4, 5, 6)
and connect allusion to Frankenstein
-Distribute selected quotes to help students with quote journals
HW: Read ch 11-17 and quote journal
-Review quotes and discuss how selecting quotes that are confusing is valuable
-In groups of three, small discussion on either Victor Frankenstein or his creature
Victor: what motivates him and why; emotional and physical reaction to his creature; guilt;
relationships; how his actions impact others, the story; mental state and how it changes
ethical dilemmas
The Creature: what is his story; why does Victor listen to him; poignant scenes of his
awakening; examples of mistreatment and what that leads to; personality changes and why;
the DeLacey family; who they are and what the creature learns from them; Safie; how is he
affected by the actions of others; influence of books; comparison of creation to Adam;
murder; Paradise Lost; motivations; themes.
HW: Finish book by Friday (quote journals due 11/3 – new due date)
Wed. 10/26/11
No English Class: LET ME LEARN assessment conducted during class
Thur. 10/27/11
(3, 4, 5, 6)
-Open with Q&A on reading of text
-Students to use time to flesh out quote journals (one-on-one help as needed with choosing
good quotes, setting up context, detailing analysis).
HW: Finish novel / quote journals due 11/3
Fri. 10/28/11
(3, 5, 6)
-Open with Q&A on reading of text
-Students to use time to flesh out quote journals (one-on-one help as needed with choosing
good quotes, setting up context, detailing analysis).
HW: Finish novel / quote journals due 11/3
Mon. 10/31/11
-Yearbook forms
-Reading of Irving’s Legend of Sleepy Hollow (abridged version) in honor of Halloween
HW: Quote journals completed (due 11/3)
Tue. 11/1/11
Wed. 11/2/11
-Frankenstein Quote review
-Class lecture/discussion on the first few quotes on the sheet handed out earlier
-Students to take notes
Thurs. 11/3
-Frankenstein Quote review
-Class lecture/discussion on several quotes from the quote sheet
-Students to take notes
Fri. 11/4
-Circle discussion on themes
Purpose: class to talk about some of the key issues in the themes of the book to help
formulate ideas for essays to come
Mon. 11/7
-Hand back papers
-Review feedback and what certain comments mean
-Look at papers and read all comments – create a running list of areas needing improvement
-Class to brainstorm literary devices (which were left out of prior papers) including symbols,
allusions, irony, doppelganger
Tue. 11/8/11
Wed. 11/9/11
Mon. 11/14/11
Post writing workshop
-Using laptops, reflect, research and revise
-In class reflect and research (at home revise)
-Turn in when we get back
-Grade will count as a writing grade (30 points each section plus 10 for effort)
Post writing workshop
-continued from last lesson, using laptops reflect, research and revise
Submit printed final copy Friday 11/18
Tues. 11/15/11
Post writing workshop
-continued from last lesson, using laptops reflect, research and revise
Submit printed final copy Friday 11/18
Wed. 11/16/11
Ms. Vaughn out for Professional Development
Students to outline their essays for Frankenstein. To include rough thesis, topic sentences,
and examples to correspond with topic sentences.
Hand in at end of class
Thur. 11/17/11
Fri. 11/18/11
Mon. 11/21/11
(1/2 day modified)
Turn in “RRR” documents (to be graded and entered into Powerschool over the weekend for
the first second-marking period grade).
-Writing mini-lessons to review good thesis statements and integrating quotations from
-Students to work on laptops on first draft Frankenstein papers
-Papers due: first week of December
Poetry Out Loud introduction
-Students to use laptops to explore POL site and possible poetry choices
-POL choice sheet and index card
Due: Mon. 11/28/11
Tue. 11/22/11
(1/2 day)
Sophomore Career Day – no class
Wed. 11/23/11
(1/2 day)
Ms. Vaughn out for “De Novo” play in Auditorium
Students to work on their Poetry Out Loud worksheet and memorization
Mon. 11/28/11
Tue. 11/29/11
Poetry / Poetry Out Loud (students to receive Poetry packets)
Imagery – examine imagery as a tool in communicating ideas and experiences
-Define imagery
-Give examples of scenarios
-Read and discuss Sunday Afternoon, College Formal: Renaissance Casino, and Harlem
Hwk: Memorize POL poem for recitation next week
Poetry/Poetry Out Loud
Metaphor – learn the distinction between literal and figurative language; define metaphor
and recognize its central role in poetry
-Give examples and discuss
-Read and discuss A Noiseless Patient Spider
Hwk: Memorize POL poem for recitation next week
Wed. 11/30/11
Thur. 12/1/11
Poetry/Poetry Out Loud
Simile – introduce the poetic device, recognize the power of simile to condense meaning; see
the relationship between simile and metaphor
-Read and discuss Blackberry Sweet, My Sealed Aquarium, A Modern Tournament, and
Constantly Risking Absurdity
Fri. 12/2/11
Poetry Out Loud practice day
-Memorization and recitation practice in class
Recitation contest beginning of next week.
Mon. 12/5/11
Poetry Out Loud recitation formal practice
-Student audience to provide useful feedback per rubric (physical presence, voice and
articulation, dramatic appropriateness, level of difficulty, evidence of understanding, overall
Tue. 12/6/11
Poetry Out Loud recitation formal practice
-Student audience to provide useful feedback per rubric (physical presence, voice and
articulation, dramatic appropriateness, level of difficulty, evidence of understanding, overall
Wed. 12/7/11
Thur. 12/8/11
Poetry Out Loud Recitation Competition - Classroom
Fri. 12/9/11
Poetry Out Loud Recitation Competition - Classroom
Mon. 12/12/11
Tue. 12/13/11
Writers Workshop
Frankenstein Essay: Class discussion to review elements of the essay, including the two
challenges: 1) go beyond 5 paragraphs with “set ‘em up, knock ‘em down” format, 2) weave
quotes per discussion/handout
-Review themes and connections
Papers due: Tuesday 12/20/11
Writers Workshop
Students to work on draft of essay
Wed. 12/14/11
Thur. 12/15/11
Writers Workshop
Students to work on draft of essay
Fri. 12/16/11
Ms. Vaughn out – Field trip to Met Opera
Writers Workshop
Students to work on draft of essay
Mon. 12/19/11
The Short Story
-Hand out “The Short Story” packet of stories (to replace book)
-Students to work on laptops in pairs to research and write a bio for each of the 9 authors
studied in this unit (Eugenia Collier, Stephen Vincent Benet, Flannery O’Connor, Angelica
Gibbs, Virginia Woolf, Toni Cade Bambara, Karl Capek, Edgar Allen Poe, Stephen King)
-Post to class wiki
Tue. 12/20/11
Wed. 12/21/11
Thur. 12/22/11
½ day modified A-day
Mood and Tone: lecture on mood and tone; examples and discussion
Begin reading “Marigolds” aloud and discuss Collier’s methods of establishing the moods
HW: Assignment posted on class wiki – “Marigolds” link (comprehension questions,
simile/metaphor/allusion, symbolism). Due upon return from break.
Housekeeping Day: Students to get back all graded quizzes, assignments, etc. and review as
HW: Assignment posted on class wiki – “Marigolds” link (comprehension questions,
simile/metaphor/allusion, symbolism). Due upon return from break
-Review and discuss “Marigolds” by Eugenia Collier with focus on mood, metaphor, and
-Start reading aloud together “By the Waters of Babylon” by Stephen Vincent Benet
Discuss importance of setting
HW: Finish reading story. Annotate the story especially with respect to setting. Cme up with 2
questions to ask about the story.
New vocab list – review all words together
-Review and discuss “By the Waters of Babylon” – a sci fi depiction of a post-apocalypse
-Discuss POV (review definition and purpose)
-Apply to Babylon: as a class create a thesis statement, then figure oout how to use POV as
an analytical tool
Ex: Despite death and destruction and a very detached world, there is hope for better future
in post apocolpytic setting
USE POV: first person serves purpose of relaying feeling of hope to reader. Setting is
detached. The world we’re reading about feels distant from us because it’s not like ours. Use
of 1st person POV strategically places reader closer to the true feelings of the main character –
those feelings being of hope to rebuild.
-Begin reading aloud together “The Life You Save May Be Your Own” by Flannery O’Connnor
HW: Finish reading story (do NOT google anything!!)
Vocab A and review
-Review and discuss “The Life You Save May Be Your Own”
-Students to work in pairs on discussion questions (tracing the plot; symbolism of the car)
-Discuss as class
Tue. 01/03/12
Wed. 01/04/12
Thur. 01/05/12
Fri. 01/06/12
Tue. 01/10/12
Wed. 01/11/12
Vocab D and review (quiz on Friday)
-In pairs, complete all discussion questions for close reading
Thur. 01/12/12
Vocab E and review (quiz on Friday)
Discuss the Duchess and the Jeweller
Vocab B and review
-Read aloud “The Test” by Angelica Gibbs
-Clarify the conflict and themes in story
-As a class, develop a strong thesis and supporting examples around the themes in the story
Vocab C and review
-Read aloud “The Duchess and the Jeweller” by Virginia Woolf
-Begin answering discussion questions in pairs (10 minutes)