Financial Decisions Financial Investigation Portfolio Project Rubric Financial Decisions Investigation Written and Graphic Presentation 25 points Key Question: Is your project pleasant to look at? Communication 25 points Key Question: Was I able to easily understand the student’s thinking or did I have to make inferences and guesses about what they were trying to do? Word Choice 25 points Key Question: Exemplary 25 Points Proficient 20 points Developing 15 points Both comic and descriptive essay are creative, neat and thoughtfully planned. Some careful planning of layout, creativity and neatness for both comic and descriptive essay. Either comic or descriptive essay seem to have been put together without much thought, creativity, or neatness. Both comic and descriptive essay show outstanding organization and are understandable. Both comic and descriptive essay show some organization and are understandable Either the comic or descriptive essay fail to show good organization and are not understandable There is no organization in both the comic and descriptive essay. Either the comic or descriptive essay fails to show an understanding of expressions and equations related to finances Both the comic and descriptive essay fail to show an understanding of expressions and equations related to finances You weren’t able to sustain a good beginning for one or the other Your explanations seemed to ramble Your comic and descriptive essay both show a deep understanding of expressions and equations related to finances Your comic and descriptive essay show understanding of expressions and equations related to finances You communicated concepts with precision You communicated concepts with care. Representations expanded on your knowledge. Representations expanded on your knowledge. Both the comic and descriptive essay show 10 math vocabulary words used correctly. At least one of the comic or descriptive essay shows 8-9 math vocabulary words used correctly. At least one of the comic or descriptive essay shows 6-7 math vocabulary words used correctly. At least one of the comic or descriptive essay shows 5 or less math vocabulary words used correctly. You confidently explained financial decisions in both the comic and essay. You explained financial decisions in both the comic and essay. You began to explain financial decisions in either the comic or essay. You failed to explain financial decisions in both the comic and essay. Did I correctly use 10 math vocabulary words to explain the finances? Ideas 25 points Key Question: Does the activity show an understanding of the math concepts covered in this unit? Emerging 10 points No evidence of plan, creativity or neatness involved in both the comic and descriptive essay. . You did seem to have a sense of what your audience needed to know Financial Decisions Financial Investigation Portfolio Project Project Descriptor You are a writer for the comics section of a newspaper. You have been asked to publish a financial comic strip. Create a comic strip using a minimum of 10 math vocabulary words including the attached list used appropriately. Must be a minimum of 8 panels. A descriptive essay must accompany comic strip. Description must be a minimum of a half-page, double spaced, 10-11 font and must include a description of a minimum of 10 math vocabulary words highlighted and used appropriately. FINANCIAL WORDS TO BE INCLUDED IN BOTH COMIC STRIP AND ESSAY Revenue Profit Cost Break Even Point Other 6 vocabulary words may be of your choice as long as they are related to the topic and used appropriately.