Technology Use in High Schools Essay Outline

Topic / Prompt:
Technology use in high schools
Possible Thesis:
Communication technology such as cell phones and iPods should be
allowed in high schools for students to use.
High school students should be allowed to use communication technology
such as cell phones and iPods in the school building during school hours.
Background Info:
the use of technology is a controversial subject in schools
many high schools ban the use of cell phones, iPods, etc.
many students don’t understand why such technology is not allowed
because they see great uses for it
Definitions Needed:
cell phone, iPod, Blackberry, etc.
High school students should be allowed to use communication technology
such as cell phones and iPods in the school building during school hours.
Body Paragraph 1 = Argument 1
Topic Sentence:
Cell phones are useful in emergency situations that may occur during
school hours that require students to contact others or receive
communication from others.
1st Statement/Claim: - 1 type of emergency situation = injuries from class, like in gym class,
carpentry, chemistry, cooking class.
1st Evidence/Example/Support/Quotations with identified source:
- for example, someone in gym class falls over equipment or tackles
someone too hard in football, and gets a head injury (or broken foot)
- 50% of teenage injuries happen on school grounds, during school
time, in a classroom, according to National Institute of Teenage
- A student could cut their finger with a saw in carpentry class
- Chemical could spill and burn someone and require medical attention
1st Explanation of how the evidence supports the statement/claim
- All these examples show that cell phones can help by allowing
students to contact ambulance or students’ relatives immediately,
rather than use the school phone
- school phone is in main office, too far from gym (maybe)
2nd Statement/Claim: - 2nd type of emergency situation = family emergencies
2nd Evidence/Example/Support/Quotations with identified source:
2nd Explanation of how the evidence supports the statement/claim
3rd Statement/Claim: - 3rd type of emergency situation = shootings and violent attacks,
intruders, students brining weapons
3rd Evidence/Example/Support/Quotations with identified source:
- Colombine school shooting back in 1998
- In US, guns/weapons can be quite easily brought to school by
students …find stats on # of weapons found in lockers in year?
3rd Explanation of how the evidence supports the statement/claim
- at Colombine, students used cell phones while hiding to contact family
- can contact authorities
- use phones to warn other students to stay away from that area of the school
- cell phones can be used to bring help quicker, stop attacks or situations
- 4th type of emergency: medical (asthma, diabetes  coma, peanut allergy)
Concluding Sentence: In emergency situations during school hours, cell phones are helpful to
communicate with others.
OR… In case of an emergency situation during school hour, cell phones are helpful to contact
others or receive communication from others.
Body Paragraph 2 = Argument 2
Topic Sentence:
iPods can help students concentrate better in class.
1st Statement/Claim:
1st Evidence/Example/Support/Quotations with identified source:
1st Explanation of how the evidence supports the statement/claim
2nd Statement/Claim:
2nd Evidence/Example/Support/Quotations with identified source:
2nd Explanation of how the evidence supports the statement/claim
3rd Statement/Claim:
3rd Evidence/Example/Support/Quotations with identified source:
3rd Explanation of how the evidence supports the statement/claim
Concluding Sentence:
Body Paragraph 3 = Argument 3
Topic Sentence:
Most cell phones nowadays have features that help students stay
organized, so students should be allowed to access these features.
1st Statement/Claim:
1st Evidence/Example/Support/Quotations with identified source:
1st Explanation of how the evidence supports the statement/claim
2nd Statement/Claim:
2nd Evidence/Example/Support/Quotations with identified source:
2nd Explanation of how the evidence supports the statement/claim
3rd Statement/Claim:
3rd Evidence/Example/Support/Quotations with identified source:
3rd Explanation of how the evidence supports the statement/claim
Concluding Sentence:
Body Paragraph 4 = Argument 4
Topic Sentence:
Communication technology, such as Sidekicks and iPhones, has internet
capability, which means students can use these devices to access
information and do research quickly.
1st Statement/Claim:
1st Evidence/Example/Support/Quotations with identified source:
1st Explanation of how the evidence supports the statement/claim
2nd Statement/Claim:
2nd Evidence/Example/Support/Quotations with identified source:
2nd Explanation of how the evidence supports the statement/claim
3rd Statement/Claim:
3rd Evidence/Example/Support/Quotations with identified source:
3rd Explanation of how the evidence supports the statement/claim
Concluding Sentence:
Body Paragraph 5 = Argument 5
Topic Sentence:
1st Statement/Claim:
Students can use cell phones to document wrongdoings which can help
to prevent or deter crime around the school.
1st Evidence/Example/Support/Quotations with identified source:
1st Explanation of how the evidence supports the statement/claim
2nd Statement/Claim:
2nd Evidence/Example/Support/Quotations with identified source:
2nd Explanation of how the evidence supports the statement/claim
3rd Statement/Claim:
3rd Evidence/Example/Support/Quotations with identified source:
3rd Explanation of how the evidence supports the statement/claim
Concluding Sentence:
Restatement of thesis:
Summary of main arguments from body paragraph 1:
Summary of main arguments from body paragraph 2:
Summary of main arguments from body paragraph 2:
Concluding statement: