Detailed Description of Third Quarter Unit Seven: Types of arguments Week One: Mon: BW: Bias in Hughes’ articles; together Read Chp 7 Ev Assignment: Outline chapter Tues: BW: Editor assignment; discuss Chp 7; discuss current issue Assignment: each student to find an article on issue (each from a different source) Wed: BW: Journal: what do you know already about this issue?; find article, read, annotate on separate page. Thurs: Reread own article, annotate on separate page for bias; trade with partner, annotate on separate page for bias; compare with partner; share with class Fri: BW: Journal—finish the sentences (a car should…, good books are…great films…good pets…marshmallows should be roasted…); make up a few of your own evaluative sentences. Support your evaluation claim. Read chp 9 Ev; Assignment—Outline chapter Week Two: Mon: BW: Develop an evaluative argument (claim, reason, warrant, evidence (pg 262)) on your favorite movie. Discuss Chp 9; Assign Comp 10 Assignment—Read “Why I hate Britney” complete an evaluative argument outline Tues: BW: Journal: does Williams make a compelling argument-use at least one quote; Discuss “Britney”; “Read The Case Against Coldplay” Assignment—Complete an evaluative argument outline Wed: BW: Journal: does Pareles make a compelling argument-use at least one quote; Discuss “Coldplay”; Assignment: Work on Comp 10—evaluative argument outline due Thurs Thurs: BW: Exchange outline with partner; respond to argument solidity; Type 1st draft (due Fri) Fri: BW: Read your 1st draft; make revisions; Read a partner’s--Writer’s Workshop Assignment—Comp 10 2nd Draft (Mon) Week Three: Mon: Comp 10 due; BW: Before turning in your paper, in a ½ page, reflect on Composition 10—How much time did you put into your evaluative argument outline? How much time did you put into your 1st draft? How well did you use the time given for peer-editing? How much time did you put into your 2nd draft? Is what you will turn in the best possible paper you could write? How have you improved? What do you need to work on for the next draft? Read chp 10, outline Assignment—chp 10, outline Tues: BW: Why do puppies get excited when they hear the word ‘treat’? Write a causal argument outline (see below; refer to page 298 for an example) Claim: Reason: Warrant: Evidence: If you finish early, create your own “Why” question, transform it into a claim and create a causal argument outline for your question. Answer: Claim: Puppies get excited upon hearing the word ‘treat’ because they like treats. Reason: Treats taste good. Warrant: Because treats taste good, puppies want them. Evidence: Puppies jump up and down, wag their tails and gobble the treat up when they get one. In class, discuss outlines, discuss chp 10. Assignment—Read “What makes a serial killer?”; outline causual arguments (wksht) (Question, Definition of key term, causal argument outline (Claim, reason, warrant, evidence + counter arguments, evidence) for first, second, third, fourth, fifth cause Wed: BW: Skim your outline; what was the most compelling argument to you? What do you believe? Review outline worksheet Assignment—Assigned Comp 11; partners select two cartoons/photos; each partner creates question + causal argument outline for one item Thurs: BW: exchange photo/cartoon with partner; write own question + causal argument; See how versions compare; synthesize partners’ causal arguments to create one argument. Partners write essays (1st draft due Friday) Fri: BW: exchange 1st draft with partner; revise. Type 2nd draft due Monday Week Four: Mon: Comp 11 due; BW: Before turning in your paper, in a ½ page, reflect on Composition 10—How much time did you put into your evaluative argument outline? How much time did you put into your 1st draft? How well did you use the time given for peer-editing? How much time did you put into your 2nd draft? Is what you will turn in the best possible paper you could write? Evaluate your partner as well. How have you improved? What do you need to work on for the next draft? Read chp 11, outline Assignment—chp 11, outline Tues: BW: Turn to page 351 of Everything’s an Argument. On your own, complete a response for number 2. Discuss chp 11 Assignment—read “Mass transit hysteria”; complete Response Question #3 (page 351), completing a proposal argument outline (claim, reason, warrant, evidence)—not alternate assignment. Wed: BW: Freewrite on a gripe that you have (using brainstormed list from yesterday, if need-be). What would you propose to fix the problem? Create a proposal argument outline; begin 1st draft. Thurs: Trade 1st draft with partner; Partners give response (using page 349-350). Fri: BW: Trade 1st draft with a different partner; partner pretend that you are the problem (if the issue is cafeteria food, you are the cook that orders the food). What is compelling and persuasive? What is offensive/not persuasive? How would you react to the letter? Write a response letter to the author (1/2 page) Type 2nd draft (due Tues) Assignment—2nd draft; read chp 14; outline Unit Eight: The Researched Argument Week Five: Mon: No class—President’s Day Tues: Comp 12 due; BW: Reread “Achieving Visual Literacy” (pg 418). Using this passage to guide your response, react to each of the three versions of the peertutoring advertisements. Discuss Chp 14; select ad Assignment—Response #2 (due Wed) Wed: BW: Partners trade ads, write response using questions Partners discuss ads—similarities, differences in responses Assignment—Read Chp 15; outline Thurs: BW: Reread “Arguments to be heard” (pg 447-451) and “Arguments to be remembered” (pg 451-452); as you read, write down the most important suggestions to keep in mind when delivering a spoken argument. Discuss chp 15 Assignment— Response #1 (page 466) Fri: BW: Trade written portion of essay with partner—read. Listen to partner’s revised spoken version while looking at typed version. What changes do you hear? Discuss. Assignment—Read chp 16; outline Week Six: Mon: BW: Freewrite: select a controversial topic that interests you; what is your opinion on the topic (offering a claim and support)? Discuss chp 16; listen to Ms. P’s one-person debate; take notes Assignment—Prepare your own one-person debate (outline); present tomorrow Tues: Present one-person debates; class take notes, critiques argument, counterargument and response argument. Assignment—Read chp 18; outline Wed: BW: Turn to page 527; respond to #4. Discuss chp 18 Assignment—Read 19; outline Thurs: BW: Return to the “Mass Transit Hysteria” essay (page 364); Reread the essay. Write a brief summary (1/2 page) of the argument that uses both direct quote (with signal phrase/integration) and paraphrase. Be sure to properly cite (Author’s last name pg #). Discuss 19; Assigned Comp 13; groups meet Assignment— group members individually create rough draft (due tomorrow). Fri: Groups meet, create posters, due Mon Assignment—Comp 13 (posters) Week Seven: Mon: BW: Reflect on Comp 13 Present Comp 13; Freewrite on a current topic where support and dissent can be found. Assign Comp 14—by Friday, have argument outline (claim, warrant, evidence). Tues: Research Wed: Research Thurs: Research Fri: Outline, prewrite essay; type 1st draft Week Eight: Mon: Type Tues: Type (1st draft (Wed)) Wed: Peer revise researched argument Thurs: Type (2nd draft (Fri)) Fri: Peer edit researched argument Week Nine: Mon: Type 3rd draft (3rd draft due Tues, 2 copies) Tues: 3rd draft due, 2 copies; Assignment: Comp 15 create synthesis question (have three copies of question and evidence) (Thurs) Wed: Book Talks Thurs: Comp 15 (3 copies) due; Book Talks Fri: No class—end of third quarter