
Intro to Gero
Dr. Rogers
Study Guide for Exam 2
This exam will be much like the first with multiple choice, short answer, and essay.
You will have choices on which items to answer for the short answer and some leeway
on the essay. There are more multiple-choice questions worth only 1 point this time.
You may want to consider studying in groups. This guide is intended to help you focus
your studying. You are still responsible for completing all the reading, attending class
and site visits, taking notes, etc.
Know the theories of how/why we age.
Know the general changes we go through physically, psychologically, socially as we age, including
issues around depression and suicide
Know what the classic aging pattern is
Be aware of changes that may occur with sexuality as we age, as well as some of the “facts”
around sexuality for older adults
Be familiar with Apter’s “four types of women in midlife”
Know concepts discussed around ageism (e.g., new ageism, benevolent ageism, how ageism
differs from other “isms”, what causes ageism according to research)
Be familiar with the convoy model of social relations
Know the basic trends of living arrangements and social support networks for older adults such
as what’s happening with generational patterns, living patterns, relationships with children and
others, patterns for ethnic and sexual minority groups
Know what is meant by the terms snow birds and aging in place
Know patterns and styles of grandparenting
Be familiar with the continuum of care and where it comes from
Know the different living environments available to older adults (including those in the
continuum of care and alternative choices)
Be familiar with work and retirement patterns for men, women, ethnic minority, different age
groups including factors that either promote early retirement or delay it as well as barriers for
people if they want to continue working
Understand what “productive aging” means in light of retirement and issues this concept can
raise for older adults
Know where economic supports come from for retirees and factors that have helped reduce
poverty for older adults
Understand issues around ageism in the workforce and policies designed to address it
Be able to discuss Annual Editions articles and be sure to review notes on films, site visits