Friday Sermon - Harmony Centre

Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura
Friday Sermon
26 August 2011 / 26 Ramadan 1432
Our Relationship With The Al-Quran in
The Last Ten Nights Of Ramadan
Dear beloved brethren,
As we are approaching the last few days in this blessed month,
let us enliven the ‘spirit of taqwa’ within our hearts, by truly
repenting on our transgressions as well as our weaknesses
before the Almighty Allah Rabbul Jalil.
O those who loves forgiveness,
It seems like it was only yesterday that we felt this deep longing
to welcome the month of Ramadan. Suddenly, without realizing
it, Ramadan is now almost leaving us.
Whether we realize it or not, we have already entered the last
ten nights of Ramadan. In fact, these are the last remaining
days of Ramadan for us to take advantage of in seeking
forgiveness and purification from our past sins and mistakes.
In these last ten nights, there is one night which stands out as
extremely special, and has been characterised by Allah s.w.t.
as the night which is better than a thousand months. It is known
as Lailatul Qadr. This night has been conferred with the most
honour, particularly because the noble Al-Quran was revealed
on that night, as Allah s.w.t. says in surah Ad-Dukhan verse 3:
Meaning: “We sent it (the Al-Quran) down during a Blessed
Night (that is, Lailatul Qadar)”
We can observe therefore, that when Rasulullah s.a.w. entered
the last ten nights of Ramadan, the Prophet s.a.w. will invite his
Companions r.a. to be equally committed in their acts of
worship. Hence, you will find the Prophet s.a.w. waking up his
wife and family members to offer acts of worship together on
these nights.
Sayyidatina Aishah r.a used to narrate as follows: “Verily
Rasulullah s.a.w. performs iktikaf (the night vigil) on the last ten
nights of Ramadan, and he used to give us this advice: “Grab
the opportunities of the night of Al-Qadr on the last ten nights of
Ramadan.” Hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari and Muslim.
Let us observe how the Prophet s.a.w. guided the hearts of his
Companions. Let us also reflect, how the salaful ummah among
the tabi’in and their followers emulated the habits of Rasulullah
s.a.w. in enlivening their last nights of Ramadan. The closer the
end of Ramadan, the more vigorous their efforts were in
approaching the Al-Quran.
It was stated in the book entitled Siyar A’laam Al-Nubalaa’ that
Al-Sa’ib bin Yazid r.a. said: “Verily, Sayyidina Umar r.a.
commanded Ubay bin Ka’ab and Tamim Al-Dari r.a. to lead the
night prayers. They read verses from lengthy chapters, until
some of the congregation have to lean on their walking sticks
due to standing for a long period of time with verses of the AlQuran. They did not complete their qiyamullail with the AlQuran, until it was approaching the fajr prayers.”
My dear beloved congregant,
Let us ponder for a moment, why were the Companions willing
to subject themselves to such difficulties and tiring deeds? Are
their prayers with lengthy recitations of Al-Quran, an obligation
imposed upon them? Obviously not, my dear brothers.
Their main motivation in doing so is because they are
convinced that the pleasure of the paradise of Allah cannot be
achieved until they are able to control their worldly desires to
submit to Allah s.w.t. Know that, the journey towards reaching
paradise is a long journey, and it requires one to continuously
strive and perform some form of sacrifice, coupled with sincerity
and complete conviction upon the promises of Allah s.w.t.
What about our condition today? Remember, that these last ten
nights of Ramadan this year may be our last. Therefore, let us
get up and arise! Awaken our hearts, strive earnestly by fasting
in the day, and performing qiyamullail in the night, as well as
reading the Al-Quran. Seek forgiveness from Allah, increase
our doa and munajat with Allah s.w.t., so that we will be
rewarded with the best Ramadan this time round.
Dear blessed brethren,
We should at least try on these last ten nights of Ramadan to
shed tears of repentance. Let us acknowledge our mistakes
before Allah s.w.t. Let us lament to Allah ‘Azza wa Jalla over
our weaknesses and forgetfulness. If not in these nights, when
else will we do it?
Let us shield ourselves from arrogance by humbling ourselves
before the mighty Ar-Rahman. On what other nights is there
more appropriate for us to awaken our hearts with verses of the
Al-Quran? Don’t we want to be among the Mukmins who were
mentioned in surah Al-Anfaal, verses 2:
Which means: “For, believers are those who, when Allah is
mentioned, feel a tremor In their hearts, and when They Hear
His Signs recited, find their Faith strengthened, and put (all)
their trust In their Lord;”
What about our relationship with the Al-Quran after Ramadan
has left us? Will we continue to fill our lips with recitation of the
verses of the Al-Quran? Will it remain fresh and beautiful in our
hearts? Will it still be the soothing friend to our hearts in times
of sadness during our intimate moments with Allah in the third
portion of the night?
Or is it possible that when Ramadan has left us, we will keep
the copies of the Al-Quran, which we have completed reading
in Ramadan, to be read again only during the next Ramadan?
May this Ramadan truly educate and guide our hearts to be an
Insan Rabbani, someone whose heart is in a state of
submission to his Lord at all times, instead of being an Insan
Ramadhaniyy, who is someone whose hearts submits to Allah
only in the month of Ramadan.
26 AUGUST 2011
Dear blessed congregant,
Throughout this whole month of Ramadan, we have been
reminded and encouraged repeatedly to return to the Al-Quran,
to understand and appreciate its contents.
With the completion of Ramadan in a few days’ time, let us not
allow our relationship with the Al-Quran to simply fade away.
Let this Ramadan be an impetus for us to observe, to
appreciate the meanings, the teachings and the guidance of the
Al-Quran in our lifes, for the coming Ramadans.
Hence, in order to facilitate us in continuing this journey of
knowing the Al-Quran, a guidebook entitled “Info Al-Quran” or
IQ has been published and will be distributed today after this
Friday prayer. This book provides information and summary
regarding the Al-Quran such as its history of revelation, its
compilation as well as useful guides on how to approach the AlQuran.
Hopefully, it will be a useful reading material to motivate us to
become more familiar and closer with the Al-Quran beyond the
month of Ramadan. Amin.
Allahumma Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim,
We beseech You, that You may open the doors to our hearts
that we may always approach the Al-Quran.
Let the verses of the Al-Quran that we read be the true source
of light shining from Your Guidance into our hearts, and release
us from the sadness and the anguish that occupies our hearts.
Assist us beyond this Ramadan, to continue to persevere in
understanding Your noble verses, Ya Allah. So that we may
continue to read, to learn and to appreciate the meanings of
Your verses.
Allahumma Ya Khabir, Ya ‘Alim
Make us among Your servants who fasts and reads the AlQuran so that both of them will approach us at the time of
Mahsyar to be our protector and our intercessor from Your just
punishments upon our souls.