How Kinetic Energy, Height and Speed in Bouncing Balls Relate Theodore Sauyet Partners: Andrew Forbes and Ben Cowen Due 11-23-10 Period 1 Mrs. Spinelli I. Problem – There are qualities that affect kinetic energy when balls bounce. People want to know which one(s) conserve kinetic energy the best in tennis, super, ping-pong balls, or a marble. Background – Balls bounce, or at least they are supposed to. But what bounces higher? Marbles can get into interesting places, such as in the cabinet above the sink, so they must bounce. Pingpong balls have to bounce, otherwise ping-pong balls could not be used to play ping-pong. Super balls are designed to bounce, so they bounce. Tennis balls are similar to ping-pong balls, in the fact that they need to bounce. Hypothesis – If tennis, super, ping-pong balls, and a marble are dropped from a height of 1 meter, then the marble will bounce the highest because it makes the least sound and has the appropriate density. Variables – The independent variable is the ball type, the dependent is the height of the bounce. Controlled variables are the height from which they are dropped from, the surface it landed on, and wind. II. Materials: -Tennis Ball -Super Ball -Ping-Pong Ball -Marble -Meter Stick -Stop watch III. Safety: Do not throw balls. Do not sword fight with meter sticks. Do not open stopwatch and play with electronics. IV. 1. Measure the height of six bounces-following the steps below. 2. Hold the meter stick upright with the zero mark on the black table. 3. Drop tennis ball from top of the meter stick so that the ball does not touch the meter stick on the way down. 4. Record the height of the firrst bounce in centimeters. 5. Start at the top agai and let the ball bounce twice and recod the height of the ball for second bounce. 6. Repeat steps 2-4 with the tennis ball and record for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th bounce. 7. Repeat procedure with super ball, ping-pong ball, and marble. 8. Create a line graph of all bouncing balls. At zero on the graph, the height is 100 cm. Procedure Part 2: 1. Get with you lab group from the previous lab. 2. Collect all the materials you used from the first lab. 3. Preform lab again, except time it with a stop watch and see how long it takes for each ball to hit the table for its first and second bounce. Record on table 4. Start 1st bounce at 1m 5. Start second bounce where first bounce ended. 6. Use triple beam balance and find mass of each ball. Convert to kilograms. 7. Use information to calculate speed and then kinetic energy. 8. Find difference between 1st and 2nd bounce for kinetic energy. 9. Fill in all data tables and show work. V. Height of Bouncing Balls After Each Bounce: Type of Ball Height after 1st bounce (cm) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Difference Tennis 70 44 28.5 20 12.5 9 91 Super 72 51 41 30 22 17.5 82.5 Ping-Pong 71.5 54 38.5 30.5 23.5 19 81 Marble 47.5 26 24 10 9.5 90.5 65 Speed of Bouncing Balls: Measure Tennis 2nd ment Ball 1st Super Ball 1st Super PingPingMarble nd st nd Ball 2 Pong 1 Pong 2 1st Marble 2nd Distance 1 (m) .70 1 .72 1 .715 1 .65 Time (s) .42 .33 .40 .34 .44 .33 .44 .28 Speed (m/s) 2.12 2.5 2.12 2.27 2.16 2.27 2.32 2.38 Kinetic Energy of Bouncing Balls: Measu Tennis 2nd Differ Super Super Differ Pingremen Ball ence Ball Ball ence Pong st st nd t 1 1 2 1st Mass (g) 58 PingPong 2nd Differ Marbl Marbl Differ ence e 1st e 2nd ence 58 x 47 47 x 2.2 2.2 x 5.4 5.4 x Speed 5.66 Squar ed (m/s^ 2) 4.49 x 6.25 4.49 x 5.15 4.68 x 5.15 5.38 x Kineti 0.16 c energy (J) 0.13 .003 .15 .11 .04 .005 .0052 .0047 .01 .01 0 To calculate difference between 1st bounce and last: 100-x x=height of last bounce. For example; 1009=91 for the difference. To calculate speed: m/s m=meters traveled. s=seconds traveled. For example; 1/.42 = 2.38 To calculate kinetic energy, KE=1/2(mv^2). KE = Kinetic Energy, m=mass(kg), v = speed. For example; 1/2(.058*2.38^2)=.16 J VI:“If tennis, super, ping-pong balls, and a marble are dropped from a height of 1 meter, then the marble will bounce the highest because it makes the least sound and has the appropriate density.” This hypothesis was not supported by the data, because the marble actually bounced the lowest. The ping-pong and super ball were tied for highest. However, its kinetic energy is the median of the data. It is also the median in mass, and because speed is always pretty close, the difference could be appointed to human error, then a conclusion is that when dropped from the same height, a object that has more mass will have more kinetic energy. Also, when two objects are held above the ground at the same height, then the object with more mass will have more potential energy. Unfortunately, humans are not perfect and therefore neither is the data. Humans can not catch the ball at the exact moment every time, nor always start a stopwatch at the same time the ball is dropped. Therefore, cameras with playback ability should be used to find the height of each bounce. Also, a chart on the wall with heights on it would make it easier to identify the height and also take another human factor out of the equation. But this raise new questions, how long does it take various objects to reach maximum speed? Does this vary in a vacuum? Does weight affect maximum speed? 1) The ping-pong ball retained the greatest amount of kinetic energy after each bounce. 2) Plastic contains energy well, and glass does not. Rubber does well, as good as plastic or better. 3) The slope of the line changes for each ball in the way that the more energy conserved in a ball, the quicker the line levels out. 4) The balls can not bounce back to the same height because some energy is lost to heat and some t mechanical sound. 5) The evidence that the ball conserved energy each time it bounced was the sound that it made. 6) If the experiment was preformed on a carpet, it would depend on the type of carpet and what surface the carped was on. A fluffy carpet on soft wood would lose more energy to heat and mechanical sound than a non-fluffy carpet on cork. 7) The marble lost the least amount of energy between each bounce, but it had the least in the first place. 8) The super ball lost the most amount of kinetic energy. 9) The data results do match the previous lab. 10) The results do not support my hypothesis. 11) The energy types present in this lab are kinetic, gravitational potential, elastic potential, heat, and mechanical sound. 12) Energy is converted into forms that are not useful to us. 13) Bill's toy train had the most kinetic energy because it had more mass and both were traveling at the same speed. 14) Gravitational potential energy is energy due to an objects position, whereas elastic potential energy is energy due to an object being twisted or stretched.