Fahrenheit 451 Essay Topics ALL writing should use at least one passage quoted from Fahrenheit 451 Each prompt has ideas to help you take notes and plan your arguments. You will need to come up with a thesis and evidence from the novel to support your ideas. 1. Our Dystopian World? This is an Expository Essay choice. Bradbury wrote Fahrenheit 451 as a warning for the direction society was taking. Think about the ideas (censorship, loss of freedom, mindless leisure, control of the people, etc.) that he is worried about in the novel. Do you think our world is heading in a bad direction? In your essay, discuss Montag’s society and compare it to ours. Draw a conclusion about how censored or controlled our world is in comparison to Fahrenheit 451. Are we heading toward a more controlled society, one that is more dumbed down? What evidence suggests your conclusion, and why? Use examples and one or more quotations from the book to support your analysis. What restrictions do we have in our society, and who decides what information we can receive? How much are we censored; in what ways are we censored? How important and time-filling are our recreational pursuits? What do people occupy their time with? How do they compare with those in Fahrenheit 451? Is society in the book happier and healthier because of its restrictions? How would you compare this to our world? 2. Montag’s Foils: This is an Expository Essay choice. A “foil” is someone that provokes or challenges the protagonist. Montag’s foils in the novel are Clarisse, Beatty, Mildred and Faber, each of whom brings out a dramatic response in Montag. Choose the two characters you think are most influential foils, and discuss how these characters help bring Montag closer to self-realization. How does Montag’s relationship to the characters change? How do they help to influence / change him? Would he have chosen the path he did without them? Use examples and one or more quotations from the book to support your analysis. 3. The Place of Censorship: This is a Persuasive Essay choice. Beatty justifies the new role of firemen by claiming to be "custodians of [society's] peace of mind, the focus of [the] understandable and right dread of being inferior" (58-59). What does he mean by this, and is there any sense that he might be right? Take a stance on the place and role of censorship and restriction of information in our society, and defend your position using examples from Fahrenheit 451, as well as from our own society, as evidence for or against your position. Your essay will be comparing the real and the fictional as you defend your take on censorship. Questions to consider while outlining and writing your essay: What are the purposes for restricting information and banning books in Fahrenheit 451? Is it effective? Are there any circumstances where censorship might play a beneficial role in society? How would you define appropriate censorship or restriction? Are there some books that should be banned? Essay details: 100 points Length: 500-750 words (about 1-1/2 to 3 pages) Must be TYPED in 12 point font, double spaced Use a proper heading on your paper, and include a CREATIVE title. Name Class Teacher Date Wed 4/14: Discuss essay choices / outline Fri 4/16: Work on outline, conference with me. THESIS Statement? Mon 4/19 – Fr 4/23: Work on essay, conference with me. Fahrenheit 451 Essay: Rubric Name: You must complete and hand this in with your paper at the beginning of class on Monday, February 23 rd Ideas/Content: Writing at passing level (4) on CIM scale: “Writing is clear and focused. Reader can easily understand the main ideas. Support is present, although it may be limited or rather general.” How well do you think you met this requirement? 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 No paper 1 9 - 10 2 11 - 12 3 13 – 14 15 4 16 - 17 18 - 19 5 6 Organization: Writing at passing level (4) on CIM scale: “Organization is clear and coherent. Order and structure are present, but may seem formulaic.” How well do you think you met this requirement? 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 No paper 1 9 - 10 2 11 - 12 3 13 – 14 15 4 16 - 17 18 - 19 5 6 Voice: Writing at passing level (4) on CIM scale: “A voice is present. The writer demonstrates commitment to the topic, and there may be a sense of ‘writing to be read.’ In places, the writing is expressive, engaging, or sincere.” How well do you think you met this requirement? 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 No paper 1 9 - 10 2 11 - 12 3 13 – 14 15 4 16 - 17 18 - 19 5 6 Word Choice: Writing at passing level (4) on CIM scale: “Words effectively convey the intended message. The writer employs a variety of words that are functional and appropriate to audience and purpose.” How well do you think you met this requirement? 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 No paper 1 2 9 - 10 11 - 12 3 13 – 14 15 4 16 - 17 18 - 19 5 6 Sentence Fluency: Writing at passing level (4) on CIM scale: “Writing flows; however, connections between phrases or sentences may be les than fluid. Sentence patterns are somewhat varied, contributing to ease in oral reading.” How well do you think you met this requirement? 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9 - 10 11 - 12 13 – 14 - 16 - 17 18 - 19 15 No 1 2 3 4 5 6 paper Conventions: Writing at passing level (4) on CIM scale: “Writing demonstrates control of standard writing conventions (e.g., punctuation, spelling, capitalization, grammar and usage). Minor errors, while perhaps noticeable, do not impede readability.” How well do you think you met this requirement? 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 No paper 1 2 9 - 10 11 - 12 3 13 – 14 15 4 16 - 17 18 - 19 5 6 MLA Standards: MLA Formatting: a. 12-point font, 1.5 or double spaced b. Paragraphs indented, spaced properly c. Proper heading d. Give your paper a relevant, interesting title e. Book Title italicized OR underlined, use last name when referring to author after first mention f. Quotation(s) properly formatted TEACHER USE ONLY: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Your Grade TEACHER USE ONLY: Ideas / content (15) Organization (15) Voice (15) Word Choice (15) Late Penalty TEACHER USE ONLY: 5 minutes late (don’t show up without this sheet filled out and ready to go; don’t show up expecting to print your paper on my computer; don’t be late the day it is due) 1 day late Sentence Fluency (15) Conventions (15) multiply your grade by 95% multiply your grade by 90% 2 days late multiply your grade by 85% 3 days late multiply your grade by 80% 4+ days late multiply your grade by 75% 1+ months late multiply your grade by 70% MLA Standards (10) Total (100)