Answers to Merchant of Venice S.G. 1 A.P. Literature Merchant of Venice Study Guide Act I 1. From the conversations in act I, scene1, draw a word picture of each of these gentleman. List their qualities, good and bad. Antonio- Example: sad, wealthy ship merchant, Christian, lends money with no interest, many friends, no love, does not like Jews, always there for his friends BassanioGratianoLorenzoSalerioSolanio2. In scene 2, the most important women in the play are introduced. What does Portia reveal of herself in her conversation with Nerissa about her father’s will? 3. Paint a word picture of each of Portia’s would-be suitors. Country “Count” Palatine- Example: frown, sad, boring Monsieur Le BonFalconbridgeScottish LordDuke of Saxony’s Nephew4. What do you learn of Nerissa in what she says and in Portia’s attitude toward her? 5. Notice the puns in this scene between Bassanio, Shylock, and Antonio. What are they? (Act I.3) “Good man”- Bassanio means moral values Shylock means _____________________ “Be assured”- Bassanio means ________________________________ Shylock means that the bond will be legal 6. What does Shylock mean when he says the Nazarite conjured the devil into pork? In Matthew 8:28-34. (The book of Matthew is in the new testament, which the Jewish religion does not believe in or follow) In Matthew 8:28-34. Christ freed a man possessed by many devils. By granting the request of the demons he was casting out of the man, He allowed them to possess a herd of swine grazing nearby. The whole herd then ran into the sea and drowned. Shylock is implying that this is the reason Jews do not eat pork. Pork, however, had been forbidden food for Jews for centuries before Christ. Shylock misquotes scripture for his own purpose. (The book of Matthew is in the new testament, which the Jewish religion does not believe in or follow) 7. Give three reasons why Shylock hates Antonio so deeply. 8. Why does Shylock pretend to be absent-minded throughout this scene? 9. Explain Shylock’s scriptural story and its relevance to this present situation. In the Bible, the eldest son was heir to the bulk of his father’s fortune. By a clever ruse, the mother of Jacob and Esau deceived their blind father Isac so that he gave the first born’s blessing to Jacob, the younger. Answers to Merchant of Venice S.G. 2 Shylock approves of this transaction, both as a sharp deal and as a source of pride in his own tradition. Tricking also bolsters Shylock’s pride in the clever business sense of his race. The effect of putting stripped or spotted sticks in front of pregnant ewes to induce spotted lambs was a legend. 10. How does Antonio contradict him? Antonio states that lambs were due to Jacob as payment for his services and spotting was power of Heaven, not Jacob 11. List Shylock’s grievances against Antonio stated in scene 2, lines 104-126. 12. What is Antonio’s final curt challenge to Shylock? 13. State Shylock’s terms of the bond. How does he explain Bassanio’s reluctance to let Antonio sign such an agreement on his behalf? 14. Note how quickly Shylock now moves to get the money. Why? Act II 15. Discuss Launcelot’s treatment of his father. 16. Compare Launcelot’s and Jessica’s view of Shylock. 17. How does Launcelot reflect in his behavior what Jessica does later? 18. Does Jessica give up too much for Lorenzo? From what you see of her thus far, will she ever be accepted in Christian society? Why or why not? 19. Compare Morocco to Arragon. Act III 20. What dramatic function do Salerio and Salanio have in this scene? 21. How does Shakespeare us Shylock’s long speech in this scene as a dramatic device? 22. In his conversation with Tubal, Shylock is on a verbal and emotional seesaw. Explain how this is true. 23. How serious has Shylock’s commitment to his bond grown since he first signed it in “merry jest”? Or, was it ever a merry just? 24. Can you find any evidence in the play that Shylock may be responsible for the rumors about Antonio’s losses? Why do you think he may have planted them? Why not? 25. How does the double main plot (Casket and Bond) come to a double climax? 26. Given what you have learned about Bassanio’s character in the first two acts, is his choice of the right casket consistent with his previous behavior? 27. In your own words, summarize Bassanio’s reasons for the choice he makes. In how many ways does Bassanio give and hazard all for love? 28. How does Portia show her noble spirit in this act? Answers to Merchant of Venice S.G. 3 29. How does scene 3 enforce the note of hopelessness? 30. Why is the traditionally powerful Duke of Venice now helpless to rescue Antonio form Shylock’s vengeance? 31. Justice has often been described as a two-edged sword. How would you apply this description to this situation? 32. Recall that Jessica was embarrassed by having to appear as a boy. In this scene, however, Portia is gleeful about their change of roles. Why? 33. What reasonable explanation does Portia make for her departure and for placing her estate in charge of Lorenzo and Jessica? 35. What purpose does scene 5 fill? Explain. Act IV 36. Name at least five qualities of Mercy, which the Duke appeals to Shylock to exercise. 37. Show how Shylock’s speech will not win him friends. 38. Describe Antonio’s reaction. 39. What does Shylock value most? Why? 40. What dramatic purpose does Portia’s delayed entrance serve? 41. Outline the case that Portia builds against Shylock. Why does she sometimes seem to be defending him? 42. Again and again we hear Portia pleading with Shylock to be merciful and take the money. Why does Shylock not receive the value of his bond when he finally agrees to accept it? 43. As the trial ends, how have the tables been turned on Shylock? 44. Describe the mercy of the court and of Antonio to Shylock. Act V 45. What purpose do you think act 5 fulfills in relation to act 4 and the whole play? 46. How does Antonio’s speech about standing surety again for Bassanio help to bring the ring plot to a happy end? 47. Why does the moonlight and music so strongly affect Lorenzo and Jessica, Gratiano and Nerissa, Bassanio and Portia?