100115 GenEd Minutes.doc

General Education Committee
January 15, 2010, 3:00pm-4:00pm
Adams Conference Room
Present: Mike Vail, Carol Maxson, Kathy Mowery, Jea Agee, Michael Karounos, Joe Cole, David
Absent: Becky Niece, Randy Carden, Sam Stueckle, Ruth Cox
1. Mike Vail welcomed the committee members. Prayer was lead by Jea Agee.
2. Minutes from the November 9, 2009 meeting were approved as read.
Old Business
3. Report on Nov 9, 2009 minutes Action Items:
a. Continuing written assignment development for REL4000/4100
Kathy Mowry presented written assignment handout (attached) and discussed how
and why the assignments were developed. She said that rubrics were being
developed for grading and should be complete soon. The plan is to hand out the
rubric with the assignment. The committee gave the assignment approval through
b. Continuing assessment work with science lab instructors
A report will be brought to the next meeting.
c. 2009-10 Assessment Form
Mike Vail discussed the need for changes, which were highlighted on the form.
Action was postponed until the next meeting.
d. Agenda for General Education sponsored Faculty-Administrator Meeting, Feb 1, 2010.
Topic: Designing Critical Thinking Learning Experiences. (see attached)
Mike Vail presented the agenda and asked for suggestions / input. Some discussion
was given to the need to get people to start talking, limited time for the meeting,
and making sure meeting objectives were clear at the start of the meeting. The
need / value of having faculty meetings posted on the web for those who were not
able to attend the meetings and / or for those who would like to review the
proceedings. It was the consensus of the committee that audio recordings should
be available on the wiki when possible.
4. Report on IQ Web update and General Education advising software
Michael Karounos reported that he did not have a report on IQ Web update.
However, it is his understanding that the GenEd advising software would be in
place for the Fall 2010 semester.
5. General Education Assessment schedule for 2009-10 MAPP Schedule:
 Jan 27 REL 4000-Daugherty (41)
 Feb 11 REL 4000-Mowry (27)
 Feb 15 REL 4000-Tallman (28)
 Jan 26 REL 4100-Fox (30)
New/Other Business
6. Referral from Academic Council: Should ART 2XXX: Art Appreciation I and II (3) be
included in the list of options for GenEd Outcome B6: Students will demonstrate
knowledge of the aesthetic aspects of Western and non-Western culture?
Kathy Mowry moved, Carol Maxson seconded, motion carried to recommend these
courses be added to the General Education course options to the Academic Council.
7. GenEd Context Tier: World Civ I or II (exclusively)
Jea Agee raised the issue of requiring World Civ I or II for transfer students with
other history courses on their transcripts. After discussion, the committee agreed to
support the authority of the registrar to decide on a case-by-case basis if and how
to apply transfer credits.
8. Learning Outcomes and Catalog deadlines
In a discussion of the General Education Core Curriculum Outcomes and Objectives
the Committee determined that it would be advantageous to look at the possibility
of consolidating the current outcomes for the purpose of streamlining the
evaluation and review process. The Committee determined that it would attempt to
draft these outcomes for the 2010-11 Catalog editing deadline. The strategy chosen
by the committee was to rewrite these objectives and send them to respective
departments for review, hoping for full consensus by March 1 st. Mike Vail and Joe
Cole volunteered to create the original draft of the condensed outcomes.
9. Next meeting: January 29, 10:00am, Adam’s Conference Room
Action Items:
1. Mike Vail will communicate to Academic Council that Art 2XXX: Art Appreciation I and Art
2XXX: Art Appreciation II be included in the Contexts Tier of the Gen Ed curriculum.
Students should choose one of MUS 1500: Fine Arts, Art 2XXX: Art Appreciation I, or Art
2XXX: Art Appreciation II.
2. Mike Vail will work with Brett Armstrong to deliver the Fac-Admin meeting on Feb 1 with
the topic: Designing Learning Activities to Develop Critical Thinking Skills.
3. All GenEd Committee members will consider ways of assessing Outcome C-3, post
suggestions to the wiki page and comment on suggestions. A decision on assessment
method and criteria for C-3 will be selected.
4. Sam Stueckle will connect with Biology instructors about Assessment Item 5. Lab Science
and bring a report.
5. Mike Vail and Joe Cole review and draft catalog copy for General Education Outcomes.
Designing Learning Activities to Develop Critical Thinking Skills
Faculty-Administrator Meeting
February 1, 2010
The topic was suggested because of 2008-9 Assessment of General Education outcomes and a
desire that TNU students be “proficient” in critical thinking. The workshop is open to all faculty.
 Move toward a common understanding of critical thinking
 Generate ideas for learning activities that can be used in GenEd and intro-level courses
 Be intentional about utilizing learning activities that promote critical thinking by students
Planning sub-committee: Mike Vail, Mary Ann Meiners, Michael Karounos, Sam Stueckle, Carol
Suggested moderator: Brett Armstrong
Preliminary email announcement:
 Describe intended outcomes
 Link to MAPP discussion of critical thinking, proficiency, and sample test items
 Email announcement will ask all faculty to begin thinking about learning activities they can
share with the group.
 Ask each to bring one example in writing for compilation and electronic distribution
1. Set the context for the topic
a. Relationship between general education curriculum and developing critical thinking
b. MAPP definition of critical thinking
c. How is proficiency in critical thinking defined in MAPP?
d. Sample MAPP questions
2. General discussion:
a. What are core components of critical thinking?
b. How did you learn to think critically?
3. What learning activities have you used that worked to develop critical thinking?
a. 2-3 faculty will be prepared to share in order to begin discussion
b. Open sharing of “learning activities that work”
2009-10 General Education Assessment Item 7A:
General Christian Vocation Essay
In 3-5 pages, write a well-thought-out essay on your own understanding of the calling or vocation
of Christians for leadership and service in a global community. Specifically, address the following
aspects of vocation:
Discuss key aspects of the mission or vocation to which Christians are called in this world.
What temptations might be particularly important to avoid (particularly for you) in order to
fulfill this vocation? (For example, is power an issue?)
What conditions or practical commitments are necessary (particularly for you) to fulfilling
this calling? (For example, is community necessary?)
Writing guidelines:
The essay should be both formal in structure (best writing, excellent construction) and
personal. This combination is critical.
You may use the above questions as an outline for the essay, but include an introduction
and conclusion that are both polished and compelling.
Write your essay in first person as a personal statement of belief and commitment. Put
yourself into the essay. While this should be a synthesis of some things you have learned
about Christian vocation, it is also about your journey and commitments. Let the reader
hear your voice.
The essay should be typed in 12 point Times New Roman font with standard 1” margins.
Include a title page with your name. Your name should not appear on the pages which are
the body of the paper.
Begin the body of the essay on the first line of the first page.
If you decide to quote or to refer to an author, you must use full citation information in a
standard format. You may use whichever style manual has been used in your area of study
at Trevecca. Handle citations and format quotes properly and consistently for the style
manual you are following.