Application Directions - Ocean Beach School District #101

Ocean Beach School District No. 101 - Ilwaco High School
Community Scholarships Information Sheet
The Ocean Beach School District Community provides scholarships each year for graduating seniors.
Many groups have agreed to use the same application procedures and format.
You need to complete the Student Private Information Form and give one copy to Ms.
Because there are several organizations that need to select recipients and I will have to make as
many as 20 copies of your application, your application packet should be carefully paper-clipped
together. NO staples. NO report covers.
Use a word processor/computer for your application.
a. You may format the cover page and financial page on your own computer.
b. A template of each is available on the school website off the “Student Resources” page.
Answer all questions completely, using your best writing skills. Be sure to answer questions
rather than indulge in creative writing. Double-space all essays. See the application information
on page 2 of this packet for essay topics.
On the honors, awards, activities sections, “blow your own horn.” Be specific and completely
honest with what you list. Do NOT attach copies of your awards certificates.
Think about who will give you the best letters of recommendation. Give those you ask a
resume of your activities and accomplishments. Do not ask for letters to be returned to you
immediately; people need time to write a good letter. Ask if you can copy the letters; if not, ask
if they will give you ten signed copies of the letter. If they wish to put them in sealed envelopes.
Request one sealed copy, put it in your original paper-clipped packet, and let Ms. Huntley know.
Fill out a “Request for Transcripts” form and give it to Mrs. Sampson, in the main office. Ask
her for an unsealed copy. Requests for transcripts need at least one-week lead-time. To get a
transcript, all fines, if any, need to be paid. The transcript should include 1st semester of your
senior year.
To the best of your ability, fill out the budget/expenditures sheet. The information concerning
tuition and fees is available on college websites.
See page 2 of this application for the instructions on how to order your packets.
Place ONE copy of your estimated EFC (Expected Family Contribution) from the filing of your
FAFSA in a sealed envelope with your name on the front. I only need ONE copy.
Deadline for submission is 3:00 p.m. on Friday, March 21st. Applications should be turned in to
Ms. Huntley. Good luck!
Ocean Beach School District No. 101 - Ilwaco High School
Community Scholarships Application
Assemble your application packet in the following order.
Then paper-clip it together. Absolutely NO staples and NO report covers.
Cover Page Form
500 word essay:
The scholarship committees are interested in your ability to think and express yourself and they want to
know a bit about who you are. In approximately 500 words, tell the scholarship committees a little bit
about yourself. In this essay describe your reasons for further education, your intended major and why
you have chosen this field. You should also indicate any special reasons that you need financial aid in
order to reach your goals (special circumstances). Hint: This is the content of your cover letter for the
Culminating Project
Honors, Awards & Activities:
List your activities, separating them by year and by school vs. community. A résumé or chart would work
well for this. Hint: Again, a draft of this should already be in your portfolio.
500 word essay:
Write an essay of approximately 500 words on: “Where I see myself in five years.” This essay should
include information about the school/program you attended and your career goals as well as personal
information about the life you want for yourself. Hint: Again, look at Culminating Project assignments.
Transcript (not in a sealed envelope)
SAT/ACT Scores (not in a sealed envelope)
Four letters of recommendation:
These letters should include at least two from school personnel, one from a community representative and
one from another adult of your choice. Please list names, addresses and phone numbers of your
Financial Information Form
Optional Rotary Scholarship Essay
See the Rotary Scholarship Information attached for details
Turn in the following items separately (not paper-clipped with the rest of your packet):
The Student Private Information Form
One copy of your SAR or EFC (in a sealed legal size envelope):
If you have not received your SAR you can submit a copy of your estimated EFC from the filing of your