Professor: Office Location: Office Hours: Office Number: Email Address: Freshman Seminar Syllabus Monday Fall 2012 Course Description: Freshman Seminar is designed to assist first-year students in making the transition from high school to college life. This course seeks to enhance the learning experience by providing opportunities for students to develop the skills, values, behaviors, and attitudes necessary for success at the University of Mobile. Topics include study skills, time management, budgeting, health and wellness, transitioning into adulthood, Christian Worldview, and career exploration and confirmation. Students will hear from various university officials regarding UM procedures and will learn to access MyUM and other campus resources. Grading and Attendance Policy: Students will receive a grade on class attendance and items listed in the evaluation below. All assignments should be completed before the scheduled class date. Attendance is expected, and students are to be on time for class. A written doctor’s excuse or a letter from an appropriate University official submitted immediately before or after the absence will be considered for each absence. (If you miss class because you are in a CPA event or if you are an athlete missing class for a game, you MUST email your professor prior to class and let him/her know. Your two allotted absences must be used for this purpose, not in addition to the two unexcused absences. Students missing more than 2 classes (unexcused) will drop a letter grade for every absence following. Evaluation: Quizzes (each quiz 50pts) Calling and Career Reflection Paper Collaboration Forum Entries (50pts each) Christian Worldview Response Paper Advisor Contract and Degree Plan Freshman Experience Reflection Paper Quitter statement TOTAL SCALE: 200pts 100pts 100pts 100pts 100pts 100pts 100pts 800pts A = 716-800 B = 636-715 C = 556-635 D = 476-555 F = 0- 475 To Print Handouts: Access MyUM Portal at (User ID is ID# and Password is assigned by Registrar’s Office) Attendance Only two absences are allowed. A letter grade is dropped for every absence after two. See Grading and Attendance Policy above. Quizzes Instructors will facilitate 4 quizzes worth 50pts each. To receive credit for quiz assignments, students must be present in class. Quiz 1: In class over MyUM Quiz 2: In class over Academic Success Quiz 3: In class over Student Success Quiz 4: Focus 2 Inventory Results stapled to “Calling and Career Reflection Paper” Collaboration Forum Entry Discuss thoughts shared in the group lectures. Under MyUM’s Freshman Seminar page, select Collaboration then Forum. For the Mashburn Lecture, select “Collaboration Forum Entry #1.” For the Money Management lecture, select “Collaboration Forum Entry #2” Calling and Career Reflection Paper (with Focus 2 Results) Students will reflect on the in-class discussion, utilize Focus 2 results and refer to lecture by the Coordinator of Career Development. This paper should be 2 FULL pages, typed (12pt font, double-spaced, 1-inch margins and appropriate format). Focus 2 results need to be stapled to paper and turned in for credit. See paper grading rubric below. Christian Worldview Reflection Paper Read the article “How Can I Know God?” This paper should be 2 FULL pages typed (12pt font, double- spaced, 1 inch margins with appropriate formatting). This is a response paper reflecting on the article and Christian Worldview Lecture. Paper should include your personal thoughts about the topic and points from the lecture. See paper grading rubric below. Advisor-Student Contract and Degree Plan Print the Advisor-Student Contract from MyUM handouts. You are responsible for scheduling an appointment with your advisor to go over the contract and get your advisor’s signature. A degree plan must be taken to the advisor meeting and a copy made for class. Bring the completed contract and degree plan to class on the day it is due. Quitter You are required to read Jon Acuff’s book, Quitter. A statement is required on Week 15 stating you have read the entire book. This statement is to be included at the end of your Freshman Experience Reflection Paper. If the whole book is not read, write a statement declaring estimate of book read (for example: I have read 90% of Quitter. – Josephine College) Freshman Experience Reflection Paper (with Quitter statement) This paper should be 3 FULL pages typed (12pt font, double spaced, 1 inch margins with appropriate format). Your freshman experience paper is a reflection on your first semester at UM. Write two pages on what you have done, lessons you’ve learned, how life has changed during your first semester, struggles you have overcome or unmet expectations. Write one page reflecting on the required reading Quitter. Add a statement about completion of the Quitter assignment at the end of the paper. See paper grading rubric below. Freshman Seminar Monday Class & Assignment Schedule Week 1: August 20, 2012 Academic Orientation and Life at UM Introduction to Freshman Seminar- Syllabus Week 2: August 27, 2012 MyUM Training and Why UM? (Lecture includes: directions on how to use MyUM, discussion on why students have chosen UM and the difference between high school and college) Quiz #1 SSC Questionnaire Week 3: September 3, 2012 No CLASS Labor Day Week 4: September 10, 2012 Academic Success (Lecture includes: learning strategies, preview of Bloom’s taxonomy and the different levels of learning, discussion on learning vs. studying and the study cycle) Quiz #2 Week 5: September 17, 2012 Student Success (Lecture includes: academic integrity and its components, time management and organization, stress management and self-care) Quiz #3 Week 6: September 24, 2012 (Class meets in Ram Hall) Library guest speaker (Introduces library resources and procedures) Mashburn Lecture (Lecture includes: what it means to be a part of the “University”) Week 7: October 1, 2012 Calling and Career (Lecture includes: Focus 2 inventory and its role in assisting undecided majors and those who have chosen a major, how to prepare for a career beginning freshman year and understanding calling and career) Collaboration Forum Entry 1 due on Mashburn Lecture Week 8: October 8, 2012 (Class meets in Ram Hall) Alumni Office guest speaker (Introduces the ultimate goal of graduation and becoming an alumnus) Money Management guest speaker (Lecture includes: budgeting effectively, saving and stewardship) Career Reflection Paper Due with attached Focus 2 Results Week 9: October 15, 2012 Academic Advising and Registration (Lecture includes: how to plan for advising including student’s role in the process, how to access and use degree plans and how to register for the following semester) Collaboration Forum Entry 2 due on Money Management Week 10: October 22, 2012 UM Catalog – Scavenger Hunt (Lecture includes: introducing students to office locations, important persons and school policy and procedures) Advisor/Student Contract and Degree Plan Due Week 11: October 29, 2012 (Class meets in Ram Hall) Christian Worldview Discussion, Neal Ledbetter (Lecture includes: introduction to a Christian worldview and how it impacts the life of the student) “How Can I Know God?” article Week 12: November 5, 2012 Instructors pick (Lecture includes: topic chosen by Instructor based on perceived need of the class or topic from previous weeks needing more class discussion time) Christian Worldview Reflection Paper Due Week 13: November 12, 2012 Campus Involvement (Lecture includes: a student panel explaining ways freshman can get involved and how it can impact college life– from internships and works studies to campus life leadership roles and academic clubs) Week 14: November 19, 2012 No CLASS Thanksgiving break Week 15: November 26, 2012 Reflections on semester and Quitter (Lecture includes: book review, semester review and student’s freshman experience) Quitter Statement Due Freshman Experience Reflection Paper Due Week 16: December 3, 2012 “Mingle and Jingle” Christmas Celebration Week 17: December 10, 2012 No CLASS Finals Week Paper Grading Rubric: Displayed insightful reflection and critical thought Formatted correctly (Appropriate heading/proper grammar) Followed directions (12 point font, 1 inch margins, double spaced) Wrote full page requirement Turned in on time ___ 20pts ___ 20pts ___ 20pts ___ 20pts ___ 20pts