Fast Food Nation Research Name_____________________________________ English 12, Becker Please keep this rubric to include with your paper. A (45-50) The mini research paper reflects careful reading and expresses the strong opinions of the writer. Further, this paper’s central message is developed by the writer and greatly supported by facts of the experts. The project shows evidence of thoughtful revision. More specifically: Ideas: Each piece expresses an idea related to the topic, is original, clear, fully developed, and convincing. There is a clear message and purpose in the reading of the piece. The piece is striking and insightful into a topic of importance that was derived from the research. It is satisfyingly rich with significant, intriguing details. It goes beyond the obvious. It includes at least 4 direct quotes from sources considered in the research process. Organization: The parts of the pieces—titles, beginnings, middles, ends, etc—are carefully crafted and placed to serve the effectiveness of each piece. Smooth transitions effectively tie ideas together. Paragraph breaks enhance meaning. The introduction to both pieces is enlightening and engaging to the reader, using one of the methods discussed in class. The conclusion is provocative and leaves the reader convinced and ready to act. Voice: The voice of the author is compelling and genuine. This piece if tough to put down as it holds the reader enrapt. The voice is convincing and appeals to the reader with its rhetoric – consider ethos, logos, pathos. Word Choice: The writer shows rather than tells by being concrete rather than abstract. Words and images are precise and vivid, showing accurate denotation and connotation. Imagery, figurative language, and sound devices enhance meaning and effect. Sentence Fluency: The writer skillfully controls the flow and rhythm of the pieces to fit the subject matter. Sentence structure is correct and shows effective variety in length, style, and complexity; in addition, virtually every sentence begins differently. Sentences are not wordy. Repetition, if used, is effective. Conventions: Spelling, punctuation, and grammar are accurate and skillfully used; there are fewer than five grammatical errors in all. Presentation: The piece is typed. It follows all required criteria for formatting and all required elements of research: MLA format, works cited, in-text citations. B (40-44) The mini research paper reflects careful reading and expresses the strong opinions of the writer. Further, this paper’s central message is developed by the writer and supported by facts of the experts. The project shows evidence of revision. More specifically: Ideas: Each piece expresses an idea related to the topic, is original, somewhat clear, developed, and somewhat convincing. There is a message and purpose in the reading of the piece. Each piece is striking and insightful into a topic of importance. It includes significant, intriguing details. It includes at least 2-3 direct quotes from sources considered in the research process. It incorporates ideas from some of the resources. Organization: The parts of the pieces—titles, beginnings, middles, ends, etc—are evident but not overpowering. Transitions are evident and proved effective ties between ideas. Paragraph breaks enhance meaning. The introduction to both pieces is enlightening and engaging to the reader. The conclusion is provocative and leaves the reader convinced and ready to act. Voice: The voice of the author is enthusiastic, engaging, lively, and expressive. Tone and flavor are well suited to the topic. The voice is somewhat convincing and appeals to the reader with its rhetoric – consider ethos, logos, pathos. Word Choice: The writer shows rather than tells by being concrete rather than abstract. Words and images are precise and vivid. Sentence Fluency: The writer skillfully controls the flow and rhythm of the pieces to fit the subject matter. Sentence structure is correct and shows effective variety in length, style, and complexity; in addition, virtually every sentence begins differently. Sentences are not wordy. Repetition, if used, is effective. Conventions: Spelling, punctuation, and grammar are accurate and skillfully used; there are fewer than ten grammatical errors in all. Presentation: The piece is typed. It follows all required criteria for formatting and all required elements of research: MLA format, works cited, in-text citations. C (35-39) The mini research paper reflects some reading and research and tries to expresses the opinions of the writer. Further, this paper’s central message is somewhat developed by the writer and attempts to be supported by facts of the experts. The project shows evidence of little revision. More specifically: Ideas: The pieces are clear and focused more often than not. There is an identifiable main topic and opinion statement. There are some significant details, but some general details, too. The author needs to dig deeper and go beyond the obvious. It includes little support from the experts with 1 to no insertion of quotes or examples from the research. Organization: The order works and the reader can follow along. The structure is somewhat predictable. Most of the ideas are connected with transitions. The lead is evident but not engaging or thought provoking. Voice: Voice is functional, often sincere. Occasionally questionable tone arises for the topic. Rhetorical devices are not considered in the voice of the piece. Word Choice: The writer sometimes shows rather than tells by being concrete rather than abstract. Words are redundant, becoming meaningless. Thoughtful incorporation of newly learned terms were not considered. Sentence Fluency: The writer skillfully controls the flow and rhythm of the pieces to fit the subject matter. Sentence structure is somewhat correct and shows some variety in length, style, and complexity; in addition, virtually every sentence begins the same. Conventions: Readable--but lacks close attention to conventions. These pieces need a good a proofread before publication. Presentation: The piece is typed; however, there is no in-text citation and no works cited attached. In a D or F Piece – I will comment on what needs work. The paper reflects little reading of the research and does not express an opinion. The thesis is extremely weak or unidentifiable. Further, there seems to be no central message. There is little or no evidence of revision and understanding of the topic. Ideas are underdeveloped and/or voice is largely absent and/or word choice is abstract and general and/or fluency is awkward and difficult to follow and/or conventions interfere with understanding. The portfolio is typed, but it follows few of the required criteria for formatting and documentation. No Paper = 0 / 40