Shaw Brave New World Female Representations in Dystopias: Viewing of Twilight Zone episodes: “Number Twelve Looks Just Like You” “The Eye of the Beholder” One class will be spent viewing two episodes of the classic Twilight Zone which has themes strikingly similar to those of Brave New World, that of a future world in which citizens have lost any and all sense of individuality yet must succumb to a kind of “forced perfection.” The question arises in these episodes just as in BNW: is this a utopia or a dystopia? You will write an essay which answers the following questions. Each question should be one paragraph of your essay. In total, you will have seven (7) paragraphs for your essay including the introduction (with a thesis statement) and a conclusion. 1. What common themes do these episodes share with those of Brave New World? Give specific examples from the episodes and Brave New World to support your opinions. 2. How is Marilyn from “Number 12 Looks Just Like You” and Janet Tyler from “The Eye of the Beholder” like the women of Brave New World? How are they different? Use specific examples from the episodes and Brave New World to support your ideas. 3. How are women treated in the Twilight Zone societies as compared to the Brave New World society? Have these women of the future truly been liberated? 4. Discuss the differences between the two societies. The society of “Number Twelve Looks Just Like You” is vastly different than “The Eye of the Beholder” society (and not just in looks!). Which society is closer to that of the Brave New World? 5. Are the societies of Brave New World and the two Twilight Zone episodes utopias or dystopias? Use specific examples from the text and the episodes to prove your opinions. Note: You can view both episodes on Youtube, just type in the name of the episode in the search bar. Watch them again from home if you need to. The written transcript for “The Eye of the Beholder” is in the back of your Brave New World book (in the gray section). I would suggest reading it to get a better idea of the society that is presented in the episode. The “Leader” has some very important and interesting things to say about conformity and support for the State. Your essay will be at least three (3) typed pages. Times New Roman, 12-point font, double spaced and 1-inch margins. You must include quotes from Brave New World, with page numbers, in your essay. Please follow the Never-Ever List of Essay Writing. This is a formal writing assignment and I will not accept any personal pronouns. You can check out my NeverEver List of Essay Writing on my web site. You must include your rough draft with your final copy of receive a grade for this assignment. Shaw Brave New World