Crime and Punishment

The Last of the Mohicans
Essay Topics/Writing Assignments
1. Write an essay about stereotypes used to describe the American Indian. In you essay cite
references in THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS as examples of stereotypes. Discuss how particulars
often become generalizations about entire ethnic groups.
2. Do some research about James Fenimore Cooper and discuss his use of actual people and
events in his writing. [Note: a good research source is WILLIAM COOPER'S TOWN by Alan
Taylor] Write your essay about how realistic the characters are. Give your impressions about
Cooper's knowledge of the American Indian.
3. Write an essay about weaknesses in Cooper's tale. For example, begin with the idea that a
father would send for his daughters to join him in a fort that is under siege. Include other things
you find in the story that cause suspension of belief, e.g., Hawkeye dressed as a bear and no
one suspecting he is really a man.
4. Write an essay about ironic twists in literature. In your essay discuss how Uncas is introduced in
the beginning as the last of the Mohicans when, in fact, it does not turn out that way in the end.
Express your opinion about how irony enhances interest in a well told tale.
5. Write an essay about historical fiction. Explain how including actual historical facts in a fiction
story makes the tale more realistic. Discuss how Cooper's use of real tribal names enhances his
story of THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS. What is the importance of the French and Indian War to
the story?
6. Write an essay on how literary fiction influences popular thought. Keeping in mind that THE
LAST OF THE MOHICANS was published in the 1800s, explain how it may have contributed to
conventional wisdom about the habits of native Americans.
7. Write an essay debating self protection and non-violence. Use the discussion between David
and Hawkeye at the end of Chapter 12 to begin your essay. State your opinion about the
validity of each side.
8. Write a critique of THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS. Discuss writing style, language, plot strengths
and weaknesses, and use of descriptive words and sentences. Conclude your critique with your
recommendation whether the novel should be read or not.