Treasure Island Assignment Sheet

The Cay Independent Assignment Sheet
As we read The Cay by Theodore Taylor, we will explore and discuss issues such as prejudice, hatred, self-reliance, and human
compassion. You will be required to complete two of the following assignments. While you may choose the assignments you
would like to complete, you must keep in mind that if you turn in anything after the due date you will not receive full credit. Please
refer to this sheet, your planner, and the internet as reminders of dates when projects are due.
Reaction Assignment: You must choose TWO of these to complete. They will be due on or before
_________________________________________________ and ________________________________________________.
They are worth 25 points each. Please keep in mind that these assignments are first, to get your mind to think critically about the
book and second, to practice your writing skills. Each of these assignments is a five paragraph essay. I suggest writing an
outline prior to writing to help keep your ideas focused. These assignments will be graded on the 6 traits of writing rubric found on
the back of this sheet. Answer the questions below fully and proof-read your work before turning it in. Remember, writing is like
learning a new sport, instrument, or video game – it takes p.r.a.c.t.i.c.e.
 How do you think his experiences affected Phillip’s feelings about war? Do you think he understands how devastating war
can be? Do you think he blames the war for what happened to him?
 Compare either Timothy or Phillip to a character in another book you have read. Focus on their personality traits and use
examples to support how they are similar and/or different.
 Compare Phillip and a lesson, or many lessons, he has learned with your own life. Use examples from the book to support
how you can relate to what he has learned from his experiences.
 Write an essay about what you can do to help Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech come true. You may
find his speech at:
 How would your life suddenly change if you became blind? Would you think about things the same way? Would being
blind help you to understand others better? If so, how? Address these ideas in a five paragraph essay.
 Think about someone you have had a disagreement with in the past. How might a change in how you approach that situation,
or similar situations, help you “get over it?”
 Read a book about WWII and write a report on it comparing the characters in the book you read to the characters in The Cay
and their experiences. Get the book cleared with me before doing the assignment.
 You may choose an essay topic of your own as long as it ties into The Cay and can work into a five paragraph essay format.
You must get it cleared with me at least three days before we start writing.
6 Trait Grading Criteria
Essay has a well-developed thesis that is appropriate for the purpose and
audience. Paper has supporting that examples and details that are tied to the
5 Paragraph Essay Outline Guideline
First Supporting Paragraph
Essay has an effective introduction with a clear thesis statement, at least 3 body
paragraphs that support the thesis with examples and details, and an original
conclusion that wraps things up
Voice is appropriate to purpose & audience. The tone stays matter of fact and
formal throughout.
Thesis Statement:
Topic Sentence:
Reason/Detail 1:
Reason/Detail 2:
Reason/Detail 3:
Second Supporting Paragraph
Topic Sentence:
Reason/Detail 1:
Reason/Detail 2:
Reason/Detail 3:
Word Choice
Writer uses appropriate language throughout – avoiding slang and short cuts.
Words and phrases are varied and accurate.
Writing shows that thought has been taken with language, especially transitions.
Sentence Fluency
Third Supporting Paragraph
Sentences have a logical progression; they are of varied length and structure.
Topic Sentence:
Reason/Detail 1:
Reason/Detail 2:
Reason/Detail 3:
Spelling, punctuation, and grammar are correct.
Restatement of Thesis Statement