Plagiarism Worksheet - Research Paper Excerpt


English 124 Project

Task 1C - Referencing and summarization using a periodical

Look at the excerpts from the research paper below. How does the writer avoid plagiarism?

 Circle the citations from the text.

 Circle the reference from the bibliography

Kharma and Hajjaj (1989) describe characteristics of conditional usage in writing by learners whose first language is Arabic. The Type 1 conditional ( If + present + future) was the next most common form they encountered. They state that it generally does not pose a problem for Arab learners (Kharma and Hajjaj, p.138). This correlates with my experience in the UAE where I have found upper elementary and lower intermediate learners quickly demonstrate an ability to conceptualize and use the Type 1 conditional.


Kharma, Nayef, and Ali Hajjaj. Errors in English Among Arabic Speakers: Analysis and

Remedy. Essex: Longman, 1989. 137-142.

(1) Who did the original research? ________________________________

(2) What was the name of the book? ________________________________

(3) Who was the publisher?

(4) What pages were used?



(5) Where was the book published? ________________________________

(6) When was the book published? ________________________________

Part 1:


Make a folder on your computer desktop called English 124


Go to on the internet.


Use your answers above to create a bibliography reference like the example above.


Copy and print the reference on to a Word document.


Name the document 'Sample Bibliography Reference' and save it under this name into your 124 Folder.

Part 2:

Go to the periodical section of the library and find an article that you find interesting.

 Make a photocopy of the article

Summarize the article in 150 to 200 words.

 The summarization must include three page citations within the text of your report.

 Give the summarization a title:

English 124 - Summarization and Referencing Task

The A380 – the largest commercial plane

Make a bibliography

 Go to and make a MLA style bibliography reference.

 Put the reference under the heading, Bibliography.

Word process the summarization (size 12, Times New Roman font and 1.5 spacing). Include your name and number. Staple the summary to this page and return it to me.

Do not plagiarize

Plagiarism includes copying from the text word for word, writing specific points of information from the source without using citations and not including a complete reference in the bibliography.

Grading Criteria Practice

Format (font, size, spacing, titles)

Summarization (relevant, concise, appropriate HCT band level)

Citations (appropriate format, included where necessary)

Bibliography Reference (appropriate format)


_________ / 20

_________ / 40

_________ / 15

_________ / 25

________ / 100
