Seventh Mon 8/25 Tues 8/26 Term1 29 days Introduction Day Parent letter District letter Welcome to health Get to know you game Homework: Complete health binder due Thursday 8/28 Journal Writing Journal expectations Journal 1: What do you think are the benefits of working in a group? What can make working in a group hard? Will you always know or like the people you have to work with in a group? What should/can you do if you don’t? Mon 9/1 No School Tues 9/2 Cooperative groups Wed 8/27 Assignment directions Choose dates My due date ________ Wed 9/3 iMovie cooperative group trailer Homework: Communication notes due Friday 8/29 Journal 2: What are the 3 sides to the health triangle? Give at least 3 examples on how to improve each side of the triangle. Communication Thur 9/4 Cooperative groups Complete iMovie trailer Watch trailers Binder Check (5points-more with extra credit) Communication notes check-in (5 points) Journal 3: Why is it important to learn how to be a good communicator? Give at least 3 examples to back up your answer. Communication Some call it art activity Review notes Conflict resolution notes Cooperative activity: conflict resolution Journal 5: At your age, what types of things do you think kids get peer-pressured about? Why do you think that happens? Have you been peer-pressured before? If you have, did you give in to peer-pressure or not? Peer-pressure/refusal skills notes check-in (5 points) *Current events Peer pressure Discuss peer pressure Peer pressure movie Homework: Decision Making process notes due Monday 9/8 Sleep notes due Thursday 9/11 Homework: Conflict resolution notes due Tuesday 9/2 Fri 8/29 *Current events Journal 4: There are times in life when we have conflicts with others. What do you think is important when trying to solve a conflict with someone? Do you think it is important to learn about conflict resolution? Why or why not? Cooperative groups Thur 8/28 *Current events Communication I statements Cooperative group activity: “I” statements and styles of communication. Homework: peer pressure/refusal skills notes due Thursday 9/4 Pick roles Group activity Name tags Current events 2014-2015 Fri 9/5 *Current events Journal 6: Part A: What are 3 goals you have for your life? Part B: How could giving into negative peerpressure affect your life goals? Part C: How could giving into peer pressure affect each side of the health triangle? Refusal skills-role play Team 1: stealing Team 2: smoke marijuana Team 3: Skip class Team 4: Cheating on a test Team 5: Drink alcohol Seventh Mon 9/8 Term1 29 days DMP notes check-in (5 points) Journal 7: Why is it important to learn 2014-2015 Mon 9/15 Sleep deprivation Complete activity Sleep video (19 minutes) Tues 9/16 *Current events Check-in caffeine notes (5points) how to make good decisions? DMP notes Class work: Personal DMP Tues 9/9 *Current events Communication Quiz Work on DMP (7-2) Caffeine Caffeine notes (PP) Buzz in a bottle (17 minutes) 7-1 Introduce sleep essay Homework: Sleep Deprivation notes due Friday 9/12 (7-1) only Journal 8: How much sleep should teens get per night? How much do you get? How do you act and feel when you don’t get enough sleep? (7-1 only) Wed 9/10 *Current events Journal 8: How much sleep should Wed 9/17 teens get per night? How much do you get? How do you act and feel when you don’t get enough sleep? Beverages Journal 10: What beverages do you Sleep Introduce sleep essay due normally consume? Are they good or bad for you? Homework: Sleep Deprivation notes due Friday 9/12 Thur 9/11 *Current events Sleep notes check-in (5 points) Journal 9: What are some things that Thurs 9/18 could make it hard to sleep/stay asleep? Sleep stages Discuss notes Cooperative groups: Which stage is it? Fri 9/12 *Current events Sleep Deprivation notes check-in (5points) *Current events Sleep Deprivation Discuss journal 5 Discuss notes Activity: sleep deprivation Homework: Caffeine notes due Tuesday 9/16 *Current events Sleep Caffeine quiz Show Video “obesity in a bottle” (21 min) 5 facts from Movie *Current events Journal 11: What do you think are the 5 leading preventable causes of death? Leading causes of death Fri 9/19 5 preventable causes of death notes (PP) Homework: How drugs enter/Types of drug users notes Due Monday 9/22 *Current events Cooperative Group activity: 5 preventable causes of death Seventh Mon 9/22 Term1 29 days Journal 12: Why do you think some teens choose to use drugs? 2014-2015 Mon 9/29 Activity No journal Tobacco effects stations Role-play Discuss journal Review STOP method Role-play refusal skills with negative peer pressure skits. o Give each group a topic o Perform Friday Turn in skit Tobacco effects on goals and health triangle/DMP Journal 16: (10 minute journal) Part A: What are 3 goals you have for your life? Part B: How could drugs affect your life goals? Part C: How can drugs affect each side of the health triangle? How drugs enter/types of drug users notes Tues 9/23 *Current events Sleep essay (30 points) Lab work on sleep graph/Essay Tues 9/30 Wed 9/24 Early release Current events Journal 13: What do you think “natural high” means? Can you give some examples? Natural highs Watch movie: natural high Class work: What is your natural high? Wed 10/1 Thur 9/25 * Current events Cost Journal 14: cost of smoking Discuss journal Stages and phases of smoking Totally disgusting gross out video Thur 10/2 Fri 9/26 Early release Journal 15: Where could someone go to get help with a drug problem? Legal/Illegal drugs Movie: Truth about drugs Fri 10/3 Cooperative activity: Poster Final Journal Due Legal/Illegal drugs Movie: Truth about drugs Legal/Illegal drugs Movie: Truth about drugs