In the early 19th century, a new subgenre of romanticism known as gothic had risen in both America and Europe because transcendentalist was too optimistic. American gothic literature usually filled with elements of trepidation and supernatural in their works. Mood is an important element to create the atmosphere of the story. Edgar Allan Poe is one of the writers famous for his literary gothic works. His themes personify pervasive implication of death, including both physical and mental signs of death. In contrast, Nathaniel Hawthorne, another gothic writer, depicts American gothic through a different light. His stories mostly describe people who are born with sin, guilt, and evil. Although they use similar gothic elements and literary techniques such as character traits and imagery to portray fear that humans have in life, the development of mood in the two stories “The Mask of the Red Death” and “The Minister’s Black Veil” differ in regard to use of symbols and plot development. Allen Edgar Poe’s “The Mask of the Red Death”, is a tale that depicts man’s innate fear of death. In the story, three symbols have been used to represent the fear of death: the seventh room in the castle, the gigantic clock of ebony, and the masqueraders. The colored seven rooms represent different stages of life. From white to “a deep blood color” in the seventh room, the author associates different color with course of life, with white representing birth and blood being the symbol of death. Furthermore, the author describes the seventh room with “the blood-tinted panes” creates an eerie mood, which magnifies the intensity of fear of red death. The seventh room is a connection that leads the reader to the next symbol of clock. The ebony clock symbolizes a constant reminder of death, a reality check that awakes everyone from the seemingly joyful status. The clock in the story emphasizes the mood of suspense. Also, it symbolizes that time still flows, and the partygoers can’t escape from the disease. Toward the end of the story, a moribund new guest with his face masked appears in the middle of the party and killed everyone in the castle. The figure’s arrival at the party shows that no one is able to escape from the threat of red death, not even the most affluent, such as Prince Prospero himself. These three major objects build up the spine-chilling mood in the story by restating the theme, we death is inevitable. “The Minister’s Black Veil” is also another literature masterpiece that represents American gothic. The story examines the dark side of human fear. Hawthorne uses a plethora of examples to illustrate the mood of sinister. He develops the theme, which is people are born with sin, through the main character Mr. Hooper. The black veil on Mr. Hooper’s face symbolizes the hidden sin. Every villager was afraid of the black veil on Mr. Hooper’s face. For instance, “He has changed himself into something awful only by hiding his face” and “Our parson is going mad” show that everyone is unfamiliar with the black veil and started to have ambiguous feeling to Mr. Hooper. In the middle of the story, the villagers even feel bewildered about the black veil and belittle Mr. Hooper. One villager said, “ there is nothing terrible in this piece of crape”. Also, Mr. Hooper’s fiancée had asked him to take of the veil once, but he refused, and caused his fiancée to leave him alone. This shows that the veil even influence the relationship between his closet relative. Nathaniel Hawthorne used these examples to reiterate the theme in the story, which is people are born with evil. Furthermore, to emphasize the creepy mood that is created in the story. Both of the short stories used imagery to develop the eerie mood. In “ The Mask of the Red Death”, the red death had been personified to create an image of the disease. “ The figure was tall and gaunt, and shrouded from head to foot in the habiliments of the grave” give us a concept about what does the figure look like. In another short story “The Minister’s Black Veil”, the black veil embodies the sin and let people know that they cannot hide their sins. These two authors have used imagery and let the readers have a more vivid picture in their minds when reading. Edgar Allan Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne were born in the same time period. Their works primarily describe the fear of death. People at that time mostly think these kinds of works are unnerving and creepy. But people have gradually accepted this literature genre.