College Essay Questions

College Essay Questions
The following are essay questions that have appeared on college applications. Be sure to check your
colleges’ current applications for the most up-to-date questions.
Common Application
Applicant must complete both:
1. Short Answer: Please describe which of your activities (extracurricular and personal activities or
work experience) has been most meaningful and why (150 words or fewer).
2. Personal Essay – Choose one (250 words minimum):
 Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical
dilemma you have faced and its impact on you.
 Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its
importance to you.
 Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on you, and describe that
 Describe a character in fiction, an historical figure, or a creative work (as in art, music, science,
etc.) that has had an influence on you, and explain that influence.
 A range of academic interests, personal perspectives, and life experiences adds
much to the educational mix. Given your personal background, describe an
experience that illustrates what you would bring to the diversity in a college
community, or an encounter that demonstrated the importance of diversity to you.
 Topic of your choice.
SUNY Binghamton
Choose one:
 Life is a process that challenges us to respond, grow, and change. Select an experience or event that
has challenged you this past year and describe its impact on you.
 We learn who we are through relationships with others. Write about an individual who has had a
significant influence on you.
 We are a global community. Choose a national or international issue and describe its importance to
 Write on a topic of your choice.
SUNY Oneonta
Choose one:
 Describe what sets you apart from the other College at Oneonta applicants.
 If there are any special circumstances or personal experiences that you would like us to consider
because they have affected your academic achievement, please explain.
Villanova University
At Villanova we believe than an educational experience should transform hearts and minds. Please explain
why you seek to become a part of the Villanova community and the reason(s) behind your choice of
academic major.
Emerson College
Applicant must complete both:
1. As you know, majors at Emerson College are focused on communication and the arts. Please tell us
what influenced you to select your first choice major and, if applicable, your second choice major. If
you're undecided about your major, what attracted you to Emerson's programs? Please be brief (100200 words)
2. We understand that the college application process often feels stressful, when it should be an
opportunity for self-reflection. Stop worrying for a minute and have fun with this response. Much of
the work that students do at Emerson College is a form of storytelling. If you were to write the story
of your life until now, what would you title it? Why? Please be brief (100-200 words)
New York University
1. New York City is an essential element of academic and cultural life at NYU. If you could start a club or
service organization at NYU, what would it be and how would you envision it impacting the larger
Harvard University
1. Choice of essay from the Common Application
2. Supplemental essay (optional):
 Unusual circumstances in your life
 Travel or living experiences in other countries
 Books that have affected you the most
 An academic experience (course, project, paper, or research topic) that has meant the most to you
 A list of the books you have read during the past twelve months
Other Questions:
 What would you do if you were given a year to spend any way you wish?
[Name of university] is a vibrant community of people with a wide variety of backgrounds and
experiences. How would you contribute to such an experience? Consider variables such as your
talents, travels, leadership activities, volunteer services, and cultural experiences.
“People seek a challenge just as fire seeks to flame.” –Chinese Proverb. Describe a time in your
life when you set out to challenge yourself—academically, emotionally, or otherwise. How did
you benefit from the experience? What did you learn about yourself?
Respond to the following, using whatever space and medium you like: If you could plan a day’s
adventure—starting from your home and spending only around $10 (or €8, or ¥1,068, or Rs 435,
etc.)—where would you go, what would you do, and whom would you take with you?
By this point in your academic career you have taken a variety of courses, each with its own
distinguishing characteristics. Which one has had the most influence on your interests and goals for
the future and why?
Select one of the following: 1) literature & the arts, 2) politics & business, 3) science and technology.
Discuss one specific aspect of its importance (including benefits and problems) in today’s global
society, and describe how it has impacted your generation.
If you had the opportunity to have a conversation with a significant contemporary or historical figure,
whom would you choose? What would you say to that person and explain your reasoning.
In your opinion, what is the greatest challenge your generation will face? What are your ideas on
solving this challenge?
Please submit page 147 from the autobiography that you might write in 25 years. Your approach to
this somewhat unconventional question is entirely up to you, so feel free to be creative and provide us
some insight into your personality, as well as your
thinking and writing styles.